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The ambulance eventually began tending to those on campus. They realized they'd need many more ambulances, seeing that the entire campus was in ruins and so many people had been critically injured from it. The first of their trucks filled up the lawn of the campus, Tyler in one of them, receiving urgent care. As more ambulances and police and fire fighters came, they began rescuing many other students and staff members. One of the medics approached Mr. Duval.

"Because there are so many injured, we'll have to escort the most critical like-" he glanced over at Tyler's respective truck.

"-Tyler," Mr. Duval filled in.

"Tyler," the medic repeated, "to the hospital first. Do you have access to all the students' family contact information?"

"I'm not sure if the system is still operating," Mr. Duval admitted.

"Either way, we'll figure out." The medic was prepared to walk off, but he paused for one more moment. "Be prepared to answer to the authorities. We need to know what happened here."

The Anubis house residents were gathered together. Rachel was seated and not yet examined by a medic for her ankle, but she waited patiently knowing there were so many people more injured than her. Mr. Rainier and Mr. Duval gathered with them, and the Society was a good distance away.

"I should inform the police of those of us involved," Mr. Rainier declared, his eyes still on the rest of the Society. "They'll be looking for sources to interrogate."

"Will they actually end up getting arrested?" Jared asked, referring to the Society members left. He figured Mr. Rainier and Mr. Duval could be let off the hook.

"Say the right things, and they just might." Mr. Rainier flashed a wink and headed over to one of the officers.

"What do we say exactly?" William inquired. "We can't exactly come right out and say we awoke three Egyptian gods."

"Easy enough," Niamh replied. "We blame it on the Society. They're technically to blame anyway."

"Did I hear something about Egyptian gods?" Rachel repeated.

"We'll explain it later," several of them chimed in synchrony.

"What will we do about school?" Lucille brought up. "Considering this entire place is now destroyed."

"We fight that battle when we get there, I guess," Sarah sighed.

Sarah, Lucille, Jared, Jonah, Willaim, and Niamh spent the night at the police station along with the Society's adults, and all of them were interrogated in the morning. Their parents were then contacted to come pick them up that afternoon, and Niamh's new group home was contacted on her behalf.

As they waited, Jared stood by Lucille who watched out the window.

"You know..."Jared began, "you've never exactly told me you love me."

"Oh, is that so?" Lucille asked, looking back at him.

He nodded. After a moment of silence, he continued, "Soo...do you have anything special...to say...to me?"

Lucille grinned. "Of course I love you." She pulled him in for a kiss.

Sarah and Jonah chuckled at the sight of Jared and Lucille. They then directed their attention only towards one another as they grabbed eachother's hand.

"We made it," Jonah flashed a quick smile. "Somehow."

Eventually all the parents and guardians had arrived, and the kids realized the adults were still there in the station, probably still being interrogated. They all decided they'd head to the hospital and check up on Rachel and Tyler before going their separate ways and heading home until further notice of what to do as far as their education went. The six of them rushed inside together, directed to the wing where their housemates were. Rachel apparently was all tended to since she was out of her room, a cast on her ankle and her support on a pair of crutches. She stood outside one room facing the glass and staring straight inside, where Tyler rested.

House of Anubis: Triad of MemphisWhere stories live. Discover now