House of Warnings/House of Impulse

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Mr. Rainier confronted Mr. Owen in his office with the information he had just overheard from Niamh and William. He paced around as he explained, but Mr. Owen seemed to remain calm during all of this.

"I can't stay; I can't stay here," Mr. Rainier finally concluded.

"No!" Mr. Owen rejected, rising to his feet. "No," he repeated more calmly. "I'll-I'll just expel the children, and you can keep your job."

"Oh, and when people become suspicious, what exactly would you have expelled them for? Delving into a housekeeper who is obviously associated with arson? what exactly is your plan here?"

"I-I don't know. But you can't go anywhere. Yes, Mr. Carroway is there to keep an eye on the Chosen One and Osirion, but particularly must be there."

"And if this gets worse?"

Mr. Owen hesitated. "Then we deal with it as necessary."

The next day, Mr. Owen had a watchful eye on both Niamh and William as they traveled through the halls, headed off to different classes, and paid no mind to the watchful eyes scouting their daily activities.

It wasn't until their last class of the day, Geometry, which Niamh and William shared with a couple other Anubis house residents, when Mr. Owen had interrupted class time, did they become slightly suspicious.

Mr. Owen had his hand over his posterior respectfully and addressed the class and teacher altogether. "I'm so sorry for disturbing, but I need to speak with all Anubis house residents in the hall, please."

Niamh laid down her pencil and glanced over at William, Sarah, and Tyler as they all rose from their seats and filed out. They found Jonah, Jared, Rachel, and Lucille were out in the hall, waiting for whatever was about to come.

"Mr. Rainier has informed me on a bit of...misbehavior to have taken place in your residence," Mr. Owen announced to them all. "I will not mention any names, but you individuals know who you are." He looked down on them all menacingly. "Amun Academic Boarding School is an educational environment that does not tolerate such behavior...If I receive any more word on these mishaps, respective students will be dealt with accordingly." Mr. Owen gave a nod of dismissal and then headed away.

"Misbehavior?" Sarah repeated in a low whisper of disbelief. "What misbehavior is he talking about?"

William mouthed off words to Niamh, asking whether it concerned them, but Niamh reassured him it couldn't have possibly been them.

"Alright, not saying that anyone here is engaging in any misbehavior," Jared voiced, "but we are teenagers; they do realize that, right? I mean, if they really expect us not to cause any trouble at all, they need to reconsider their occupations...Just saying."

Some of them agreed to that.

"Also," Jared added, "you don't think Mr. Rainier would have noticed a student sneaking out of the house at about...I don't know, three am-ish, do you?"

"We should go back to class," Lucille stated softly, a sheepish smile on her face. She just shook her head and headed back off to French class.

Niamh and William caught up with eachother on their way back to Anubis house, and they properly addressed the situation and risks.

"There is possibly a chance Mr. Owen could have been talking about us, right?" William asked.

"There's no way he could know that," Niamh defended. "Unless Mr. Rainier was spying on us..."

"Whatchu guys talking about?" Jared asked, popping in between them and slurring his words together. Lucille had tagged along, but still hung back a little behind the rest.

"Why are you here?" Niamh rolled her eyes.

"Thought I heard my name," Jared lied. "But I'm quite curious as to what this discussion is really about. You two have become a bit...intimate lately."

"No-" William began.

But Niamh interrupted sarcastically, "Oh, how nice of you to just pry your way into our business."

"I'll just..." William didn't finish his sentence. His voice just faded out, and he left the arguing to Niamh and Jared as he fell back to walk alongside Lucille.

Meanwhile, Niamh and Jared took no notice.

"Why can't you just appreciate my caring nature?" Jared chuckled.

"I'll break your face if I have to," Niamh glared.

"Well, you did nearly break my nose, but that hasn't stopped me, has it?"

"What will stop you?" Niamh asked, stopping in her tracks. Jared stopped as well, facing her, and Lucille and William stopped a few feet behind, watching the events to take place. She continued, "If not physical pain, then what?"

"I don't know; maybe a kiss." Jared grinned jokingly and cunningly, knowing he was pushing Niamh toward the edge.

"You're unbelievable."

"So I've heard."

Niamh continued with her argument, and Jared listened attentively, prepared to continue with the chain of comebacks. But Lucille took notice of Jared's left hand and how it began to glow purple with intervals of gold. She panicked inside and glanced over at William who was distracted by something else, thankfully. Without thinking, Lucille rushed forward and grabbed Jared's hand in hers, and the glow died down.

She now had William and Niamh's attention, Niamh staring in sudden shock.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Niamh shook her head disapprovingly.

Lucille realized she couldn't outright explain why she had grabbed Jared's hand, and she surely knew she wasn't all that great at formulating lies, so she did all that came to her mind in the spur of the moment.

She took her other hand and brought it up to Jared's cheek, turning his face towards herself, and kissed him.

Niamh's expression became that of disbelief. "I did not need to see that." She walked away quickly, and William followed with somewhat of a lag, casting one final glance at Lucille and Jared still in facial contact with eachother.

Well that's one way to end a chapter. I really hope you enjoyed this, and for now, let's get into the discussion questions.

What might Mr. Owen's consequences be?

Why do you think Jared's hand began glowing?

Should Lucille have kissed Jared?

And that's all for now. There will possibly be two chapters the day this goes up. I'm writing this at midnight, so I'll upload it when I wake up further in the morning, and then I'll work on another chapter during the day, and get it up that afternoon and/or night. Hopefully. That's all for now. Until next time, Aristocrats.

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