Chapter 43

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Giselle's POV 

I decided to make Ashton and Michael breakfast in the morning. I got some breakfast burritos that were sitting in the freezer and threw them in the microwave so they could cook. I wasn't really going for a big breakfast today because Niall wanted to take me out somewhere, and even though it might not be a restaurant I know he's going to want to eat during our date. That kid can eat an entire cow. I cut some fresh fruit and placed them in small bowls. Then, I got some Greek yogurt out of the fridge, some granola from the food pantry, and mixed all them together in the small bowls. 

"Do I smell burritos?" Michael asked, yawning and stretching out his arms in the air. 

"Yes, here you go," I smiled and passed him the small plate that held the burrito. 

"Thank you," He eagerly took the plate and sat down on the small dining table.

"No problem, where's Ashton?" I asked, now curious as to what he might be doing.

"He's taking a shower," He shrugged and took a bite out of the burrito.

"You know, you and my dad have the same name," I said. I mentally cringed at the sound of his name escaping from my lips. When I speak of Michael, my friend, it's okay, but when I speak of the other douche bag, everything's different.

"Why do you say it like that?" Michael asked, scrunching his eyebrows together.

"Like what?" I blink a few times.

"You say it like you hate him," He laughs.

"Well, I do," I reply honestly and shrug. Michael stops chewing for a second, but then starts to chew again and nods slowly.

"May I ask why?" Michael asks.

"Really long story, but I'll make it short for you. Before the adoption and everything he would hit my mom. My mom died and then he started hitting me. He got addicted to drugs and alcohol and would use me to get money for him," I let out. It's not the entire truth, but it was some of it. I mean, I didn't lie to him. I just told him the smaller parts. A condensed version of my story. 

"What do you mean used you?" Michael asked. He's so confused and I can tell by his face. 

"He would force me to do things with other men that I didn't want to do. Sometimes, he would even make me do things with him," I sigh. I looked over at Michael and he looked lost in his thoughts. Then everything seemed to click. He looked at me with sympathy written all over his face. "I'm okay now, but the memory is still engraved in my mind. He was sent to prison for quite a while if you ask me," I laugh to make the mood lighter. He gulps down the remains of his burrito and stands up taking his plate to the sink.

"That's good. He deserves it," He says, rinsing his dishes and then drying them.

"Yeah, what are you going to do today? I asked, changing the subject.

"We're going to the mall to do another gig again," He smiles. "What about you?"

"I'm going on a date with Niall," I reply shyly. I try to hide the small smile that's creeping in, but I can't seem to hide it. 

"Ohhhhhh I see," Michael gives me a wink. "You know Ash really fancied you. He like would never stop talking about you after he met you at the mall," He laughed. "Calum would mock with all the time!" He finished off.

"No he did not!" Ashton defended. He walked down the stairs. He was shirtless and only wearing his pajama pants. He was rubbing his head with a towel. His hair was met and messy, he can totally pull off that look. It looks really good on him. "Don't believe anything he tells you," Ashton said, rolling his eyes and picking up the plate with the burrito on it.

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