Author's Note #2 (Random Phone Calls)

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I don't know if you guys actually thought I was going to do this or not, but I'm actually doing it. So, this is just a side thing of phone calls, first between Lucille and her father when she informed him that she was the Chosen One, then Eddie contacting Nina, and then Eddie informing Patricia and Nina informing Fabian which won't really be phone calls, but will be featured nonetheless.


Part 1

Lucille dialed her father, and he picked up on the third ring. She hesitated after his hello, not sure how to go through with the conversation, but determined to tell him the information he needed to know.

"Hi, dad..."

"Is everything alright?" Eddie asked.

"You know that whole Osirion-business and all that? And how you're kind of the Osirion?"


"Well...I'm the Chosen One, apparently!" This came out awkwardly and over ecstatic on Lucille's part but it came out nevertheless.

Her father fell silent.


She heard her father chuckle with a somewhat resemblance to pridefulness. "So you're the Chosen One."

"And this boy staying in Anubis house, Jared...he's my Osirion."

"Well I look forward to meeting him when I come visit."

"And we may or may not have had a vision...and you were there."

"I-...Anubis house is a dangerous place. I have an uneasy feeling about this year; perhaps that's why you received it? The house will also give you random visions at times, and you might hear voices, but don't be alarmed by any of this."

"Oh yeah, because I how could I not be alarmed by random voices in my head?"

"Mm, well try not to make it noticeable," Eddie advised. "But I should tell some of the others about this. Bye for now, sweetie."

"Bye, dad."

Part 2

Eddie contacted Nina almost immediately after getting off the phone with his daughter. She picked up fairly quickly, surprised to hear from him.

"Long time no chat, Eddie," she began with. "I was starting to think you'd forgotten about me."

"I could never. But I'm actually calling with really important news."

", go ahead."

"My Daughter is the Chosen One."

"No. Way...Have you told Patricia yet? This is exciting! That means you can teach her how to save the world. Who's the Osirion then?"

"Okay, slow down, Nina. I'm about to tell Patricia, and the Osirion is some boy staying in Anubis house along with her. Jared is the name."

Nina could hear a distinct, "Tell me what?" in the background on Eddie's end and knew that could be none other than Patirica.

"I think I'll leave you fight that battle," Nina chuckled, referring to Patricia. "Bye, Eddie. It was good to hear from you."

"Catch ya later, Nina."

Part 3

"Tell. Me. What?" Patricia repeated as Eddie hung up the phone. She had just arrived in the same room as Eddie, overhearing the final parts of the conversation. "What about the Osirion and Anubis house?"

"Our daughter is the Chosen One!" Eddie presented enthusiastically, but Patricia's excitement didn't match his. She didn't have much excitement at all.

"Two of you now...In the same house..."

"Are you not excited...?"

"I hate to break it to you, but everything around you either dies, kills, or blows up at least once."

"Are you referring to the microwave last week? Because I swear, that was not made of aluminum when I put it in there," Eddie explained.

"Listen Weasel, I'm happy for Lucille, but when she's home, let's not get carried away with teaching her target practice with orbs at every single thing in the house, yeah?"

"What makes you think I'd even try that out?"

Patricia glared at him.

"Okay, fine I won't. Jeez..."

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing, honey..."

"That's what I thought."

Part 4

Nina hurried down the stairs of her and Fabian's house to where Fabian was in the living room, his guitar on his lap, he placed it down beside him as Nina came and sat on the couch, gripping his arm with excitement.

"Eddie called and he knows who the new Chosen One and Osirion is!"

"Really?" Fabian asked, suddenly interested. "Who?"

"Lucille is the Chosen One-"

"-Lucille? As in his daughter, Lucille?"

Nina nodded. "And the Osirion lives in Anubis house at the boarding school."

"Th-that's wonderful. And they've restarted Sibuna?"

"Oh no, I forgot to ask him. It's fine, we can just talk to Sarah. We did put the responsibility on her, anyway."

"Nevertheless Nina, this is amazing," Fabian smiled and took her hand in his. "How do you feel?"

"I don't know," Nina admitted truthfully. "It's almost like a 'passing-of-the-torch' scenario; I just haven't officially done it. It's just really reassuring, you know? I mean, even though Eddie and I lost our powers ten years ago, there's never been any real sense of an ending until now...And you know, I'm glad."

"As am I." Fabian took that moment to give Nina a kiss on the lips, but sooner than expected, he jumped up and pulled Nina up with her. "Well let's not hesitate to tell the others. Come on!"

Fabian grinned and so did Nina as Fabian pulled her along for them to dial the rest of the original Sibuna members about the information they had received.

And that's the end of this special type thing...I'll just title it as an author's note because technically it's not part of the story, but it is some side events to the story itself. The next chapter will continue from the last chapter to avoid any confusion, and as always, I hope you enjoyed this. Until next time, Aristocrats!

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