House of Relics/House of Announcements

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Niamh and William had gone up the stairs to the room where Me. Rainier should've been. Niamh knocked before walking right in, and William was reluctant to follow. Mr. Rainier turned abruptly, and he straightened himself up at the sight of them. He hesitated before saying anything since he had a clear idea of what they were there for. But he couldn't make it seem as though he did.

"May I help you?" Mr. Rainier asked softly.

Niamh shut the door behind herself and William. She then pointed towards the bed; Mr. Rainier caught on by sitting down right next to his duffle bags.

"You have quite the history, Rainier," Niamh began, folding her arms. "Would you like to tell us anything about the Liverpool Museum you worked at?"

Mr. Rainier remained silent.

"Maybe about how you...burned it down?"

Mr. Rainier made a sharp breath.

"Maybe how you wanted to destroy all the evidence."

Mr. Rainier stood to his feet angrily, but he was aware he couldn't do anything to harm the two children. They didn't understand the full story, and if he never told them, they'd be left to assume the worse. All the same, it was a secret he didn't want uncovered, especially by fifteen year old children.

"Do you want to see what's in these bags?" Mr. Rainier asked sternly, pointing to the bags that sat on his bed. He unzipped them harshly and gestured toward what was inside.

Niamh and William slowly came forward, laying eyes on many things they didn't recognize. Many things that seemed ancient and well before their time and even Mr. Rainier's. William did recognize one thing though, from a sketch he'd seen somewhere around his house with his parents. He remembered asking his dad once what it was called. It was an ankh.

"This was every important relic I could save from that museum," Mr. Rainier told them. "I didn't burn that museum down because I wanted to...I didn't have a choice."

"That doesn't answer anything," Niamh frowned.

"Because you will never understand."

The weekend had come along, and Rachel and Tyler reminded the others of the movie plans. They all gathered in the lounging room together, and William placed an order for pizza delivery. Even though they hadn't confirmed it was alright with the caretaker, Mr. Carroway.

Halfway through their first movie, Niamh up and left out of boredom, soon followed by Jared, and then followed by Tyler who wasn't much in the mood for it himself. The movie plans ended up going pretty terribly since everyone either dispersed, fell asleep, or expressed their lack of vitality in the moment. Eventually they decided to end it as a whole, realizing just being housemates was enough and they could continue to strengthen relationships on their own time.

That same day, Mr. Carroway gathered them all back in the same room where they awaited his announcement.

He cleared his throat before proceeding. "I have terrible news for this house...But I do hope the rest of you will learn from these students' mistakes and realize the amount of integrity we express at this school. The amount of integrity we expect the students to exercise on campus, and how-if need be-we will rid the environment of misconduct...I regret to inform you that on this Monday, when you return to classes, Niamh Byrne and William Lewis are to attend the hearing concerning their expulsion-"

Mr. Carroway was interrupted by disarray among the students. As soon as the noise had died down, Niamh spoke up and said, "Wait...what did we even do? What do we have to defend ourselves against-how can we get out of this?"

Mr. Carry way swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "The matters concerned with each individual I've mentioned will be revealed at the hearing. Fellow housemates are also to attend, and it will be on their behalf that they convince the school that you should stay."

"I can't get expelled," Niamh expressed worriedly.

"Then you better hope your housemates like you."

Mr. Carroway left them to their own devices as he exited the room, and the students glanced around at eachother and then to Niamh and William.

"Did you guys even do anything?" Sarah asked.

William and Niamh denied having done anything wrong.

"Well we'll be there to defend you guys," Tyler declared. "No matter what they say, we'll prove that you both should stay."

Niamh stormed out the room, unable to keep herself collected any longer. Before she could make it to the stairs, Jared had come out after her and folded his arm with a familiar smirk on his face.

"You're actually getting expelled before me," Jared chuckled. "I did not expect that."

Niamh rolled her eyes toward him. "You better defend for me as though it means your life," she demanded. "I cannot get expelled."

"Yeah, I got that back there." Jared nodded his head toward the area they just left. "But I don't know how I'll really be feeling that day. I might want the more space." He shrugged.

Niamh shook her head. "Look, Jared...every voice will count at that hearing...If I get expelled...I need you to be serious, just this once, and you would be doing me a big favor."

Jared nodded slowly. "You wouldn't have to see me anymore if you were expelled though."

"But I don't want to be expelled," Niamh declared. "I don't want to go back-" Niamh stopped herself mid-sentence. "Just...please. And if you can't do this for me, just pretend you're sick or something-so you don't have to come."

Jared watched as Niamh walked up the stairs without anymore to say.

Here is the chapter for you all! Sort of intense things happened here, and it'll only get more intense as it goes along. In the meantime, here are some discussion questions.

Do you think the relics are really from the museum?

Do you think William and Niamh will end up getting expelled?

Until next time, Aristocrats.

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