House of Rehearsals/House of Eavesdroppers

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Lucille stared down at the Eye of Horus necklace that had just been given to her as Sarah continued explaining. "Apparently the Chosen One and Osirion are opposites, and I can actually see that now."

"Yeah," Jonah agreed. "I mean, you're loud and hostile," he remarked, referring to Jared, "and Lucille is quiet and kind. Jared is bombastic and heartless; Lucille is respectful and hospitable."

"Okay, that's enough," Jared frowned.

Jonah shrugged.

"Nonetheless," Jared took a deep breath, "I don't believe any of it. There's no way any of this could be true."

"Look, my mother was the old Chosen One," Sarah explained.

"And my father was the Osirion," Lucille added.

"Wait, you knew that?" Sarah turned back to her best friend.

"Of course I knew that."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"Well you haven't told me a lot of things."

Sarah didn't reply.

"And before this turns into a cat fight," Jared grimaced, "I think I'm actually going to sit down and think about this." He left the room, and Jonah followed him, assuring Sarah and Lucille that he'd handle it.

Sarah and Lucille stayed in the room, facing eachother. Lucille was up on her feet and had the Eye of Horus clutched in her hand.

"This is why you've been ignoring me," Lucille remarked, holding up the necklace. "Because you'd rather spend time solving clues with someone other than your best friend."

"I didn't think it'd be your type of thing," Sarah muttered just barely enough for Lucille to hear.

"Y-you could have just asked me."

"You actually sound a bit mad there," Sarah told her. "If I hadn't known better, I-I'd think you were."

"Mad?" Lucille repeated. "You better bet on your life I'm mad. I'm...I'm furious. And-and-and-" Lucille tried to decide what to say next.


"Don't talk to me." Lucille gathered her things and pushed past Sarah, leaving the room and heading up to her own. Sarah rubbed her eyes and took a deep breath.

That Saturday, Rachel had asked Tyler to help her rehearse for her audition, not knowing William had signed up. William tagged along as an observer, and they went into the lounging area where William relaxed on the couch, Rachel stood and held her script, and Tyler held the copy she had made for him.

"Oh Romeo, where is my Romeo?" Rachel recited.

"Right here, my love," Tyler read from the page. "If only you look down below."

"Romeo, behind you!"



The next few lines continued with some action sequences which they could act out at the moment. But the purpose of the play was to be a revision of the traditional and make it into a thrilling, action-packed, romantic play. The end of the audition script was to be a kiss between Romeo and Juliet, but Rachel stopped them at the line just before. She turned to face William who had been staring the entire time.

"How was it?" Rachel asked.

"To be honest, I zoned out a couple of times," William admitted, "but only because I'd like more enthusiasm." William stood to his feet and paced around and spoke along with hand gestures. "Tyler, I know you're not auditioning, but at least make it believable for her sake. And Rachel, I need to feel the passion. I need to hear it; I need to see it; I want you to be it."

"When did you become a theater expert?" Tyler laughed.

"I was pig number three in my pre-school production of the Three Little Pigs. I'd like to think I was the real star of the show," William replied. He then took the script from Tyler's hands. "Now, I'm going to try this again with Rachel. You watch and tell us-her, how she did."

Tyler nodded and took a seat. Neither him or Rachel were used to seeing William so controlling, but they thought nothing of it.

Rachel considered William's advice in her next run through with him, and when they got towards the end, William was actually anticipating the kiss himself.

"You're too young to die on me, Romeo," Rachel whispered, staring him in the eye.

"You always were a fool, Capulet," William whispered back as Romeo. "Beautiful girls don't fall for dangerous men."

William leaned his face in close to Rachel's, but she stopped it before it was too late. She stepped away and turned towards Tyler, and William was forced to recollect himself.

"How was it?" Rachel asked Tyler.

Tyler gave them slow claps and a smile spread wide on Rachel's face. She turned back towards William.

"Thank you," she said genuinely. "You actually made me believe I have a chance."

William nodded. "Well I certainly believe you do."

"As do I," Tyler agreed, springing up on his feet.

"Great," Rachel nodded. "Well, we should take a break now. I'll see you guys around."

William handed her back the other copy of the script, and he and Tyler watched as she left. They then made eye contact with eachother. They began to sense the awkwardness in the room, and Tyler left before it became too much.

Dinner wasn't much of a conversation among the fellow students, but when everyone had wrapped up, Jared held Lucille back at the table.

"Um, Mr. Rainier," Jared caught the housefather's attention, "we'll wash the dishes for you."

"Are you sure?" he asked in return.

"Yeah," Jared confirmed. "You deserve a break," he insisted convincingly.

Mr. Rainier hesitated but then agreed, and Jared pulled Lucille along with him to the kitchen sink.

"I can make it to the kitchen myself, thank you very much," Lucille said, pulling her arm away.

"You get a little attitude when you're comfortable around people," Jared inferred.

"Wh-who says comfortable around you?"

"I do," Jared simply declared. "I know people." He then whispered, "Perk to being so observant." Jared then went back to a normal tone as he began to scrub the dishes clean. "Look, I just needed to talk to you."

"About what Sarah and Jonah said?"

Jared nodded. "It's all true isn't it?"

"I thought you didn't believe it," Lucille raised her eyebrows. "Of course, there are things in the house to prove it to you."

"And I'd surely like to see those, but...I don't want to be the Osirion."

Lucille swallowed. "Why not?"

"I feel like it changes my life," Jared admitted. "And I don't like change."

Little to their knowledge, Mr. Rainier lingered around right outside the door, listening to their entire conversation. And that was the very information he had been searching for.

Here is another chapter for you lovely readers! I decided to start working on this the night before so that when I get home the day this goes up, all I have to do is finish up a part of the chapter. That way, you all still get a chapter today along with those two yesterday. Anyway, for now, here are the discussion questions:

Who do you think Rachel likes more? William or Tyler?

What might Mr. Rainier want/do with that information?

And that's all for now. Until next time, Aristocrats!

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