House of Imposters/House of Infatuation

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Jonah walked out of the bathroom to head back to his room just as Lucille had made it down to the bottom of the stairs. Sarah overheard Lucille's voice so she stayed hidden in the bathroom for just a bit.

"Jared," Lucille acknowledged. "Why'd you run off like that?"

"I, uh...allergies."


Just then, Jared had come out of their room, his hair messy and unkempt and his attire still his pajamas. He paused for a moment when he spotted Lucille and then Jonah.

"Why do you look like me?" he asked groggily, pointing to Jonah.

"Because I'm your twin," Jonah laughed awkwardly. He added in discreetly, "Jonah."

"Is that my shirt?" Jared asked, peering a bit closer. "And my shoes? And what did your hair? A dying raccoon?"

"It looks just like your hair," Jonah retaliated.

"Yeah, well it works on me."

"Wait..." Lucille trailed off. "Are you Jonah?" Lucille pointed to Jonah. "I'm an idiot," Lucille muttered to herself.

She stormed off into the kitchen and returned in just a few moments with a pitcher of ice cold water. She splashed it straight into Jonah's face and shoved the pitcher to his chest so that he could hold onto it.

"But you're an even bigger one," she concluded. She retreated back upstairs, and Jared faced Jonah, having a few questions to ask him.

Sarah came out of the bathroom, and Jared frowned at her as well, figuring she had something to do with all that just happened. And he'd get the truth out of them.

Niamh and William didn't pay attention to Lucille going into the kitchen. Instead William finally wrapped up his hug and turned to other matters.

"So...considering we're friends...I need you to be completely honest with me..." William began with long-winded pauses.

Niamh nodded.

"Who is Rusk and why has he sent you text messages?"

Niamh hesitated, not knowing how William knew of his name but figuring he was probably working alongside Jonah and Sarah (considering they asked of him as well). She lied to them, but she knew she had no way of lying to William and so she decided to explain it all. At least, all the same which she had told Jared which was all the truth enough to know who this guy really was to her.

In all honesty, she wasn't familiar with his affiliations with Mr. Rainier or the mystery and so she couldn't supply any information about that, but William figured he was still receiving enough information.

Tyler and Rachel ran into eachother later on that day and decided to fit in some studying that afternoon. They went to the dining table while no one else was there and set their books down while sitting next to eachother and delved in.

Eventually Rachel gave up on studying realizing she couldn't focus.

"William and I had our date," she suddenly told him.

"That's great," Tyler commented. He set down his pencil. "How was it?"

"It was nice," Rachel smiled slightly. "It was fun. We really got to know eachother and all."

"You don't seem too happy about it."

"No, I am. I really, really am. It's just that we have nothing in common."

William stopped himself out in the foyer, overhearing their conversation.

"Well...opposites attract, don't they?" Tyler responded to Rachel.

"But we're not even opposites, if that makes sense. We're just...not alike. I mean, he's adorable, but I'm starting to think me liking him was just some sort of infatuation."

"I thought you really liked him-"

"-I thought so too-"

"-I didn't give you up for you to call this a mistake," Tyler suddenly admitted.

"Wait. Wait, 'give me up'?" Rachel repeated.

Tyler gathered his books and hurried out of the kitchen, passing by William who decided to enter just as he left so that Rachel could face him right then and right there.

William shoved his hands in his pockets and bit his lip, waiting for the conversation to start.

Rachel rose to her feet and approached him. "William,l I am so so sorry-"

"-no," William shook his head, his voice soft and calm. "Let's not make this any more dramatic than it has to be...I get it." He turned away and left her there, avoiding the extensive apology, the regret, and the teary eyes as it was his best intention to do so.

Mr. Rainier finally arranged a meeting between himself and Mr. Carroway, the two of them silent in the caretaker office until he began speaking.

"So, the man I was telling you about," Mr. Rainier explained, "Rusk-he has stolen one of the bags."

"And you let him get away with it?" Mr. Carroway asked. "Do you know what this means? It delays our progress!"

"He doesn't have all the pieces," Mr. Rainier reminded. "Nor does he have the Chosen One, and he certainly doesn't know of the ritual seeing as he doesn't have the book. Things will turn out fine."

"And how do you suppose we get that bag back?"

"We can devise something, I promise you-"

"-I don't need promises. I need you to take action...Now."

Mr. Rainier pursed his lips and gave a finalizing nod just before leaving the office. He hurried back to his own room, determined to find a way of which to retrieve those artifacts.

That's the chapter! I can't believe I featured all the Anubis house residents in this chapter. I just counted them off after writing this and realized that happened beans.

Anyway, until next time aristocrats!

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