House of Societies/House of Games

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After Mr. Carroway and Mr. Owen went about explaining to Niamh and William how the library "mysteriously" burnt down, Mr. Owen left the house and Mr. Carroway went up to his office. Niamh waited until it was clear and then quickly explained all that had really happened.

" far as we know, Mr. Carroway, Mr. Owen, Mr. Rainier, and Mr. Harvey are in some sort of society together?" William asked.

Niamh nodded. "And by the way they were talking, it sounds like there could be more. Probably more teachers here."

"Secret Society," William muttered to himself.

"What's that?"

"My dad would sometimes mention things from his time here, and one of them was about the Secret Society...It was like, this whole conspiracy between all the teachers who were power hungry for eternal life."

"You don't think these teachers are looking for the same thing, do you?"

"It's been so many years, but I could never say. But now we know we can't trust them. All we can do is uncover who they really are and why they're really here, and we'll do that."

"Boarding school is so much more exciting than I anticipated," Niamh grinned.

Following dinner, Jared had called a secret Sibuna meeting in his and Jonah's room. When Lucille and Sarah came in, Lucille noticed Jonah glance down at the sight of Sarah and wanted to say something-anything that would invoke him to ask her out.

The Sibuna meeting commenced before she mustered up the courage to do anything about it. Jared and Jonah explained the puzzle and how to play the game.

"Okay, and what if only one of us crosses the passage as opposed to two?" Sarah asked.

"I-it says here," Jonah began flipping through the note pages, "the game will realize you're trying to trick it, and the walls will close in on you."

"Might as well not take that chance," Lucille muttered.

"Sounds like this game is entirely about luck," Sarah said. "No strategy; just luck."

"I'd consider myself pretty lucky," Jared announced. Everyone just stared at him.

They decided to all go down to the cellar that night, after lights out. Since there wasn't much preparation needed, they could get through the task that night and see what lay further in the tunnels.

They stopped at the chasm when Sarah held out her arms. "Wait. Does anyone notice anything differently here?"

"Creepy tunnels leading from a creepy cellar underneath a creepy house..." Jared assessed. "Nope, everything seems the same to me."

"No," Sarah disregarded. "Guys. There are no life-threatening pendulums swinging to slice our faces off anymore."

"Let's take this as a kind offering from the spooky cellar monsters," Jared decided. "Maybe they're actually being nice to us."

He crossed the beam first, and then Jonah, and then Lucille, and finally Sarah. She pushed the thought in the back of her mind, but it still bothered her as to why the pendulums just suddenly stopped.

They eventually made it back to the task at hand. Jonah still held the notes, and it was decided that Lucille and Sarah would cross the first time around.

"I'll take the jackal squares," Lucille decided.

"No," Sarah disapproved. "You're the Chosen One. Your life is more important so...I'll take them."

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