House of Care/House of Gratitude

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William explained to Lucille, Sarah, and Jonah how he and Niamh worked together for a while to uncover information about Mr. Rainier. He made it known that Mr. Rainier came from a previous occupation as the curator of an Egyptian museum which he burned down, wanting to "destroy evidence", as he put it. Mr. Rainier possessed three duffel bags, all which were filled with relics which he had saved from the fire. Prior to coming to the boarding school, he was also very familiar with Anubis house having studied it, the Frobisher-Smythes, and even their Egyptian expedition.

"You really did do your research," Lucille muttered.

"Why do you think Niamh and I nearly were expelled?" William asked rhetorically. "We confronted him about it."

Sarah suddenly pulled Lucille and Jonah outside the room.

"Okay, he needs to be a Sibuna member," Sarah declared.

"Finally you come to your senses," Lucille remarked.

"But not Niamh?" Jonah brought up. "I mean, she must know the exact same information."

"Exactly," Sarah responded. "If she knows the same information, it'd just be extra weight, you know? Plus, his parents were in Sibuna. Mystery runs in his blood."

"Figuratively, right?" Jonah questioned.

Sarah shrugged her eyebrows with a flirty grin. She reentered the room, followed by Lucille and Jonah.

"Tonight," she began, addressing William, "us three and Jared will take you up to the attic where you will be inducted as the next honorary, Sibuna member."

William brought his right hand up over his right eye, already being familiar with the trademark. "Sibuna!"

William was finally able to walk for himself, and he decided he'd head back to his own room. It was evening time, and in a few hours, after lights out, he'd be heading right back up to the cellar. As soon as he made it to the bottom of the stairs, Rachel spotted him and came running to him, enveloping her arms around his neck.

"William! Where have you been?! I was worried! I'm so glad to see you!"

William hugged her back and released her to look into her eyes and reassure her he was okay. "I'm alright now. I was just...kidnapped for some time and-"

"-kidnapped?" Rachel repeated.

"Shh. Keep your voice down," William requested. "It's okay."

"Okay?!" Rachel repeated again. She realized just how loud she was and quieted down. "No, taking a walk in the park is okay. Being kidnapped for an entire day is not okay!" She was in a hushed tone but still able to yell at him.

"I thought my girlfriend would be happier to see me rather than be so...angry."

"I-I'm not angry-wait..." Rachel hesitated, realizing what he just said. "Girlfriend?"

"Has-has that not been established yet...?"

"Neither of us really asked eachother out..."

"Didn't know I had to ask."

"As much as I love romantic moments-" Niamh announced, coming into view from the living room, followed by Jared, "-oh wait, no. No, I don't love romantic moments...Did I happen to hear something about a kidnapping?"

"Y-yeah," William nodded, speaking softly. "I was kidnapped."

Niamh chuckled under the impression that he was kidding with her.

"You wouldn't really know. We're not friends anymore, are we?" William didn't mean for that to sound so rude; it just ended up coming out and there wasn't much he could do.

Niamh lost her smile. She turned back toward Jared. " that thing, yeah?"

"Yeah," Jared nodded.

Niamh made her way past Rachel and William and up the stairs, followed closely by Jared.

Niamh practically slammed her door after Jared had come into her room after her. She sat on her bed and brought out her laptop typing at the keys furiously.

"William was kind of mean back there," Jared stated, trying to make conversation.

Niamh disregarded the whole situation. "So, we have an option of foster homes, like you said? Maybe I can find some more local rather than back in Ireland-"


"-Jared," Niamh acknowledged with a threatening tone, "whatever you have to say just...don't, alright? William and I are old news-"

"-wasn't he like your best friend?"

"Do you want me to stab you right now?"

Jared took a seat himself on Rachel's bed. He didn't know what else to say realizing that Niamh was very dismissive of her relationship with William, and it didn't help to try to be sentimental with her.

Jared decided to take a risk and stood back up, walked over to Niamh's bed, and sat down beside her. He slowly shut her laptop, and she glared at him menacingly.

"How badly do you want to just let it all out?" Jared asked gently. "I know what it's like to have so much built up anger and frustration. I can help you-"

"-does it look like I need your help? At least with anything other than what we're supposed to be doing?" She tried to open her laptop back up, but Jared pulled it away. "Give it back."

"You know, sometimes I ask myself why I even try to be nice to you. You're not grateful for anything."

"I didn't know all this was about gratitude-"

"-it's not!" Jared stated this a bit too loud as he rose back up to his feet once more. "But would it kill you to say 'thank you' once in a while? Would it kill you to appreciate my help? Would it kill you to accept me? I am being vulnerable for you. I'm proving to you that a dirty, misbehaving, slob like me can actually care."

Lucille had come out into the hallway and overheard Jared's voice through the door. She decided to listen in.

"You have a girlfriend," Niamh responded. "There's only one person you should be vulnerable for."

"Yes, I have a girlfriend; thanks for the status update," Jared retaliated sarcastically. "But she doesn't matter right now. You matter. You matter to me, and if you don't want my help just say so and I'll go, but just know...just know that the one guy who gets you-the one guy who is willing to help you with this will be gone...It's time to stop pushing people away, Niamh."

Lucille leaned against the wall, not understanding entirely what was going on, but hearing enough to make her jealous of the way Jared was speaking to Niamh. She knew she could trust him, and that he wouldn't ever cheat on her, and that for whatever reason he was alone with her had to be something important, but she couldn't help but hate the way it made her ache inside.

Aw, poor Lucy. Still, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and here are the discussion questions!

Not a question here actually, but William is officially going to become a member of Sibuna!

Do you think William and Niamh should go back to being friends?

Should Lucille confront Jared about him and Niamh?

Until next time, Aristocrats!

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