House of Parents pt. 2

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Eventually Alfie and Willow had arrived, and then Eddie and Patricia, and they not only reunited with their children, but also with eachother. Them along with William and Lucille all stood out in the foyer, and Lucille realized she'd might have to pull her parents away and gather Sibuna so they could talk.

Meanwhile, Sarah had still been waiting for Amber, and she sat on the Anubis house steps, and Tyler took a seat next to her.

"Still waiting?" he asked, trying to make conversation.

Sarah responded with a slight chuckle, affirming his question. "My parents aren't able to make it, but someone else is. She's a really close family friend."

"At least you have someone coming," Tyler remarked.

Before Sarah could respond, she heard the clacking of heels, and she noticed Amber stepping into view and shrugging as she made an entrance.

"Amber!" Sarah rose to her feet and fled to her.

Amber gave her a hug, and Eddie, Patricia, Alfie, and Willow proceeded to reunite with her as well, and the foyer eventually ended up becoming a circle of nostalgia, and Lucille, William, and Sarah awkwardly stood by. Lucille pulled Sarah apart for a moment.

"We need to get my dad, mum, and Amber and the rest of us, yeah?" Lucille whispered.

"And Alfie and Willow?" Sarah inquired.

"That would mean pulling them away from William," Lucille reminded. "And you still haven't given an opinion on if you want him to join."

The issue around that seemed to dissipate, as William was pulling his parents along to go see his room. Lucille and Sarah went back over to Eddie, Patricia, and Amber. Sarah motioned for Tyler to join them, flashing the Sibuna-trademark to hint the reason, but he just shook his head.

Jared had ended up leaving out of Anubis house once he left his mother and Jonah to reunite for themselves. He planned to go for a walk, but he stopped when he spotted some people around the house. He crept to an advantage point to see Niamh and some guy in a hoodie, and Niamh had reached into her bag to hand the letter to him.

"Just get out of here now," Niamh demanded, "before anyone gets suspicious."

"You think it'll be that easy?" the man retorted, holding the letter in one hand and grabbing her wrist in the other.

"Okay, stop it." Niamh proceeded in attempting to yank her arm away. "Seriously dude, I gave you the letter. Now let go."

"It's only a matter of time before you slip and once again this letter-" he waved it in her face, "-will mean nothing. And you will go back there to rot, do you hear me?...Now you're coming with me for a little while. Just a few hours, come on."

He started pulling her along, and at that point, Jared realized he would have to intervene. He jumped out into view and yelled at them to stop as he held Niamh back. The man released Niamh's arm and turned to face them, and Jared could only somewhat get a glimpse of the man's face as it was mostly shaded by his hood.

"Jared, what are you doing here?" Niamh muttered.

"I can't let him take you," Jared shook his head.

"I'll be fine-"

"-listen to the girl," the man asserted. "I just needed a little chat with her on things."

"Well phone calls work very nice, so we've compromised, yeah?" Jared raised his eyebrows and subsconsciously raised his arm in front of Niamh in a protective manner.

"You think you can-"

"-leave," Jared stood his ground. "Leave, or I swear I will shout as loud as I possibly can. If you haven't noticed, we're right by Anubis house, with loads of people inside. Now take your letter and bug off."

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