Kylo Ren and General Hux Imagine #1 Part 2: General Hux

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Imagine: Hux your boyfriend getting jealous of Kylo

H/L= Hair Length
E/C= Eye Color
H/C= Hair Color

*These imagines are like the Han and Luke one expect you don't have to choose one. They are already chosen for you, you can either read both or just one up to you :)*

Word Count: 676


You were in the training room with Kylo practicing with your new lightsaber. He lunged at you as you blocked the blow perfectly and you smiled in victory he nodded "Great Y/N now do that again that was perfect" Kylo encouraged and did the same again as you blocked him. He stopped and stood up straight his raven black hair clinging to his forehead as his sweaty hair was flicked out of his eyes as he looked upon you as you swung your saber around. He had always had feelings for you, but unfortunately he was to late because Hux had claimed your heart.

You had always though Kylo was handsome and quite the flirt when he wanted to be you had always seen the nicer side of him than the angry side of him. He was different around you and you liked it, it made you feel like you are like a calming object to relax people. Which you were and to say the least Hux hated it when Kylo would always look at you and flirt with you he would always get jealous and you found it cute. But you knew one day Hux was going to lose it completely the thought scared you a little bit if anything seeing Hux angry is more terrifying than seeing Kylo angry.

You panted and laid on the floor as you looked at the black starry ceiling and you were joined by Kylo, you smiled at him and looked back up. You sighed and closed your eyes "Y/N...what do you honestly see in Hux?" Kylo asked you, you opened your eyes "Well for starters he is amazing I mean he listens to me, he is honest and he is actually quite the charming and respectable man" you say dreamily as you think about Hux.

Kylo pouted and leant on one arm "Y/N...if you and Hux ever like you know had a falling out...would you consider me next?" Kylo asked you and raked his fingers through your h/l h/c and stared into your e/c eyes. He smiled and you smiled back "I don't know I mean I really love Hux, Kylo I wouldn't want to lose him" you say in all honesty Kylo nodded and smiled "I understand just know I am always here for you and I love you always" he kissed your cheek, unaware that Hux witnessed the kiss. He was angered to the max that is it he had enough of Kylo hitting on you.

"Ren! Back away from her now!" Hux yelled you both shot up and you closed your eyes and ran up to him "It is fine, it was a kiss on the cheek it was nothing to bad. It was harmless please Hux don't make it a big deal." you pleaded him, he looked down to you and held your face "I am tired of him flirting with you and trying seduce you Y/N" Hux growled and looked to Kylo "If I catch you near her again I will take you to Supreme Leader" Hux threatened and picked you up and swung you over his shoulder "Hux!" you shrieked and yelled a 'Sorry Kylo I will continue training another time' he laughed and wished you luck.

As Hux entered your shared quarters he threw you on the bed and kissed you roughly and pulled yours and his clothes off and made sure everyone knew who you belonged to, Kylo smirked as he walked by and shook his head 'Jealous Hux is funny Hux' he said to himself.

The next morning Hux told you to stay in bed for the day as your legs were sore from the night before. You smiled at the memory and waited for Hux to come back for round 2.

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