Chapter 34

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Niall's POV

I've really messed it up this time. For good. I can't help, but feel guilty for all of this. First, I made a big deal about not telling me about the adoption, then she cries, thinks a someone is following her, breaks her arm, invites me to her going away party but then I ditch her, she comes back to me to apologize for nothing she did, then sees me here with Lucy, she wants to cry but she stays strong, then I tell her some messed up thing that I didn't mean and mess everything up even more. I honestly don't even know why I invited her over. I guess I was too pissed off that I wasn't thinking clearly and the first thing that popped into my mind to make her jealous was Lucy. I shouldn't feel bad for myself, but I do. I feel bad for myself because I just lost the most amazing girl. I'll never find someone like her. No one could replace her. She leaves tomorrow and I have to try to get her back by then. I don't know when she's leaving, but I'll be right there... waiting outside her door to beg her to take me back. I know we weren't together, but I also know that it hurt her so fucking much when she saw Lucy. The thought of making her cry because I defended Lucy and then pretty much called Giselle a slut because she's slept with more guys makes me want to kill myself. I know it wasn't her fault, she got raped. If only we could rewind time and do it all over again. Lucy is still here and I don't know why.

"Go," I tell her. She just looks at me and gives me a sheepish smile. "Go! Now!" I yell at her more harshly this time. She pouts.

"Why? Weren't you having fun?" She's still pouting and bats her eyelashes. 

"No. Get out," I say, bluntly. 

"But Niall!" She whines and touches my shoulder. "We can have fun," She whispers in my ear. 

"I said no! Now get the fuck out!" I yell in her face, causing her to flinch backwards. I hate scaring people with my anger, but this had to be done. She angrily grabs her jacket and shoves past me. Opens the door then slams it behind her. Thank God she's finally out. 

I look over at the clock and groan at the time, 9:13 pm. I make my way over to the shower so I could take things off my mind. 

Tomorrow is going to be a long day. I have to get her back whatever it takes.

Giselle's POV

My alarm goes off at 7 am. I groan at the thought of waking up this early in the morning. I'm just glad that I don't have to wake up early every day like this after I start college. I'll just take afternoon classes. The first thing I do is eat. I'm starving and so is Izzy. We eat corn flakes with oats and strawberries. After I eat, I go and take a shower to look presentable to our new foster family. I'm so nervous about this. I hop out of the shower and Izzy hops in. I change into some clean clothes and then brush my teeth. I pack up the remains of the clothes. I washed all our clothes yesterday so we shouldn't have a problem with having clean clothes for at least two weeks. I fold all our clothes into our suitcases until I see something poking out from under the bed. I groan and reach under the bed to grab it. It's probably one of Izzy's jacket, but when I grab it I notice that it's slightly bigger than Izzy's clothes. Well maybe a lot bigger. I flip it over and notice that it's Niall's. He probably left it when he came over a few weeks ago, when we were talking. I bring the hoodie up to my nose and inhale his familiar smell. God, am I going to miss this delightful scent. Maybe he won't mind if I keep it? He has a lot anyway. I put it to the side with the rest of my stuff and pack all of Izzy's belongings as well. He gets out of the shower and cleans himself up. I style his hair and then we inspect the room to see if there is anything left that we might forget. When there is nothing else in the room it's 9 am. I go to the balcony for the last time to look at the view when the bell rings. Probably the room keepers kicking me out of the room.

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