House of Apologies/House of Parents pt. 1

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Friday had finally arrived when the parents would be showing up throughout the day, and the theater production would take place that evening. The students would be able to meet up with their parents during midday but still had to attend morning classes. Tyler stood with Rachel at her locker and noticed how she still wasn't particularly happy.

"William really means this much to you, doesn't he?" Tyler asked sympathetically.

"It doesn't really matter anymore," Rachel remarked, shutting her locker.

"I'll catch up with you in chemistry, okay?" Tyler gave her a gentle rub on the shoulder and left hastily. She was rather confused about it but wasn't given time to question it.

He went to find William who had been loitering in the halls himself before heading to class. Tyler approached him abruptly.

"Can I help you?" William asked.

"Not me," Tyler admitted. "But you can help Rachel."

At the mention of here name, William turned away from Tyler and started to walk away, but Tyler caught up with him and stuck by his side.

"She's devastated. She just wants a chance to speak with you and you're just-"

"-just what?" William cut him off aggressively. He was tired of discussing anything having to do with Rachel.

"She just needs a minute with you; that's all," Tyler pleaded. "Please just give her that."

Tyler abandoned William then, and William stopped in his tracks. He realized it wasn't like him to hold any sort of grudge and yet, he had, and perhaps he should give Rachel a chance to explain on her own behalf.

Before any of the parents had arrived that day, Mr. Carroway was at Anubis house patiently waiting for Mr. Owen to arrive that morning. Once he did, Mr. Carroway led him down into the cellar where the book and robes were, and Mr. Owen expressed astonishment by it all.

"Marvelous," Mr. Owen whispered.

"The finest silks," Mr. Carroway explained, "and the printed text necessary for the ceremony. As soon as we know the exact pages and the exact recitation, we can perform it."

"And how are we to be sure that what we are awakening ally?"

"The ritual should cover that issue," Mr. Carroway confessed. "But there is one missing piece, and I've invited you over to discuss this with you as well..."

"Go on," Mr. Owen beckoned.

"The Chosen One is necessary for a successful ceremony. Otherwise, it'll all go wrong."

"But we don't even know who the Chosen One is-"

"-and I am certainly determined to find out," Mr. Carroway announced. "Perhaps they are close. Perhaps the former a Chosen One or Osirion arriving today will be more than happy to drop clues."

"Ah, yes yes," Mr. Owen expressed approval as he caught on. "I see where you're hinting at. Besides, the prophecy did mention them being here, at this very school."

"After all, that is why we are here," Mr. Carroway grinned.

The students began heading off to their houses or waiting at a certain spot on campus for their parents to arrive and meet up with them. William attempted to catch up with Rachel on their way back to Anubis, yet he only did when they arrived to the house. He followed her into the living room where her parents had already shown up by now and she headed straight toward them. Another lady was standing aside, her hair brought back in a neat bun, and her hands texting away at her cellular. The rest would be arriving soon.

William stood off to the side as he watched Rachel paste on a smile for her parents only to convince them that everything at boarding school was going well. She set her eyes on William and realized he was watching her and separated from her parents for just a moment under the impression that William was waiting to talk to her.

They didn't take notice to the other students arriving at that time.

"You have two minutes."

Rachel heaved a sigh and nodded. "I know what I did was wrong. In any way I can, I'd like to make that up to you, as soon as possible. I was afraid you weren't going to listen to what I have to say until we were all fizzled out, but I'm glad you're at least listening. And if you don't want to talk to me again after the play, that's fine; I'll understand. I just really, really need you to know that if I knew I'd hurt you in that way, I wouldn't have ever done that. I'm really not a bad person, and I'd like for you, most of all, to understand that."

William hesitated. He flashed a brief smile and then an even more prolonged smile before he brought Rachel into an embrace.

Rachel struggled to pull away but chuckled as she did. "Does this mean I'm forgiven?"

"I could never be mad at anyone, anyway...Not for very long, I suppose."

Rachel headed over to her parents and William was still waiting for his parents to arrive, so he went out and waited in the foyer. Mr. Rainier found him there, and just before heading into the kitchen to prepare meals, he whispered into William's ear, "Perhaps you could get the codes to the tunnels today? When your parents arrive, sure to keep me updated."

William watched as he vanished through the doors and debated whether or whether not he should be suspicious of Mr. Rainier's motives at the moment.

Meanwhile, Jonah and Jared met with their mother, the brown-haired woman waiting in the living room. She put down her phone as the two of them approached and gave Jonah a tight embrace while Jared stood to the side, his hands shoved in his pockets. Their mother reached out her arm towards him, welcoming him in, but Jared ignored it.

"Same as always," their mother, Ms. Clifton, muttered. "I thought attending boarding school might actually change you just a tad bit."

"Yeah, and I thought not having to live with me would change you," Jared remarked just before heading out the door.

Well that has been part one of this Parents' day event. More parents are to come and more events are to happen, as usual, so, until then, here are the discussion questions:

Do you think Mr. Carroway will discover who the Chosen One is?

Not really a question, but Wachel is potentially back.

And what do you think the tension between Jared and his mother is about?

Until next time, Aristocrats!

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