Chapter 4

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Giselle's POV

I opened the door to my room and skipped over to the bed. I plopped down making the mattress sink. I sighed and then smiled. I don't know what it was about Niall that made me smile so much. I've never been this happy in my life. I guess because he's the only friend I've ever had.

I still had a lot of time until Niall would pick me up to go to his room. So, I decided to watch TV and see what was on. I surfed through the channels and stopped when something caught my eye.

It was Michael talking about me. Apparently he called the cops after he found out that I ran away.

"She just ran away. I don't know why. I looked all over the place, but she was gone. Listen Giselle, baby, if you're out there watching this right now... please come home. We miss you so much. Please."

That was the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. I can't believe they would believe a story like that. He called the cops, so I knew they would come pick me up soon. I turned off the TV and took a nap.

I woke up around 6:30 P.M. and started to get ready. I straightened my hair and put on a pair of leggings and an oversized hoodie. That was about the nicest thing I packed. I didn't wear makeup so I didn't even bother putting some on. I grabbed my hair and styled it into a fish tail braid. I heard a knock a few minutes later. I looked through the peep hole and opened the door, it was Niall.

"You're late."

"Well, I did have to park my car pretty far away since there was no parking," he said. I giggled.

"You're silly."

"And you're dressed pretty comfortably," he said confused.

"It's the only clothes I had that were nice enough to wear." He nodded.

"No makeup?"

"Ugh, hate it." He smiled.

"That's good to know. Natural. Interesting." I looked at him funny. I grabbed my room key.

"Should we get going?"

"Yeah, of course!"

We went into an elevator and he pressed a button that read the number 5.

"Fifth floor huh?"

"Yeah, it's nice and quiet up here."

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. We walked a few doors down and ended up stopping at one that read "513." Niall swiped the key and held the door open for me.

"Welcome to Casa de Niall!" He said.

"Oh, so you speak Spanish too?" I said laughing.

"I took a course when I was in preparatory school." I nodded and thanked him for opening the door.

His room was very nice and decorative. Red bed sheets. Red curtains. Red lamps. Red, red, red. I didn't mind it though. Besides, red was my favorite color.

"You really like room decor, don't you?" He shrugged.

"Well, once you spend years here waiting for someone to take you and they don't... you kind of get over the fact that no ones is going to take you. So, I just decided to make it feel like home, you know? Like my own special place."

"How long have you been here?"

"For at least three years."

"Does that mean I'll be here that long?"

"Depends. I doubt it, though. But if you do, you have me," he said giving me half a smile. I smiled in return. There was an awkward silence between us. He went to a bookcase and got some movies out.

"Okay, I have Titanic, Rocky, Final Destination, and Safe Haven. Which one?"


"Wow, I'm surprised! Most girls would pick Safe Haven."

"Well I'm not like most girls, am I?" He smirked and shook his head while putting the disc into the DVD player.

"Hey love, you want some popcorn? I can go pop some for us if you'd like?" I asked going into the kitchen.

"Yes that would be nice. Thank you, darling," he replied. I blushed at that comment.

I put the popcorn in the microwave and watched as each one of them popped. After the microwave beeped I poured them in a big bowl. I threw one in my mouth. Extra butter, my favorite. The whole room smelled like popcorn. I passed the bowl to Niall and sat by him. I hugged a pillow and covered myself with the blanket he had gotten for us. Each minute that passed I inched closer and closer to Niall, frightened. He held me close making sure I was fine every so often. When the movie ended I finally realized how close I was to Niall. My head was resting on his chest and my arms were around his waist. His arms around my shoulder and his head resting on the top of mine. I awkwardly let go of him blushing at the same time.

"That was an intense movie now wasn't it?" He said smiling.

"Sure was!" His smile slowly fading away. I followed his eyes to see what he was looking at. I quickly pulled my sleeves down. He took my arms and pulled my sleeves back up. I flinched as some of the cuts were still fresh. He shook his head as a tear rolled down his face. I turned away as some tears were falling from mine too. I pulled my sleeves back down and stood up.

"I think I should go. Look, thanks for everything." I could hardly speak.

"Wait Giselle!" He said as he grabbed my arms. I flinched again since he was squeezing so hard.

"Ow ow ow!"

"Sorry! I'm sorry! Giselle... why didn't you tell me about this?" He asked, his eyes watery.

"Because, I barely met you today! I wasn't ready yet. I had to get to know you first. To see if you were trustworthy," I explained.

He pulled my sleeves back up and started kissing every scar and bruise there was.

"You're beautiful. I'm sorry you had to go through this for so long. But I'm here now. You don't have to do this alone." He pulled me in for a hug before whispering, "I'll always be here."

Edited: 4/14/14

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