House of Attics/House of Housekeepers

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Students were gathered around in the theater room. The teacher had prearranged the chairs and couches into a circle, and he eventually came from backstage only to hop off the stage and join his students in the center of said circle.

"I am Jaime Duval," he introduced himself with a warm smile as he rubbed his hands together. "Refer to me as Jaime, Mr. Duval, JD, however you please. A little background about me-I went to this school myself. Just eight years ago I graduated, and then I went on to major in theatrics and then receiving a teaching which, thus, I am using today." He heaved a sigh and continued. "Today is also my first day here, so let's make this year a good one, eh?" His thoughts moved quickly just a his words and his actions. "So, before I forget, you all need your syllabi. Hand those out for me, will you?" He pointed to a student and then pointed to the packets resting on a table.

He continued on with what he was saying. "If you notice the schedule for the year, we have three major productions planned. It will take place in November, giving us time to explore the basics of theater, and then organize auditions, and then make it to the big day. So, before we get into our first lesson," he clasped his hands together, "are there any questions?"

"What will the first production be about?"

"Glad you asked," Jaime grinned. "It is a thrilling adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. As you all have heard of that, I'm sure; we should most definitely start of with something fairly simple."

"And the other productions?" another student asked.

"The second one will be a little more challenging. It is a comedic take on Arthur Miller's famous Death of a Salesman. Yet instead, it's Death of a Highschooler, and the struggling imbalance of a teenager's dream and the reality of their life."

That peaked a few interests and laughs.

"And finally, the play to close out the year, will be the six best and brightest students I select to organize, produce, direct, cast, design, and premiere their very own production." He raised his eyebrows, signaling they should have great interest in that. "But enough of the future; let's focus on now, with this question: What. Is. Theater?"

Class had ended eventually, and most of the students agreed that theater would be their best course of the year. Throughout the day, the students traveled to their different classes until it was time to return back to their houses.

William caught up with Rachel on their way back to Anubis house. "Hey, I just wanted to say sorry for this morning."

"What?" Rachel asked.

"I realize I might have embarrassed you, and...I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Rachel shook her head.

"And I should also thank you for saving the both of us."

"I wouldn't call it saving-"

"-I would."

"Hey, did you see that?"

William stopped along with Rachel, glancing around to find whatever she was referencing. He followed her gaze to the bushes, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

"I didn't see anything," William admitted.

"Keep walking." Rachel continued toward the house, William following close behind.

Meanwhile at the house, a young man had just arrived with his luggage as Mr. Carroway was leaving Anubis house. He was taller than Mr. Carroway, and his skin was covered in freckles, and his hair was dark and fluffed.

"Mr. Carroway," he called.

"And who might you be?" Mr. Carroway grunted.

"Rainier," the man responded enthusiastically. "Eugene Rainier."

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