House of Panic/House of Visions

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"Something like that."

Rachel inhaled deeply and nodded at this reply by William. She opened up the door to Anubis house and said, "You know, just forget I asked about it."

"Wait." William entered Anubis house after Rachel and stopped her in the foyer. "Wait, Rachel. Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Rachel shrugged. Tyler was just coming into the foyer and out of the kitchen with a glass of water in hand. She glanced back at him. "I have a boyfriend anyway. Tyler."

"Boyfriend?" William repeated. "Tyler?"

Tyler spit out the water in his mouth at the time. He glanced between them unaware of what was going on. Rachel waltzed over to him and looped her arm in his, dragging him back toward the kitchen. William almost couldn't believe what he had just witnessed.

Rachel shut the doors and faced Tyler. "I'm sorry; I just panicked."

"Well nice panicking there; now I'm your boyfriend," Tyler remarked. "Now I'm your boyfriend," he repeated just with a sudden realization, especially with a particular interest in his personal benefit.

"Yeah. Please don't take this personally," Rachel pleaded. "I just got really panicky with William, and I didn't know what to do, so my mind resorted to jealousy, and...that's where we are now."

"So you-so it's really him you like?" Tyler asked, a bit disheartened.

"Can you just go through with this for a bit?"

Tyler set down his glass on the table and then laid his hands on Rachel's shoulders. "You can count on me for anything."

Sarah, Jonah, Jared, and Lucille were up in the attic either pacing around or standing around. Jonah checked his watch and slumped on one of the tables.

"Where is he?" he cried. "We asked him to be here fifteen minutes ago."

"See, we can't even trust Tyler to show up," Sarah shook her head, still against the idea of inducting Tyler into the group.

He came running in frantically. "Sorry. Sorry," he gasped, shutting the door behind himself. "I just...well it's difficult to explain."

"Well we don't care," Sarah admitted. "Sibuna is a top priority. You either show up or you get out because not all of us really asked for you to be here anyway."

"Sarah," Lucille frowned at her friend. "Harsh, much?"

"This isn't what our parents would've wanted," Sarah muttered to her.

"Well this should be a democracy," Lucille challenged, taking charge. "And since three of us think it's fair Tyler join, then so he will. And if you have a problem with that, you can drop out."

"I for one think the Osirion should get double the vote," Jared added.

The others ignored him. Sarah gave out a sigh and then said, "Fine." She turned toward Tyler. "Take a seat. What we're about to tell you might...blow your mind."

Niamh was walking up to the house just as Mr. Carroway was walking out. She stopped in her tracks, and he did as well, both being sure not to run into eachother.

"Going somewhere?" Niamh asked as Mr. Carroway passed by.

"Is that really any concern to you, child?"

Niamh shrugged her eyebrows and then went inside the house, avoiding anymore awkwardness in that potential conversation. She was about to head upstairs when she noticed William trudging solemnly out his room.

"William..." she trailed. "What's wrong?"

William glanced up at her and then back down.

"Something with Rachel?" Niamh asked, catching on.

"I just don't see how it can be true." With that, William retreated back to his room, discarding the original reason why he left in the first place.

Niamh decided she'd confront Rachel. She hurried up to their room, opening and shutting the door behind herself. Rachel placed down the book she was reading as she watched Niamh toss her bag onto her own bed and then come to sit just by Rachel.

"Pleased with yourself, are you?" Niamh interrogated.

"I'm sorry?"

"You ask for some alone time with a boy just to break his heart."

Rachel realized she was referring to William. "No, you don't understand-"

"-I understand enough."

"Please take the time to hear me out-" Rachel was desperate to explain the truth to Niamh.

"-no need." Niamh stood from the bed and headed over by the door. "I have no time for the likes of you." She exited the room with a slam of the door.

Dinnertime was silent for the most part amongst the eight students. Mr. Rainier left the kitchen area for some time, but the children still ceased to talk much to one another.

"Hi," Jared finally broke the silence after some time. "You all are the kings and queens of making supper awkward; I think I'll just go eat in my room."

Jared stood up with his plate and glass and headed toward the door. On his way out, he incidental brushed against Lucille, and the both of them were tossed into a vision.

They were both together in Anubis house, standing in the foyer. Before them was the front door to Anubis, and they heard the click as someone was entering the house. Yet, neither of them could move. They grew anxious and frightened as to who it was coming inside and them being able to do nothing about it, but then they saw him, and Lucille recognized him instantly.

He ran towards them and laid his hands on Lucille's shoulders but glanced at both of them as he tried desperately to explain. "They've awoken. They've awoken! And you've woken them!"

He ran past them, and both Jared and Lucille glanced to see him vanish in thin air. They faced back toward the front door where they heard heavy footsteps. Footsteps gradually approaching, belonging to someone who didn't have such good intentions.

Before they could see who it was, both of them were woken from the vision by the others shouting at them, or particularly at Jared, for having dropped and smashed his plate and glass.

"What has gotten into you?" Niamh asked.

Mr. Rainier came in and almost immediately tended to the mess. Jared pulled Jonah by his shoulder up and out of the room. Lucille tapped on Sarah for her to attend, and the two of them left as well. Tyler sprung up after seeing them and scrambled out himself.

"Okay, what happened back there?" Sarah asked Jared and Lucille out in the foyer.

"We had a-" Jared glanced at Lucille before finishing, "-vision. Of some sort."

"Yeah," Lucille confirmed. "And my dad was there."

Here is the chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. Lucille and Jared have both officially had their first vision, and it seems Eddie has made an appearance...Perhaps to warn them...Anyway, discussion questions for now.

Do you think Rachel should continue to pretend Tyler is her boyfriend?

What do you think Lucille and Jared have/will awaken?

Until next time, Aristocrats!

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