Drew x May // ContestShipping

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warning: implied sexual content (nothing major)

Drew's POV ~

I sat at the desk in May's dorm, drumming the end of my pencil against it as I brainstormed for an essay I had due next week. May sat criss-cross on her bed, leaning against the wall with her laptop in her lap, typing away. We frequented the library on Saturdays, but May's roommate was gone for the weekend, and we had decided to study here. It was the middle of our first semester in college, the beginning seeming like a lifetime ago and the end nowhere in sight. 

I glanced at the alarm clock on the corner of her. 10:56pm. I sighed. We had been studying for hours. 

I looked over to May, who sat with a frown on her face, eyes narrowed and fingers pressing keys rapidly. Grabbing a sticky note, I scribbled down a simple hey before crumpling it and throwing it in her direction. It startled her as it bounced off her nose, and when she looked up at me, I gave her a confused shrug, causing her to snort.

"Hey," she said simply after she unfolded and read the note, and we both laughed quietly, breaking the comfortable silence that we had been sitting in for the better part of an hour.

"Got something for you," I said, remembering the M&M's I had gotten on from the vending machine on the way up. I dug in my backpack for them, tossing them to May, who caught them easily. She gave me a small smile, and I winked at her.

"You're sweet," she said, setting them to the side before going back to typing. I tilted my head. May would usually tear into a pack of M&M's like she was starving.

"Who are you, and what have you done with May?" I half-laughed, and she shrugged, claiming she wasn't hungry. I let it go, turning back to my work.

But after several minutes, I noticed that the consistent click of May pressing the keys on her keyboard had ceased, and I looked over to May, who was staring blankly at her screen. She looked more bothered than she did upset, her eyebrows furrowed and mouth pinched in a frown.

"What?" I asked, and she met my gaze before looking down.

"Nothing," she answered, and I rolled my eyes. Women. Obviously, something was wrong. 

"C'mon, May," I said, and her bottom lip quivered, causing my eyes to widen. I put down my pencil, standing up from my chair to join her on the bed. "Woah, baby, what's wrong?"

She started to cry, and I took her laptop off of her lap, closing it and placing it to the side, before wrapping my arms around her. I let her cry for a few minutes as I carded my fingers through her hair. I didn't know what had set her off. I figured she just may have just had a bad day, or the pile up of mid-semester assignments was getting overwhelming.

"Did I do something?" I asked when her tears had reduced to sniffles. She shook her head, taking a deep breath before starting to speak.

"I've just... I've been gaining weight," she started, her voice unsteady, "and I figured I should maybe cut back on what I've been eating. I don't know."

I was confused. Yes, May had gained a few pounds since the beginning of the semester. So had I. Didn't everyone during their freshman year? I had no idea it was bothering her so much.

"I'm scared if I keep gaining weight, you won't wanna date me anymore," she choked out, and my heart broke in two. I opened my mouth to object, but she continued. "There are so many beautiful girls here, Drew. You've got options, and-"

"May," I interjected, pulling back to look at her, my mouth hanging open. She wouldn't look up at me, and I tilted her chin towards me and met her teary eyes. "Baby, you don't have anything at all to worry about. I think you're the most beautiful girl in the entire world." She looked like she was about to protest, and I cut her off. "I only have eyes for you, May. I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry yourself over something that's never going to happen."

May was at a loss for words, like that's not what she expected me to say. What did she expect me to say?

I was appalled and confused and heartbroken that May would think that because she had gained a little bit of weight, I would want to leave her. I was never going to leave her. That was a fact and a promise.

I placed my hands on both of May's cheeks, pulling her face towards mine and meeting her for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around her once again, pulling her into my lap and holding her while we moved our lips together. May seemed like she needed reassurance, and I was happy to comply.

Our studying was forgotten, and half an hour later, we were under the sheets, bare and staring at one another lovingly. I had kissed every part of her body, each one a reminder. She held me tightly, placing her head on my chest and closing her eyes, like she was treasuring the moment while it lasted. I knew there would be many more moments just like this one. I placed a kiss to her forehead.

"Hey," I said softly, and she hummed quietly. "Don't ever change for me, okay? You're perfect, May." I meant it.

"Okay, Drew," she whispered, following a few moments later with, "I love you."

"I love you, too," I said, and we drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

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