House of Parents pt. 4/House of Falls

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The night approached quickly when the parents and students had begun heading to the school for the theater play that night. The parents and students of Anubis house were in a herd in the foyer until Mr. Carroway and Mr. Rainier had shown up at the scold floor railing and each proceeded to descend the stairs to usher them all towards the school. Niamh, William, and Rachel were already over at the school since they were either a part of it or part of the backstage crew.

On their way over, Eddie decided to discuss his daughter and Jared's relationship with Patricia.

"I just...don't think she's ready to date," Eddie admitted. "I'm not saying this just to be a terrible father."

"Well I, on the other hand, think we should give her a chance," Patricia disagreed. "What's the worst she'll do?"

"Run away and flee the country for 'true' love!"

"You're kidding me," Patricia rolled her eyes. "If you're really this worried about how her relationship might go with Jared, just talk to him...You know, Osirion to Osirion. Get to know him and consider whether or whether not he's boyfriend material."

Mr. Carroway was traveling behind the group and he had overheard the words which caught his attention. If, by the end of the night, he couldn't discover who the Chosen One was, he did at least have the Osirion to lead from.

Once everyone had been seated for the play, Mr. Owen gave his brief speech about how humbling it was to have all the parents join them that day/night and how much the theater had prepared to perfect their rendition of Romeo and Juliet. Then he stepped off the stage, the curtains opened up, and Act I, Scene I had commenced.

The play progressed with brief intermissions between acts and scenes, and they arrived to Scene V when Romeo and Juliet first kiss.

William prepared himself realizing they never really kissed in any of the rehearsals. He was shoved out onto the stage sooner than he was ready, and he played his part and recited his lines until he was facing Rachel and had removed his mask(at the masquerade ball).

"Y-you're beautiful," William told her, still sticking to the script but meaning it authentically.

"I'm afraid I'm not that beautiful," Rachel denied.

"I'm afraid you are." William took her palm in his. He then brought her hand up and kissed the roof of her fingers. "I'm afraid you are very beautiful, Juliet."

William suppressed all his inner-panic as they leaned in for the kiss and judging by the whistles and claps, he imagined they'd done a good job of it. And as they continued to kiss, even after the curtains closed, he blocked out the noise, and so did Rachel.

"That was magical!" Mr. Duval complimented, walking over to them. "Guys?"

Rachel and William separated and turned towards him.

"Just...keep that chemistry, alright?" He flashed them a smile and a thumbs-up and headed off.

They turned back to eachother and let out faint chuckles.

"That was-" Rachel began.

"-amazeballs," William finished.

Rachel laughed. "Amazeballs," she repeated.

After the play, Tyler, and both Rachel and William's parents headed backstage. Tyler gave them both a thumbs-up and spoke to them briefly before their parents had arrived.

"So I guess you two have made up," Tyler began, "judging by those kisses...Great job."

"We wouldn't have made up without you," William admitted. "So, thank you."

Tyler nodded. He stepped aside as their parents had come to tell them how much of a great job they did.

Meanwhile, Eddie pulled Jared aside from the crowd, and Jared immediately assumed he was in trouble.

"I swear, I haven't hurt Lucille in any way!" Jared asserted. "I really really like her, and she's an amazing, fantastic, brilliant girl, and I would not want to disappoint; I certainly wouldn't disappoint. Not you. Not her. Not-"

"-shut up," Eddie cut him off.

Jared closed his mouth.

"Are you serious about dating my daughter?"

"More serious than I am about anything."

"Are you exaggerating?"

"I hope not," Jared replied.

Eddie eyed him for just a moment. He felt like just this moment, he'd be willing to give them a chance, and gave in. "One slip-up, and I'll know instantly."

Jared nodded quickly. He turned around to leave but then ran into Patricia.

"If you break her heart," she added, "I will break you in half. And then break those halves into halves. And then toss you away with the rest of the rubbish, right where you'd belong; is that clear?" She said all this slowly and clearly so that he wouldn't miss a word.

"Crystal clear," Jared nodded.

"Now get out of here."

Jared hurried past her to find Lucille. Niamh had come out from backstage and tried to stop Jared and speak with him about his mom, but he passed her to meet back up with Lucille.

Meanwhile, Eddie and Patricia stood together and watched him.

"You don't think that was a bit...graphic?" Eddie asked his wife.

"You're not the only one who can be overprotective."

Eventually the parents left later that night, and the students all returned back to their houses. Mr. Rainier motioned for William to join him as the others headed to their rooms in preparation for bed.

"Did you get the code?" Mr. Rainier asked.

"The code?" William repeated, almost forgetting from such a hectic day. "Oh yeah, yeah. My dad warned me not to go down there alone though."

"Perhaps we should go now. Together."

"Oh, I don't know..." William yawned. "I'm pretty tired."

"It'll only be brief."

William shrugged and went along with it. Mr. Rainier pulled out the key and unlocked the padlock on the door, but William was too tired to wonder why he even had a key as that was supposed to be Mr. Carroway's job to keep all of them. He followed Mr. Rainier into the cellar, and he told him the code. Mr. Rainier knew exactly where to put it in, and they entered Frobisher's study.

They found their way into the tunnels, and Mr. Rainier made sure William crossed the beam safely behind him, and they continued past all the completed tasks until they reached the final room and noticed steps descending further. William trudged on after Mr. Rainier, and they passed through the first corridor, the dome room, the room with the hieroglyphic tiles, and they stopped at the room which appeared completely empty. William continued forward even though Mr. Rainier had stopped.


Mr. Rainier yelled out his name even though it was too late by the time he did. The ground opened up beneath him and closed once he had fallen through.

Mr. Rainier froze in fright, but he realized there was nothing he could do and he backed away a few paces before he turned and headed back up the way he came.

And that is the chapter! I know I ended it on a cliffhanger, but I'm sure you guys love that. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter as a whole, and here are the discussion questions:

Do you think Mr. Carroway will discover who the Chosen One is from Jared?

Do you agree that Rachel and William were 'amazeballs'?

Do you think Mr. Rainier will tell anyone about William?

Until next time, Aristocrats!

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