Chapter 57

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Giselle's POV 

"Tomorrow's Louis' football game," I informed Niall as he grabbed a paintbrush from a bucket and dipped it in red paint. We both decided to finish painting and decorating my room today since we both didn't have anything else to do. 

"Right, are you going to stay and catch up with El?" He asked, painting the spots I missed on the wall. I had totally forgotten about making plans with El this weekend and I actually feel bad about it because she told me she was excited to catch up with me. 

"I forgot about that!" I gasped. Niall just shook his head and laughed. 

"You forget about everything anyway," Niall stated and kept dabbing the brush at the wall. I, of course, got offended. 

"Do not!" I defended. 

"Do too! Might as well call ya Dory!" Niall rambled on. I laughed at this, because we all know that it's true. I do forget about everything. 

"Whatever," I give in and roll my eyes. 

"Sassy, I like it," Niall smirked. I decided to keep being sassy and flicked my hair off my shoulder. We both laughed at this. We got interrupted by knocking on the door. Niall and I turned our heads to the direction of the noise and found Harry standing there awkwardly, leaning against the door frame. 

"Erm, Mum says if you guys are hungry you can go down for lunch now," he shrugged then left.

I put the paintbrush down and rubbed my dirty hands on my jeans. I let out a puff of hair, causing the strands of hair in front of my face to float for a couple seconds before falling back in its place. Niall came over and pushed the strands of hair behind my ear. I gave him a weak smile before planting a kiss on his lips. 

"Let's go wash our hands so we can eat!" I said, before brushing past him and running towards the bathroom. "Race you there!" 

"That's not fair!" Niall grumbled. I laughed and proceeded to wash my hands. 

"Yum! You guys brought Subway!" I cheered, taking my seat in front of Harry and Izzy. Niall sat by me and Anne and Gemma sat on either side of us. 

"Yeah, so Giselle, I saw the envelope from the uni you got accepted to. Congrats!" Anne cheered. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. 

"Yeah, um... thanks," I said to Anne giving her a small smile. I knew that she was actually proud of me, but talking about getting accepted to a university that Niall still hasn't heard about made me kind of nervous and uncomfortable. I know Niall wouldn't say a thing about it, but I knew it affected him since he had actually tried to get this far. I decided to end the uni conversation and talk about something else, so I ended up saying whatever came to my mind first. 

"I saw Damien at the store yesterday," I said quickly without thinking twice about what I had just said. Izzy's head snapped up and he dropped his fork making a clink sound erupt from the plate. 

"What?" Izzy breathed out. "What did he say?" I sighed, knowing that I couldn't get out of this conversation like I had with the other one. 

"He um, he said he was sorry for what he did and... he didn't know what had happened to us, so I um... I told him," I said nervously. It was one thing talking to my older brother about what had happened, but another when I was talking to my little brother about it. The difference was that Damien didn't care and Izzy did. 

"Did you forgive him?" Izzy gripped the knife in his hand. I glanced at his hand and gulped. Hopefully he wouldn't freak out and start stabbing everyone around him.

"No. Of course not! How could I? After for what he did?" I asked. I wouldn't even think about forgiving that douche for even a split second. I shook my head. Izzy released his harsh grip from the knife and started poking his food with it. 

"I think you should have," Izzy mumbled. Everyone's eyes were on me. I had forgotten that everyone was listening to the conversation I was having about our brother. I'm not sure if Anne knew we had a brother and what he did to us, but if she didn't than I'm sure she must be completely lost and confused. 

"What? Why?!" I asked, not believing what he had said. I must be hearing things, because obviously I'm not hearing clearly.

"Yeah. I mean you make mistakes, but I forgive you all the time," Izzy shrugged. I hated that Izzy was as smart as he was. Right now I feel like complete and utter shit. 

"But I didn't make a mistake as big as him!" I defended. Izzy didn't even look up he just kept talking. 

"Doesn't matter how big your mistake is. A mistake is a mistake and you have to forget that people make them. Even if they make them all the time," Izzy said, finally looking up. I couldn't contain the redness from my cheeks. I was so embarrassed at this point. I was getting told by my own brother. My younger brother. 

"Uh, yeah. Um... I'm not that hungry anymore. Thanks anyways, Anne," I said picking up my plate and walking over to the island and set it down. I put my head in my hands and sighed. I finally rushed out of the kitchen and into my room. 

I sighed and collapsed on my bed. It has seriously been the longest week ever. I just want to be able to relax even if it's just for a minute. 

"Hey," Niall whispered and came to sit next to me on the bed. "Why'd you run off?" he asked. I groaned. 

"I was embarrassed," I said covering my face with my hands. "Do you think Izzy has a point?" My voice came out muffled because my head was buried in my hands. 

"Well, I think that he has a right to see his brother if he wants to," Niall shrugged. I finally sat up next to him. 

"I know. I just... I'm scared that Damien will do it all over again. I just don't want it to happen to Izzy again. He had a rough time accepting it," I mumbled. Niall placed his hand on my thigh and began stroking it with his thumb. 

"Giselle, I know it's hard. I get it. I've had trust issues before too, but I think Izzy knows what he wants now," he said searching for my eyes. 

"I'm scared," I whispered finally looking into his beautiful eyes. 

"I know," was all he said before placing a small kiss on my forehead and leaving the room.

I got out the slip of paper that Niall had given me and reached for my phone on the nightstand. I hesitantly started tapping in the number. I stared at the number on my screen before tapping the green call option. I nervously waited, biting at my fingernails. It was a habit. I waited a few more rings until he answered.

"Hello?" his deep voice boomed through the speaker. I inhaled a deep breath. 

"Yeah, Damien? Izzy wants to see you."

A/N: I KNOW THIS IS SO CRAPPY BUT I'M GOING TO VEGAS TOMORROW AND HAVE BEEN PACKING ALL DAY SO THIS IS ALL I COULD GIVE TO YOU. This is also a filler chapter, so nothing interesting happened here, sorry. I know I suck. Cut me some slack! So, because I'm going to be in Vegas for 4 days I won't be updating until next week, but I didn't want to leave without telling you guys first and leaving this chapter with you so yeah thanks for reading! Love you! -A xoxo

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