Drew x May // ContestShipping

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(idk if I like this but I hope you guys enjoy! either preciousmetal or amour will be next, which one do you guys want?)

Drew's POV~

A forbidden love is what it was.

It's a cliché and it's tragic and it's pathetic, but an angel fell in love with a demon. Stay back, run away, don't even look at them- but I did the opposite. Who could blame me, how could you take your eyes off one so tempting?

She didn't seem like one at first, with her silky hair and slim body, but then green eyes met red and it all fell into place. Not even her stubby horns or her pointy tail alarmed me, not even the devious smirk she wore, but her fiery orbs did all the talking. She screamed danger and temptation, and after awhile, lust, and I walked straight into the trap.

I still can't understand why my knees buckled and I gave in as soon as she walked my way. After my life full of teachings of purity and devoting my whole self to God, I threw it all away for a cheesy pick-up line and a wink. I followed her into the unknown and let her take me where she pleased without a moment's hesitation.

Then the time came, the night she was planning and I was hoping would never come, but I let myself go. She used me, and I let her, but it only resulted in one-sided heartbreak. She got the satisfaction of playing the game and I got the same by being played with.

"Something wrong, Drew?" With that, I was snapped back into the cruel reality I lived in. My head stayed down, eyes scanning what they could to make sure we were alone.

Why was she here? Why now?

"Go away, I'll get in trouble," I muttered under my breath, only to have the girl slide herself onto my lap and place her hands around my neck.

"Oh yeah? You didn't seem to be worried about all that until now, why's that?" she purred, tracing patterns on my skin and frowning when she didn't get a response from her actions. "What'll they do anyway, clip your wings? Are you sure you're deserving of them anyway?"

"I would be if I hadn't fallen in love with some stupid demon!" I raised my voice a little, and I immediately regretted the words when I saw the small smile on her face.

"In love, huh?" she taunted, and I scowled. "With me? Wow, how low have you set your standards?"

"This is all a joke to you, isn't it?" I said helplessly, pathetically even, like a hurt puppy and that immediately stopped her laughter. "For a second in the midst of us going as far as I'd never been before, I thought maybe you loved me too. How dumb, right?"

"No, Drew," May said more sympathetically. "Not at all, it's just..." Her demeanor suddenly changed from one of confidence to vulnerability. She reached out to touch my wing, but I grabbed her wrist midair.

"Get off," I snapped, taking her aback. She looked at me with wide ruby eyes before shaking her head slowly.

"N-No," she stuttered, and now it was my turn to be shocked. "Don't you get it? I want you. I want this, don't you?" She worked her wrist out of my grip and tried to entwine our fingers. For a second, I almost let my feelings take over me and give in, but I stopped them and pulled my hand away.

"You only used me," I mumbled, and she clutched my collar tightly, wrinkling the fabric as she gripped onto it.

"Because that's what demons are supposed to do, dammit!" she yelled, and I unconsciously looked around to make sure we were still the only ones in the area. If we were caught, God knows what would happen to us. "We capture and seduce and torment angels, but I feel something when I'm with you- something that I'm not supposed to. And I wouldn't believe you if you told me you didn't feel the same thing."

"May..." I trailed off, and the word didn't feel right on my tongue. It was such a pretty name for something like a demon, but she was more beautiful than any other demon, after all- at least in my eyes.

"Don't," she whispered, getting off of my lap with her head hanging low. "I shouldn't have said that, I shouldn't have even come here. I need to go."

She started to walk away and I watched her, my mind telling me to stay put but my heart screaming at me to go after her. For a moment I wondered what my Lord would do and what he wanted me to do. Personal desires shouldn't come in between us, but this was more than that. This was more than lust; this was love. If we're to love one another, what except judgement is stopping us?

As I reached for her hand, I decided I wasn't scared of judgement anymore. Looking at the hope in her bright eyes made my worries wash away as I pulled her behind a tree, not even caring if someone were to spot us at this point. I leaned in to kiss the lips I'd been missing, but stopped myself and rested my forehead on hers. She was breathing just as heavily.

"Am I making a mistake?" I asked her, and she went to say no before cutting herself off. I panicked but didn't step back, wondering if I had just fallen into her trap of lies and seduction once again, and wondering even further if I'd be okay with that anyway.

"If I said yes, would you walk away?" she whispered with a slight smirk. I laughed, what seemed like a genuine laugh for the first time in awhile, and shifted my nose to brush against hers, watching her nuzzle against me with the same smile on her face.

I answered her by tenderly placing my lips to hers, and I knew I had indeed fallen into her trap once again. But somehow, this one was different. It rivaled that of deception and allurement by a wide margin. This time, I knew I would only be falling deeper and deeper in love.

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