House of Walls/House of Friends

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Tyler had eventually presented the rest of Sibuna with the hieroglyphics to represent each animal. They headed down to the tunnels Monday night and back to the task at hand.

Each of them searched around the room for the respective symbols, Lucille finding the one for air: the hawk; Sarah finding the one for water: the fish; Jonah finding the one for earth: the snake; and Tyler finding the one for fire: the salamander. As they were placing the blocks into the podiums, Jared broke the awkward silence.

"Okay the real question here, is why isn't the animal for fire a dragon?"

"Probably because they don't exist," Jonah replied.

"Well maybe they exist, and you've never seen one," Jared stated matter-of-factly.

"I'm pretty sure I would've seen a dragon by now."

"Have you ever seen Canada?"


"How do you know Canada exists?" Jared challenged.

"Oh my god," Jonah muttered to himself.

He left Jared's question unanswered. After the four blocks were placed in the podiums, they all took a step back to see each podium emit a glow around the blocks. The podiums then retreated into the ground and another part of the wall slid open, but as they approached it, they realized there was just another wall inhibiting their progression.

"What now?" Sarah asked hopelessly.

"Wait, look," Lucille said. She brought out her locket and lifted it toward the Eye of Horus engraving. It glowed red at contact, but the wall remained unmoving.

"Wait, there's another one," Jonah pointed to another engraving on the other side. "It looks like..." He studied it closely. "A bird?"

"Maybe it's a dragon," Jared suggested.

"It's not a dragon, Jared!" Jonah moaned.

"Well, if the Eye of Horus opens one half-" Tyler began, "-maybe the other half is the Wings of Isis?"

"But Thoth is depicted as a bird sometimes. And Horus as a falcon," Sarah pointed out. "I learned a lot from my parents."

"Thoth also has the snakes and staff in the center though," Tyler explained. "And a possibility."

"So we have it narrowed down to the Wings of Isis or the falcon of Horus," Lucille gathered. "So how do we know which one?"

The five of them glanced around at eachother, awaiting any ideas. Jared leaned against the wall and was unexpectedly tossed into a vision-one that would answer their question.

He recognized a familiar building and watched as Lucille and himself entered it. They searched around the house until the scene switched to Jared holding what looked like a pendant of wings. He twirled it in his hands and smiled at the sight of it.

Jared came out of the vision and the others' attention was directed entirely toward him.

"It's the Wings of Isis," Jared confirmed. "It's located in Isis house."

"So, Jared and I can head over to Isis house at lunchtime," Lucille whispered to Jonah, Sarah, and Jared, all of them arriving early and sitting together during breakfast.

"Sibuna meeting without me?" Tyler interrupted, coming in with his bag. "You know, sometimes I feel like you guys aren't telling me everything. Like, I'm only half a member of this group."

"Well we did only invite you for your brains," Jared admitted. "So that's all you'll be used for."

Tyler shrugged his eyebrows and sat at the opposite end of the table. Eventually the other students had come in, but it was just then that Sarah, Jonah, Lucille, and Jared were leaving.

"You four hang out a lot," William addressed Lucille as they passed by eachother.

"We're good friends, that's all," Lucille told him.

"We were too," William pointed out. "Once."

Lucille nodded. She waved to him as she caught up with the others. She realized just how much she hadn't spent time with William like she used to. Before the school year, for all their lives, her, Sarah, and William were inseparable, but William was off doing his own thing at this point, and Lucille and Sarah were doing theirs. She realized just how much she missed those times and hoped this didn't ruin the dynamic of their friendship.

"Maybe William should be part of Sibuna," she suddenly found herself saying.

"W-why?" Sarah asked.

" know how his parents were involved in all this stuff too. I mean, after all, it's how we all met-you, me, and him," Lucille informed, addressing Sarah. "M-maybe he'd be a great addition."

"Wait, his parents were in Sibuna as well?" Jonah repeated. "I say let's count him in. We could always do with another descendant."

"It kind of makes it more special, yeah?" Lucille added.

Jonah nodded in confirmation. Him and Lucille were both on board for inviting William in. Jared didn't express any ideas on the matter, and Sarah just claimed she'd have to think about it.

Soon after Rachel left breakfast, Tyler left to catch up with her.

"Hey, how're you holding up?" he asked.

"Better than yesterday," Rachel swallowed. "Still terrible though."

"Hey, no boy deserves to make you feel so down in the dumps," Tyler advised. "Maybe more hot chocolate after school today?"

"It's nice of you to think so, but hot chocolate won't solve my problems forever," Rachel sniffled. "I just wish William would at least talk to me, you know? I guess then I could officially tell him I'm sorry."

"But it's not your fault-"

"-I think it is. I realize that now. But he won't even so much as look at me, and I know if I keep trying to get his attention, I'll just lose myself in it all, but I can't go on living in the same house without him knowing that I regret my mistake. I just need closure."

Tyler stopped walking alongside her and watched as she carried on toward the school, wiping her eyes before any tears trailed down her cheeks. He was torn on whether to take action for his own good or for Rachel's. Because as much as he liked her, he also couldn't stand to see her in such a bad place.

Here is the chapter for you all! It's going up, and I probably won't be able to get another one up in about 36 hours time, but still, I really hope you enjoyed reading, and here are some discussion questions:

Do you think Jared and Lucille will be able to find the Wings of Isis object?

Should William become a member of Sibuna?

What should Tyler do about Rachel?

Until next time, Aristocrats!

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