House of Cellars/House of Sunsets

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Lucille was walking alone in the halls until Jared had come up beside her, making her flinch. She heaved a sigh when she saw that it was Jared but still wasn't in the mood to talk to him.

"Wondering why your best friend has been avoiding you?" Jared asked her.

"Why do you ask?" Lucille responded.

"Because I'm wondering the same thing about my brother...We should work together to figure out what they're up to!"

"It's their business," Lucille shook her head.

"Don't you want to know though?"

Lucille hesitated. Jared was definitely right. She no-doubtedly wanted to know what Sarah was up to and why she never had any time for her best friend. She could easily assume any scenario, but a definitive answer would settle the case.

And so she said yes.

When lunchtime had come, William mustered up the courage to pursue after Rachel. She wasn't with Tyler at the time, and so he went straight up to her, sooner than he gave himself time to panic.

"Hey Rachel," William grinned slightly. "Would you...maybe like to catch lunch together?"

"Tyler and I were just planning on getting something from the snack machine," Rachel responded truthfully. "You're welcome to come if you'd like."

William glanced around in search of Tyler.

"Tyler," Rachel began again, catching on, "is in the restroom right now. Hence, why I'm waiting."

William nodded slowly. "Well, then I'd be happy to join."

Rachel gave an affirmative nod with a bright smile to seal the deal. Tyler eventually showed up, and the three of them headed toward a healthy snack machine for lunchtime.

Just as Sarah and Jonah were arriving to the house, Mr. Rainier was coming up from the cellar. He closed the door behind himself and faced the children, freezing in place at the sight of them.

"What's down there?" Jonah asked him.

"Nothing," Mr. Rainier shook his head and then went off into the kitchen.

Sarah and Jonah made eye contact and decided they'd check the cellar out for themselves. Sarah had gone upstairs to lay her bags in her room, and Jonah lay his bags in his, but by the time they met back up in front of the cellar door, the other students were rushing in.

"Up to something?" Jared questioned as he passed by.

Sarah and Jonah ignored him and waited until everyone had gone out of sight before they slipped into the cellar and shut the door. But Jared came back around the corner and figured that was where they had gone.

Meanwhile, down in the cellar, Sarah and Jonah descended further and further into the dimly lit cellar. The only light coming through was a small window high on the wall that could open up and lead out to the field.

The two of them took out their cell phones to illuminate the room even more so that they could look around.

All the tables were empty. Dust had piled on them over the years. Jonah shined his light closely at one of the tables and then started brushing the dust off with his hand, conjuring up a cloud. He waited until it all dispersed before he looked down at the table again, recognizing a familiar symbol.

"Sarah, where's that locket?" Jonah asked.

Sarah reached into her pocket and came over. She held it out and looked down at what held Jonah's attention, recognizing an enlarged Eye of Horus design on the surface of the table.

"Welcome to Anubis house," Jonah muttered.

They eventually took their attention off that. Sarah spotted a wall of shelves and above them, four random numbers in any order. She reached up and brushed her fingers across them and realized they turned.

"Do you know the combination?" Jonah asked, taking notice.

"No..." Sarah shook her head. "But I know someone who might."

Sarah held her phone up and took a picture of it and then proceeded to text it to her mom. Jonah was impressed with the idea and applauded in his mind.

"So, while we wait for her to text back," Sarah insisted, "let's get back upstairs. We can't miss sunset tonight."

Jonah agreed, and he followed her up the stairs. They came out and shut the door and found Jared leaning against the wall, his arms crossed.

"What's down there?" he interrogated with a smirk on his face.

"Why-why would you think anything is down there?" Sarah asked in return.

Mr. Rainier suddenly called for dinner. Jared made final eye contact with the both of them before turning around and heading towards the kitchen.

Sarah directed a worried glance to Jonah as the two of them headed toward the kitchen as well, followed by the other students of the house.

Jared didn't take his eyes of Sarah and Jonah while dining, and Lucille occasionally glanced over. For the most part, no one was talking. It was just the clashing of spoons and forks against plates. The occasional sips from their glasses.

"Is there a reason no one's talking?" Tyler inquired.

A few of them shook their heads but still no verbal reply.

Dinner eventually ended and everyone left the room. It wasn't until later on, as the sky was meeting the horizon, that Jonah and Sarah met back up and headed outside. Sarah opened up the pocket watch and directed the mirror to the sky until words became visible in the mirror itself. The longer Sarah held the mirror, the clearer the words made themselves.

Two names appeared, one in red, one in gold.

"No way," Sarah whispered to herself as she snapped the pocket watch shut.

Hmm, so those names could be the Chosen One and Osirion...But you won't figure out just yet. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and for now, discussion questions.

Do you think Jared and Lucille will find out what's going on?

Do you think Sarah and Jonah will find anything new the more they explore the cellar?

And those are the only two questions for now. Also, I'm going to try to get another chapter uploaded today just because I probably won't be able to get one up tomorrow. It just depends. You might end up with a second one today and another one tomorrow - it's really just a case of how it works out. But anyway, until next time, Aristocrats!

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