House of Classes/House of Headmasters

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The first official day of classes arrived quickly, and the residents of Anubis house were sitting around the table, eating breakfast before heading off to school.

"Has anyone seen William?" Rachel asked the others, making them aware William was nowhere to be seen.

"I think he was still sleeping," Tyler responded, "last time I saw him."

"He can't oversleep though," Rachel furrowed her eyebrows. "It's the first day of school."

"Let him be late," Niamh chuckled, rising to her feet. "It'll prove to him not to do it again. See you at school." With that, she abandoned the rest.

"She's an interesting character," Sarah commented after she left.

Eventually everyone wrapped up breakfast and made sure dishes were placed in the dishwasher. They began heading out, mainly in pairs - Sarah along with Lucille, Jared with Jonah. Rachel was about to head out with Tyler until she stopped herself.

"I should really wake William up. He's probably forgotten about classes today," she said to Tyler.

"Okay, well," Tyler hesitated, "just catch up with me at school."

"Yeah." Rachel smiled and nodded and then headed back to William's room as Tyler left Anubis house.

The students sat in the classroom waiting for their chemistry teacher to arrive. Students of Anubis house along with students of another house were all in that one classroom for their first course of the day: chemistry.

Sarah glanced around, observing every detail of everyone she could catch sight of.

"Is something wrong?" Lucille asked.


"Are you looking for someone?"

"No!" Sarah denied quickly. "No, no."

"Okay," Lucille mouthed.

Eventually the teacher arrived. A fairly stout, middle-aged lady with dark red hair had come in, her glasses resting low on her nose, and her arms clutching her notebooks close to her chest. She placed her notebooks on the desk and wrote her name on the board: Ms. Staffer.

Jared raised his hand as soon as the teacher turned around although Jonah whispered to him not to do anything stupid.

"Oh, Ms. Staffer?" Jared chimed in a sing-song voice.

"Mr...?" Ms. Staffer trailed.

"Jared Smith, ma'am," Jared finished with a smile. "I just wanted to tell you how nice you look today."

"Ah...well, thank you, Mr. Smith."

"My pleasure."

Jonah rolled his eyes over at his twin and then back away from him, shaking his head with discontent.

Ms. Staffer proceeded with roll-call and then went straight in with the first lesson of an introduction to chemistry. As she was in the middle of teaching, William and Rachel entered abruptly. The students paused in taking their notes, and they directed their attention toward them. All except for Lucille who continued to doodle on her note pages.

"Late on the first day," Ms. Staffer shook her head. "Well now that you have the class's attention, why don't one of you tell me the procedure of converting grams to moles?"

"Moles?" William repeated. "Like those rodent things?"

"Divide the amount of grams by the molecular mass," Rachel said softly and quickly.

Ms. Staffer hesitated for a moment, obviously impressed. "Good. Now find your seats."

Rachel turned pinkish as she took the empty seat next to Tyler, and William sat at the table behind them, next to someone whom he didn't know.

Later on that day, Niamh was at her locker, and as she shut the door, she noticed Jared standing there with a smirk on his face.

"You think you're charming, huh?" Niamh remarked, walking past him.

Jared followed her closely, continuing the conversation. "I'd like to think so, yes. You like me, don't you?"

"Ha, that's cute. As if." Niamh turned to face Jared. "I'd really prefer it if you didn't get too caught up in your fantasies. I don't really care for your type."

"My type? My type being...?"

"You." Niamh shrugged and walked away, and Jared feigned being hurt.

Jared sighed from boredom as soon as she had gone and looked around for anyone he recognized. He spotted Tyler waving to Rachel as she headed away.

"Tyler!" Jared called, heading over.

"Jared...?" Tyler raised his eyebrows, taking a guess at which twin he was.

"Precisely. So..." Jared leaned against those set of lockers, "are you and Rachel, like...a thing?"

Tyler caught on after a moment of hesitation and responded, "No! No...we just met; it's impossible."

"Improbable or impossible?"

Tyler thought for a moment and stuck with his original theory. "Impossible."

"Well, I remember when you introduced yourself, you claimed you were a nerd-"

"-I didn't exactly say that-"

"-and Rachel's obviously a nerd-"

"-I wouldn't say that either-"

"-so, I say go for it, dude."

"No," Tyler rejected, shaking his head. "She's not interested in me, and...I'm not interested in her," Tyler walked away from Jared, leaving him in disapproval.

That day, Sarah had split away from Lucille for some time, and the Eye of Horus was clutched tightly in her hand. She accidentally ran into a tall man dressed in an all grey suit. His stare was stern, and he showed no sign of forgiveness at Sarah's apology.

"I'm so sorry, sir," Sarah stepped back. Sarah gazed up at him and caught a good at him. His hair was slicked back, and his eyes were a piercing green.

"That's Mr. Owen, to you," he bellowed.

Sarah came to a sudden realization. She recognized the name and immediately felt embarrassed. "Y-you're the headmaster?"

He gave a simple expression confirming that theory.

"I didn't mean to," Sarah said shyly.

"Of course you didn't. What is that in your hand?"

"Nothing," Sarah lied, holding her hand behind her back.

"You're lucky I don't have much time to deal with you at the moment." With that, Me. Owens passed by her, and Sarah heaved a sigh of relief.

"What was that all about?" Sarah's attention was drawn to Jonah who just arrived and asked her the question.

"Nothing, I just...nothing," Sarah breathed.

"Would you like to walk to theater with me?"

Sarah smiled and shrugged. "Okay."

And that is the end of this chapter! Well that competition happened, and we placed second at this level, so we're pretty proud of ourselves. And now, as far as this story goes, here is one discussion question for this chapter:

How do you feel about the headmaster so far?

Until next time, Aristocrats!

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