Chapter 1

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Giselle's POV

I don't even know who I am anymore.

It's like I lost myself somewhere along the way. 

I have two siblings. An older brother and a younger brother. I'm the only girl and mid child. My older brother moved away. He always got what he wanted. When he moved away Michael, my dad, started treating me and my little brother like shit. Being the mid child is harder than you think. You get the least attention. The only attention I get is when I do something wrong, never when I do something right. It pisses me the fuck off because Michael never gives me a single chance to prove myself right. 

No one cares.

No one gives a flying fuck about me.

They act as if I were invisible. 

I don't want any advice. I just want to talk to someone who understands my problems. That's all I want. 

I'm walking home alone. School just finished. I hate that place. It's a living hell. I have no friends. None. I'm the outcast. I don't understand what's so bad about being yourself? I never understood people at my school. I guess it's because I wasn't like them. I'm not the type of girl that likes skirts, dresses, high heels, and cute girly things or whatever girly girls do. I'm more of a laid back person. I don't like showing skin at all. I'll always have pants, sweats, long sleeved shirts, or hoodies on. 

One of the reasons I don't like showing skin is because of my cuts and bruises. 

No matter how many scars I have, no matter how many cuts I make... It will never be enough.

I pull my sleeves down and grip them with my fingers so my hands are hiding. I cover my head with my hoodie as it started to rain. I walk faster going towards my driveway. I quietly twist the doorknob, open the door, and shuffle my way down the hall. Suddenly, I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my neck. A cold blade makes its way to my throat. 

"You're late! You know I don't like it when you're late! You need to get punished," Michael gritted through his teeth. I could hardly speak. No oxygen was going in my lungs. He snaked his arms around my shoulder. In a quick and small move he ran the blade across my throat making a deep cut. He then let go of me. I was gasping for air. I was becoming dizzy and my eyesight became fuzzy and next thing you know, I faint. 

I woke up in the dumpster. I was covered in bruises. My body was aching. I was in excruciating pain. Michael probably raped me. This isn't the first time though. He does this around four times a week. He threatens me and tells me that if I ever tell anyone he'll kill me and my little brother. Michael takes me to prostitution houses and tells me to have sexual relations with random men so he can have money for his drugs and alcohol. They tie me up in a chair and force me to do things I don't want to. They rub their hands all over my body making me shake. They get in between my legs and squeeze my thighs. I try so hard to resist, but it's useless because I'm tied up. 

I knock on my door so Michael could let me in, but he doesn't. 

"Michael let me in!" I try to get passed him, but he grasps my arm. 

"No! You're sleeping outside tonight since you have better things to be doing instead of coming home early you bitch!" He shoves me out the door making me fall on the steps and scrape my arm on the concrete. He goes inside and slams the door shut.

I slowly get on my feet trying to hold my balance. I walk around the house trying to find a way to sneak in. Sounds weird right? I'm trying to sneak in my house instead of sneaking out? I see a garbage can on the lawn and pick it up. I place it under a window where the living room is because that's the only window that was open. I climb up trying to get over the window and hold on to dear life, but I can't. Instead I get down and look for something more useful to use so I could get in. I see a tire next to a box of tools. I roll it over to where the trash can was and set it underneath the can. I then carefully got on top of it and attempted to climb one more time. I reach for the window frame and pull myself up. I finally get in and I try to go to my room. Michael was talking on the phone in the kitchen. He would for sure see me walking past! I wait until he turns around and take my chance to walk by. I run to my room and lock the door. I quickly search for my backpack and then go to my wardrobe and stuff my bag with everything that could fit. I suddenly heard a knock and completely freaked out. I didn't know what to do, but jump out the window. I quickly opened the window and threw my backpack outside. I climbed over, but it was too late. The door opened and the lights turned on. There stood a small wimpy boy about the age of 9. It was my little brother Israel.

"Giselle? Where are you going?" 

"Oh, Izzy, I'm so glad to see you. Okay, what I'm about to tell you is really important, okay?" He nodded in agreement. "Okay, I'm running away. I'm going to go look for help so that Michael will stop treating us like this and won't bother us anymore. Do you understand?" He nodded again. "I want you to be a fighter. Be as strong as you can. I'll be back, I promise." I kissed him goodbye and started walking towards the window.

"Wait, Giselle!" He said running to his room and coming back with an envelope. "Here take this. It's money, it'll help you with food. I was saving it for something special, but this is more important." He handed me the money and hugged me tight. 

"Take care little one. Remember we are fighters. And we will always be." He saluted me, I saluted back. Then I was gone.

Edited: 4/14/14

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