House of Concern/House of Interrogation

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Sarah and Lucille postponed their investigation into the information when Lucille finally decided to go and find Jared, right when he and Niamh were leaving the living room. She made her way to the bottom of the stairs and crossed her arms as they came out into the foyer, not noticing her at first.

Niamh finally spotted her. "I'll-I'll see you later then." She smiled at Jared and then made her way past Lucille, up the stairs.

"Hey, Lucy," Jared greeted innocently.

Niamh stopped in the middle of the stairs to watch Lucille grab Jared's arm and pull him to the kitchen.

For a few moments Lucille just stood and glared at Jared while he stood there unaware of what was going on.

"I have concerns," Lucille finally stated.

"Concerns..." Jared repeated.

"Yes, concerns. With us."

"Did you discover more powers or...have a vision or something?" Jared had no idea what she was alluding to and assumed it had to be something Chosen One or Osirion related.

"No. Us, Jared," Lucille said.

"Oh...Ohhh. Okay," Jared nodded.

Lucille shook her head. "How do I know if you're really like...interested in me?"

"Are you serious?" Jared asked. "I wouldn't be dating you if I weren't."

Lucille rolled her eyes.

"Someone's cranky," Jared remarked.

"Jared, this isn't a joke."

"Hey, I never said it was." Jared hesitated for a moment and took some time to take in Lucille's both angry and solemn expressions. "What's up?"

"I know this might sound a bit possessive and clingy," Lucille began as she paced around, "but I don't want you hanging around Niamh anymore."

"What?" Jared retaliated. "Y-you can't do that. You can't control who I choose to hang with. What do you think-that I'm going to end up falling for her?"

"Yes," Lucille nodded frantically. "Because boys do stupid things like that."

"So much for gender equality," Jared sighed. "Whatever." He just shook his head and turned to leave.

"I-I heard you tell Niamh I didn't matter," Lucille admitted causing Jared to freeze and turn back around. He opened his mouth to say something at the sight of how heartbroken Lucille was, but she continued before him. "So much for being a good boyfriend." Lucille took the authority to exit first.

Later that night at the time Jonah and Jared had planned on heading down to the cellar, Jonah sprang up from his bed and shook Jared to get out of bed. Jared trudged behind him to the kitchen and down to the bread oven where Jared used the locket Jonah borrowed from Lucille for the sole purpose of gaining access down into the cellar that night.

The two of them went down into the cellar straight to where the duffel bags were.

"Alright, so I sort of know what Sekhmet's staff pieces should look like," Jonah declared.

"Mhm," Jared muttered.

"Are you alright?" Jonah asked sensing that Jared wasn't entirely himself.

"Just tired," Jared lied.

"Okay..." Jonah muttered and nodded. He unzipped one of the bags seeing several relics but none which seemed to piece together the staff.

He searched through the next bag.

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