House of Sign-Ups/House of Discoveries

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Jared and Lucille stood in the hall at Lucille's open locker, occasionally glancing over at Jonah and Sarah who were having a discussion together.

"I really wonder what they're talking about," Lucille admitted. "I miss Sarah."

"We'll figure out their dirty little secrets soon enough," Jared declared. "It's not like you're nothing without her; you'll survive a few more days." Jared glanced toward her and noticed her embarrassed expression. "Wait, you actually feel like you're nothing without her?" Jared questioned as though he couldn't believe it. "How shallow of you."

Lucille didn't say anything in return, but instead she shut her locker and headed off to class. Jared thought about calling after her but decided not to.

Meanwhile, Sarah and Jonah were discussing what they had just discovered the night before and what they would do about it.

"Well you obviously have to tell her," Jonah insisted.

"She's not...particularly the type to handle things like this," Sarah explained.

"Well, her father was the Osirion, wasn't he?" Jonah reiterated. "Maybe she's already familiar with this stuff."

"She's never mentioned it before, and if her father had ever told her, she'd surely tell me."

"Is this how your relationship usually is?" Jonah asked. "That she tells you everything, and you only tell her some things?"

"Okay Jonah, I didn't ask you to judge our friendship," Sarah remarked with an attitude.

"I'm sorry," Jonah apologized. "But just imagine if you were her. You'd want to be able to trust your best friend, wouldn't you?"

Sarah squeezed her eyes shut, knowing he was right. "Fine," she agreed, looking up at him. "But you have to tell your brother that he's the Osirion as soon as I speak to Lucille."


Eventually at the beginning of theater class, Jared caught back up with Lucille and found her sitting with her sketchbook in her lap. Niamh was sitting a few seats away and rolled her eyes at him as he entered.

Jared ignored her and stood over by Lucille.

"Hey," he sighed. "Look, what I said before...I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying that maybe you should try stepping out of her shadow for once...Lucille?"

"It's fine," she remarked softly without making eye contact.

He nodded slowly and took a seat elsewhere in the room.

The teacher, Mr. Duval, commenced class and addressed them from the stage. "Today, anyone who is interested may sign up for the Romeo and Juliet auditions. I will be posting the sign-up sheets outside my door, and you can come see me after school for the audition scripts for your desired character." He hopped down from the stage and began walking around the room. "Auditions will take place next Saturday through that Tuesday. Callbacks will be announced on Thursday, and those Call-backs will take place on the following Saturday. If you are interested in a backstage position, come speak with me after school, and I'll arrange something for you. Any questions? Comments? Concerns? Criticisms?...No? Good. And now for the lesson."

Rachel was one of the first few people to stand in line to sign up for the play. William approached her and began a conversation with her.

"You're auditioning?" he smiled. "For what role?"

"Juliet, of course," Rachel grinned. "I've never been in a play before; I'd love to try it out. Just imagine if I got the lead role? Not that I will...but it's worth a shot, you know?" She flashed a giddy smile at him.

"You have a chance," William assured. "You're definitely beautiful enough."

"Oh." Rachel looked down and brushed her curls behind her ear, her face turning bright pink.

"Um..." William cleared his throat. "Sorry..."

"No, no...I think it's my turn to sign now."

Rachel approached the sheet and signed her name under her desired role. She gave a final glance toward William before heading off, and William took that moment to sign himself up for the play. In the role of Romeo.

Jared found Lucille again during the day back at Anubis house, after school had ended. She was completing her homework in the lounging area, sitting on the couch. Jared came and stood over her.

"Don't you have homework to do yourself?" she reminded.

"Homework isn't really my thing," Jared admitted, taking a seat on the table in front of her. "So what should we do about Sarah and Jonah today?"

"Is that really all you came to ask me?"

"Well...I came to make sure you're okay..."

Lucille let out a gentle laugh. "You don't care about other's feelings."

Jared was tempted to retaliate, but he just rose to his feet and planned to leave the room. But just as he was making his way to the door, Sarah and Jonah had come in, eager to accomplish something.

"Before you go Jared," Sarah began, "we have something to tell you both."

This is yet another chapter for you amazing Aristocrats. I hope you enjoyed it very much,and for now, here are the discussion questions.

It has been coined "Wachel", so do you ship it? (Between Rachel and William)

How might Jared and Lucille take the information?

Until next time, Aristcrats!

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