Chapter 29

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Giselle's POV

I saw as Officer Brumley pushed the door of the small coffee shop open so that he could exit the building. I let out a heavy sigh and sink into my chair. I was barely getting used to the idea of waking up in my own bed, better than that, waking up in my room. I guess the so called 'room' was more of like an apartment. A very small apartment though. I have to tell Izzy the news. I'm sure he'll be happy that we'll finally have a stable home, at least I hope so. 

I walk out the doors and make my way to the department. I bring my cup near my lips and let the warm air hit my face then take a small sip. I look down at my feet and keep walking. I hear my shoes thumping on the ground. I keep walking until I feel my body being pushed down by someone. I fall to the ground and hit my head on the concrete. I rub my head to ease the pain.

"Ow? Damn it! Watch where you're going!" I yell, irritated. I brush the dirt off my knees and gather all of my things to stand up. A hand makes its way down to my height. I shake my head and get up without any help.

"Sorry Giselle, I didn't see you there," A familiar voice says. I look up to see Zayn. His hair is gelled back and he's wearing a tank top with some khaki cargo shorts. I close my mouth not even realizing it was slightly open. I shake the thoughts out of my head. 

"Uhh um, yeah. No I'm sorry for getting pissed at you," I say apologetically. He smirks.

"It's alright, where you heading?" He asks, looking down at my coffee cup.

"Oh I just came to get some coffee with Officer Brumley and I was just heading back to the department," I say, shrugging.

"Officer Brumley? Why?" He knitted his eyebrows together in bewilderment.

"Oh, um... I don't know if I should..." I stop myself from talking any further and then press my lips in a thing line. I try to avoid eye contact.

"C'mon you know that I won't tell anyone. You can trust me," He says. I look around me to see if anyone is around as if someone is going to hear me. I don't know why I'm making this such a big deal. I mean, what's so big about getting adopted? It's not like anyone around me is going to care. No one ever does. I bite my lip and contemplate whether or not I should tell him about Izzy and I getting adopted, but I choose tell him. He's going to find out one way or another right?

"Well?" Zayn pushes.

"Well... He told me that a lady named Anne came in the other day and wanted to adopt someone so..." I pause. "So she's adopting Izzy and I," The words come gushing out of my mouth. 

"What? That's insane this is great!" He says raising his eyebrows.

"Great?... How?" I say, not catching on what he's saying.

"Well one you're getting adopted. Do you know how hard it is to get adopted at your age? Most people want a baby to start with. I have no idea why though. Do they really want to go through the struggle of toddlers? Toddlers are the worst!" He says.

"Um, you're kind of getting off topic," I say, giggling to myself. 

"Right right. Umm where was I? Oh! Secondly, you're going to be part of a family! I've always wanted to be part of a family, even if it was temporary you know?" I feel a bit guilty and selfish. Here I am not wanting to go with a new family when there is someone like Zayn who has been wanting one forever. He should be the one getting adopted not me. I don't deserve it. I'm a selfish bitch. I shouldn't be taking things for granted. "Have you told Niall yet?" He asks me.

"No not exactly. I haven't even told Izzy about it," I say, taking another sip of my coffee.

"Well, you better tell them soon! When are you leaving?" He asks. 

"In a week or so," I say, keeping my straight face.

"Wow, that early?" He asks in disbelief. I let out a deep sigh.

"Yup. I don't know what I'm going to do," I say, biting my cheek. A habit I have when I'm nervous.

"What do you mean?" Zayn says, still walking by my side.

"You know with Niall and everything. I was barely getting used to being with him and the department and all," I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh I see, yeah it's going to be a toughie," He says, smiling to himself.

"A toughie? Who says that?!" I laugh, smacking his arm lightly. Whoa, he has some buff arms. 

"Okay okay, stop with the banter," He says, chuckling. We enter the department.

"Well, I better go with Izzy. I left him alone in my room," I say, frowning.

"Well, let's hope he didn't make a mess," He says, laughing.

"Fingers crossed," I say, holding up my finger to show them they're crossed.

"Okay well I'll let you get to Izzy before something does happen," He says, pointing to the elevator. "I'll see you later?" He asks.

"Yeah, thanks for the walk," I say, smiling.

"Yeah no problem. Bye," He says, giving me an encouraging smile.

"Bye," I give him a small wave and get into the elevator and to my room. Well, telling Izzy is going to be a mission. I still don't know if I should tell Niall or not. If I do now he will be worried sick and try to convince me to stay, but I couldn't do that. Not to Izzy. It's about him not me. I always try to tell myself that when I'm making a big decision. Like when I ran away from home. I don't even think I should be calling it a home. It never felt like one before. This room is the close to home I have ever felt.

When I walk in Izzy is sprawled across the bed holding the remote control flicking through channels in one hand and a soda can in the other. He then let's out a large belch. Ugh, disgusting.

"What the hell did you do?" I ask, looking at the kitchen which has dirt dishes everywhere and the duvet is layed on the floor.

"I have no idea," He says with wide eyes.

"Okay? I have to talk to you about something," I say more seriously.

"Okay... What about?" He asks, tearing his eyes off the screen. He changes the channels a few more times until he turned it off. I pat down the spot on the bed next to me. He sits next to me making the mattress sink in. I wrap my arm around his shoulder.

"Um well, you know how this morning I talked to Officer Brumley?" He simply nods once. "Well, he told me that there was a lady named Anne. She wants to adopt us," I say, finally letting the weight that I was carrying on my shoulders lift off.

"So like... Actually adopt us? Like a new house?" He asks, swinging his feet back and forth. I nod.

"And a new family. She has two children, Gemma and Harry, I don't know what their ages are so we'll just have to see when we meet them," I say with no emotion.

"So, when do we meet them?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. 

"Next week, or sooner. It depends when Officer Brumley tells me. I don't have to go though, but you do. The foster care agency doesn't want you to live with me because they want a more experienced parent. Anne is divorced. I really don't know why she would want more kids to take care of she already has enough on her plate. But don't worry... I'm not leaving you. I never would," I say, bringing Izzy in for a hug. 

"Are you okay with this?" He asks, letting go of the hug.

"I guess," I shrug. "Are you?" I ask in return.

"I guess," He repeats the words I had said earlier. I laugh.

"Good. We're going to be okay, I promise," I say, kissing his head.

Promise. That's a big word.

I have no idea what I'm going to do about Niall. And I don't plan on thinking about it now.

A/N: Update! Sorry this is kind of a filler chapter. I needed to do one. The next few chapters are going to be better! I promise haha! Please forgive me for not updating yesterday, I don't think I'll be able to update tomorrow either. I have church and such, sorry ): Thanks for reading! Please don't forget to vote, comment, follow, fan, and share. I love you all! <3

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