Requested Imagine: General Hux Part 1

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Requested imagine/preference by: DancingGeronimo45

No hate for choosing Hux please I think he is a great character. And because there hasn't been a imagine or preference about Hux yet. And DancingGeronimo45 did say I could choose who I wanted so please no hate or anything.

Reader background: Y/N is the younger sister of Poe but were separated at 13 years old. She was found by Supreme Leader Snoke and taken in to train with Kylo Ren.  She met General Hux and the two formed a instant friendship. They became best friends and Hux took her on a date and they become a couple.

Word Count: 1170

Warning: None just Hux being cute and romantic

*Reader Pov*

I awoke to a knock on my door and I groaned in annoyance. I hope to god whoever it was better have a good damn reason for waking me up. I walked to the door and pressed the button opening it "Piss off I swear--" I looked up and saw Hux standing there smirking "Or what?" he chuckled and crossed his arms. I smile and hug him he hugs back "Supreme leader would like to have a word with, Kylo, myself and you." he spoke I nodded and went back to my room to change Hux stood outside and waited for me. I came back and we walked talking about anything that came into mind. Hux and I are best friends ever since I met him when Kylo and I started training with Supreme leader we had a connection. We entered the large dark room as we bowed to Supreme leader "Supreme leader Snoke" I speak and smile he bows his head "Miss Y/N I trust you were informed of the meeting" he nods to Hux I nod in response and turn to see Kylo enter "Supreme leader" he bows his head "Y/N, General" he motions to us we reply with a "Kylo and Commander Ren" in response.  Snoke informed us that has been an awakening in the Force and the map of Luke Skywalker had been found. He ordered us to go to Jakku to retrieve the map and bring it back to locate Skywalker. We all bow and leave Kylo speaks up "Y/N you and I will go to Jakku. General I trust you know what to do while we are gone" he looks to Hux, Hux nods and moves to the control room.


Kylo and I paced around the planet as we asked repeatedly where the map to Luke Skywalker was. No-one stood up to us and speak, until a old man was brought forward the storm troopers told us he had the map but he no longer had it in possession. Kylo grew angry and killed the old man, I know it harsh but has to be done. We heard a yell and Kylo whipped around and stop the blaster shot right before him and paralyzed the man who shot the blaster. He stood still and looked at me I squinted my eyes and walked over and put my hand out to Kylo "Just wait a minute" I speak, he nods and stands watching me. "Who are you" I tilt my head. I felt something in the force while I stood in front of the stranger, he swallows "Poe...Poe Dameron" he speaks struggling to speak I widen my eyes and blinked "You can't be..." I whisper and look down. He looks me in the eyes "Y/N...sis is that you, oh my god it is you. Why? Y/N why?" he pleaded lowly so only we could hear I looked back and kick his legs and made him kneel "Where is the map to Luke Skywalker" I growl he looks up and narrows his brows and shakes his head "I won't tell you either of you!" he yells I turned to Kylo he nods and I wave my hand over his head and he falls unconscious. 

*Back at Star Killer Base*

After we returned with the prisoner I let Kylo interrogate him, whilst I went to my quarters. I sat on my bed and fell backwards lying flat on the silk covers. I breathe out and close my eyes and hear the door open and shut. I felt someone lay beside me and I open my eyes and turned to see Hux looking at me love and adoration swimming in his eyes. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear "Come on a date with me?" he asks sitting up and leaning on his elbow. I move my head and smile and nod "Sure I would love to go on a date with you" I giggle and stand up. He does also "Okay meet me at the observing room in a hour okay" he kisses my cheek and walks out winking at me. I lock the door and go to freshen up I hop in the shower and moan at the warm water hitting my body, I shampooed my hair and hopped out wrapping a towel around me and dried my hair. I notice a blue dress hanging with a little note beside it "I know you love blue so I found you a blue dress. I will see you at our date with love. Hux xx"  I blush and smile "Oh Hux you know me so well" and put on the dress and applied some make-up you know eyeshadow, eye-liner, lipstick and foundation I had specifically always asked for powder it is some much easier to get off than liquid. I applied some perfume and brushed and blow-dried my hair and curled it a little and exited my bathroom putting on my shoes and exiting my quarters.

*The date*

I was so nervous my palms began to sweat as I neared the observation room and breathed in and out

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I was so nervous my palms began to sweat as I neared the observation room and breathed in and out. I walked in and saw a blanket and food set out a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, I jumped a little and felt a chin touch my shoulder "Hello beautiful" Hux whispers huskily I giggle and turn and my eyes widen. He looks so much different in a suit and not in his usual uniform and his hair I never thought it was so long I love it so much "Well don't you look very handsome the evening General Hux" I speak and kiss his cheek. He blushes a little and we sit down on the blanket and began eating. After a while we were laughing as we told embarrassing memories we had when we little. And we began to dance until he lost his footing and we tumbled down and I landed on top of him.

"You did that on purpose" I laugh he smirks "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't" he looks me in the eyes and then to my lips and back to my eyes and leans in to kiss me, I lean down also and our lips meet he rolled us over and began to kiss a little more passionately. We pull away and smile like children and put our foreheads together "Will you be mine Y/N?" Hux whispers I nod and smile "Of course I will love" and kiss him again.

DancingGeronimo45 I hope this was to your approval if you want anything changed let me know okay. :) xx

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