Chapter 9

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Giselle's POV

I rolled over to look at Niall. He had a smile plastered on his face, but it faded away when he realized what he had just said. He likes me? He actually likes me? This can't be true. He can't possibly like a girl like me. I mean look at me. I'm all rags and no dresses.

"I-I'm sorry I shouln't have said that you probably don't even–" I decided to cut him off. 

"No, I do like you." His smile soon appeared again. "But what I don't get is why you like me. I mean I'm nothing special. I can't imagine someone getting butterflies when they talk to me. I can't imagine making someone's day by just smiling. I can't imagine thinking about me before I go to bed. I can't imagine making someone's heart melt just by laughing. I just can't imagine someone liking me," I said looking away.

"Well, you better imagine it now princess because it happens all the time to me." I turned up to look at him. He was smiling. I never really noticed, but his eyes were extremely beautiful. I knew they were blue but this time they seemed to sparkle more. I smiled back at him. I saw him glance at my lips and then to my eyes again asking for permission. I did the same and soon enough we were both leaning in. Once our lips connected I felt sparks fly. I placed my left hand on his chest and my right on the back of his neck. His arms found their way around my waist and pulled me in closer closing the gap in between us. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I slightly opened my mouth enough so his tongue could slip inside. He gently played with my tongue and soon the sparks that I once had turned into a fire. We broke the kiss and gasped for air. He started laughing for no apparent reason.

"What are you laughing at? Oh my god, I'm a bad kisser aren't I?" I said already regretting that I kissed him.

"No, no, no. It's just... I never thought you liked me and you never thought I liked you and then this happened," he explained, gesturing his hands between us. 

"Yeah, I know. It's been pretty crazy these past few days," I sigh. 

"Yeah, when do your new friends want us to go their room?" He asked. I checked the time. It was 5:27 P.M.

"Holy shit! They want us there at six!"

"What time is it?" He asked getting up on his feet.

"It's almost five thirty!"

"What?! I'm not ready yet!"

"I know, that's why you have to hurry and get ready!" He nodded and quickly took off his shirt and sweats revealing his toned muscles. He looked at me with a smirk. He put on a v-neck striped shirt along with some jeans and trainers.

"Well? Don't just stand there, help me!" He said pointing to his hair with his index finger.

"Oh, right, sorry." I dampened his hair and grabbed the nearest comb and started styling his hair. I grabbed a hair dryer he had in his bathroom and started forming his hair into a quiff. I did a couple touch-ups until I was officially finished.

"All done!" He looked away from his phone and up to the mirror to look at himself. I smile creeped upon his face.

"Wicked! How'd you do that?" He said in amazement.

"I took some courses with cosmetology when I was in preparatory school."

"Well it turned out great! Thanks," he said touching a few pieces of hair.

"No problem! We should get going or else we're going to be late," I said taking out a piece of paper with Liam's room number on it. "His room number is 147." He nodded and we headed out the door.

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