Ash x Misty // PokeShipping {Pokemon's 20th Anniversary}

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A/N: Ack sorry this is short and ew. I just got back from Anime Matsuri where I met VIC MIGNOGNA and I remembered I had to write this so here ya go!

Ash's POV~

I rubbed my eyes tiredly, smiling widely when I realized what day it was. I got out of bed, knowing my wife and kids that I loved more than anything would be waiting for me. Strolling into the kitchen, I opened my arms for my two sons and daughter to run into. My Pikachu followed them, jumping onto my shoulder.

"Happy Anniversary!" they all said in unison, and I chuckled, hugging them back. I hadn't seen my two older sons, Samuel and Lance, in so long, but they'd returned home for me and my wife's anniversary. Our daughter, Stormy, was a junior.

"Thank you guys!" I said gratefully, kissing each of their cheeks. My eyes settled on my lovely wife before me, and I smiled warmly. She stepped toward me, kissing me gently and lovingly while cupping my cheeks.

"Twenty years," Misty sighed, nuzzling her face against mine. Pikachu hummed on top of my head, seeming to relish in the moment.

"Makes you feel old, doesn't it?" I chuckled, and she nodded happily.

"It makes me feel proud," she corrected, smirking a bit. "I've put up with you for twenty years, Ash. I can do anything now." A round of laughter echoed throughout the room, and I rolled my eyes.

We all gathered in the living room, sitting down on the couches and enjoying one another's presence. We didn't get to spend this time together often; we all treasured this moment.

"It's weird," I said, wrapping my arm around my love sitting next to me. "It feels like just yesterday I was stealing your bike and wrecking it."

"You still owe me," Misty reminded, playfully glaring at me. "Ya know, the only reason I married you is because you still owe me back for my bike."

"It would be so sad if that were true," Stormy commented, tightening her grip slightly on the Pikachu in her lap. He squirmed around, not wanting to be in my daughter's arms any longer.

"She always used her bike as an excuse, but I knew better," I winked. "She just wanted some of this."

"Ew, okay Dad, I don't think anyone wants any of that," Samuel commented, putting on a face of disgust.

I would never tell anyone, but Samuel was my favorite. He reminded me so much of my old professor, the one he was named after, and he was even studying to become a Pokemon professor currently. I couldn't be prouder of him.

"Twenty years, Misty," I repeated, not being able to wrap my mind around the thought.

"We get it, Dad. You're old," Lance said, not looking up from his phone.

"But twenty years ago, I got married to the love of my life," I stressed. "And years before that, I was given my other life-long partner." Pikachu smiled at me from across the room, still trapped in Stormy's arms. "And look where I am now. I'm the Champion of Kanto. I have three wonderful children. I'm married to my soulmate."

"You did good, Ash," my wife said quietly, leaning on my shoulder and cuddling into me. "You did real good."

"I know," I smiled down at her, placing a kiss to her forehead. "And I couldn't be happier."

"This is great, all this sentimental talk, but I didn't come Pallet Town to be sappy," Lance cut in. "I came to party."

"Well, let's get ready," I said, standing up. "The party starts at 1:00."

"Alright!" Stormy stood up, Pikachu jumping out of her arms.

I took Misty's hand gently, leading her up the stars. We both went into our room, stripped out of our pajamas, and started to put on some nice clothes for our anniversary party.

"I love you, Ash Ketchum," Misty said to me as she fixed my tie. I beamed at her, grabbing her hands and leaving pecks all over her face. She giggled as I kissed her repeatedly, pulling her close to me and hugging her.

"I love you more, Misty Ketchum," I told her, tightening my arms around her. She laced her hands together behind my back, snuggling into me. 

"Twenty years is a long time," she said.

"But it's not the end," I replied, releasing her and staring into her beautiful blue eyes. "Twenty years have passed, sure. But we won't die. There  are many, many more years to come. Don't you forget that."

(I'm so sorry this was short ):)

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