House of Suspicion/House of Tutors

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The next week on Monday, Jared had to meet with Ms. Staffer after class to her request. She had his test on her desk, and Jared leaned on the student table directly opposite hers, crossing his arms.

"You failed," Ms. Staffer informed.


"If you need extra help, you know you can just ask, right?"

Jared remained silent.

Ms. Staffer inhaled hesitantly before starting her next sentence, but before she could get through what she was going to say, her classroom door swung open.

"Mr. Rainier," Jared acknowledged. At the same time, Ms. Staffer said, "Eugene?"

She excused herself and accompanied Mr. Rainier out in the hall, and Jared tossed his head back. He did end up overhearing a few words though - none from which he could discern a topic of interest, nonetheless, a few words here and there.

Ms. Staffer finally came back into the room.

"What was all that about?" Jared asked.

Ms. Staffer almost seemed to have forgotten he was there as she jumped when he posed the question. "Nothing. Anyway, where were we?"

"My test," Jared reminded.

"Right. Well, maybe you should meet up with Tyler or Rachel?" Ms. Staffer suggested. "I understand they're both in your house, and they are exceptional students, so maybe have one of them tutor you."

"What if I just really don't want to?"

"You have to," Ms. Staffer responded. "Now head off to class."

Jared picked up his bag and his test and headed out the door.

He eventually caught up with both Tyler and Rachel later on that day and squeezed between them.

"This again," Tyler sighed.

"No, no," Jared dismissed. "I actually have a reason to be here this time. So, I'm sort of failing chemistry, and I need one of you nerds to teach me."

They all headed out the school's doors and were then outside, making their way back to Anubis house.

"Okay," Tyler agreed.


"Yeah, we both can," Rachel volunteered.

"Awesome! I'll tell you when I need you." He patted them both on the backs and fell back behind them to walk with someone else.

Tyler and Rachel glanced at eachother when he had gone.

Niamh was in the foyer when Mr. Rainier had returned to Anubis house carrying two duffel bags. She couldn't help but notice them and asked him about them.

"Oh, just some things that a friend brought for me, is all," he responded.

Niamh was still suspicious of Mr. Rainier, and so she called to him again, stopping him as he was headed to the stairs. "Where did you come from, before working here?"

"Ah, um..." Mr. Rainier was reluctant to explain the entire story. "Ask William; I've told him about myself."

With that, he ascended the stairs, and Niamh turned in the direction of William's room. She marched straight there and swung open the door.

"Get out," she directed toward Tyler.

"What?" he asked, glancing up from his computer.

"Take your laptop and get out."

"Um..." Tyler didn't argue with it, but he gathered some of his things and left the room. She closed the door and sat on Tyler's bed, facing William who sat on his own.

"Hi?" William greeted questioningly.

"What you know about Mr. Rainier-spill."

Jared sat in the lounging area that afternoon with his chemistry homework in his lap and his feet resting on the table. Lucille came in, in the middle of him tossing crumpled paper around the room.

"Someone's being productive," Lucille addressed.

"I'm testing gravity," Jared lied, "in the name of science."

Lucille tilted her head at him.

"Honestly, I'm working on chemistry." Jared gestured toward the notebook in his lap. "Apparently I'm failing, so later on, Tyler and Rachel are going to make me the smartest guy ever."

"Mm, that would be the day," Lucille joked. "Jared Smith, 'the smartest person'." She used air quotes for the last part.

"It'll happen," Jared declared.

"Right." Lucille went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

Jared was about to get up and continue his conversation with Lucille, but Tyler and Rachel had just entered and looked over at him.

"Hey, are you ready?" Tyler asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Jared answered. He met eye contact with Lucille one last time as she was leaving, and she waved to him with a friendly smile.

"Right, so..."

Tyler and Rachel went into their lesson, writing down examples and advising Jared to take notes, but instead he just recorded their lectures. He realized when they went into explaining science, they sounded like actual teachers themselves and that discomforted him.

"Okay, okay, that's enough for today," Jared eventually declared, stopping the recording. He massaged his temples. "Ah, my brain hurts."

"But you still haven't done your own practice problems," Rachel pointed out.

"Tomorrow then...But before you go," Jared told them, keeping Sibuna in mind, "are either of you familiar with Egyptian history or something...?"

"You mean Egyptian mythology?" Rachel deciphered.

"Sure. So...?"

"I guess I know a little," Rachel shrugged.

"I know some as well," Tyler added.


And here is yet another chapter for you all! I really hope you enjoyed this. And for now, here are the discussion questions for you guys.

What might Mr. Rainier and Ms. Staffer have spoken about?

What could be in Mr. Rainier's bags?

Alright, so that's all for now. I would say something else, but I can't really think of anything else at the moment, so...until next time, Aristocrats.

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