Drew x May // ContestShipping

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May's POV~

I stuffed my face into the pillow, muffling the constant sobs. What have I done, Arceus? Why do I deserve this pain? I just couldn't piece it all together. Brendan was my best friend, but...

"UGH!" I slammed my fist into the damp pillow repeatedly before crying into it once again.

I had lost my best friend...my closest friend in the entire world. Closer than Ash, Brock, Misty, or Dawn. Maybe even closer than Drew. No, on the same level as Drew. I couldn't bare to live without either of them.

Drew. I dialed his number I'd memorized on my cell phone. It rang and rang, until finally his familiar voice came out from the other side of the phone.

"Hey, can we talk later? I'm sort of busy right now," Drew asked. And it hit me. Drew was the special guest judge at the Grand Festival today. We both already won so we didn't enter, but he was offered the opportunity.

"S-sorry," I chocked out. "I'll call you..." I was cut off by a sob I couldn't hold in any longer.

"May?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

"I-I'm s-...sorry. It's...nothing," I forced out the words painfully. I didn't want him worrying about me at such an important time. But much to my dismay,

"I'm on my way." And with that, the call had ended.

I hated that Drew had to cancel, but I honestly didn't care at this point. I was a mess. My face was tear-stained, red, and puffy. My hair was knotted and my bandana crooked. I felt like a big pile of shit.

But I needed him. He was the only one that could make things better. Even at a time like this. But, Brendan...

"Brendan!" I waved happily. I was glad to see my friend again. He had told me to meet him here at 3:00.

"May," he replied coldly. I raised an eyebrow.

I'd guessed he was still mad at me for dating Drew. I'd always known Brendan had liked me, but he got pretty upset, refusing to speak to me afterwords. I was glad he decided to meet up again, but now I wasn't too sure.

"You okay?" I asked, concerned.

"Just dandy," he shot back. He was still mad, that was for sure.

"Look," I started, placing a hand on his shoulder, but he pushed it off roughly. He must've noticed my hurt look, because his face softened, but it was immediately covered up with hatred.

"May, this isn't working out," Brendan explained, refusing to meet my gaze.

"What isn't working out?" I questioned, getting slightly worried.

"This. Us," he responded. "Our friendship."

All time froze, just so I could feel the pain in that moment that shot through me. Like a bullet to the head, but worse. Much, much worse.

Brendan was my neighbor as a child, lover as a young teenager, best friend now at 17. Those words coming out of his mouth didn't make sense. My mind wanted to believe it wasn't real. It was all just an illusion. But it wasn't.

"Brendan," I gasped. "Just because Drew and I are dating doesn't mean we can't be friends! You know that."

"But we CAN'T be friends!" he yelled angrily, making me flinch. "I can't be friends with you knowing you're dating that bastard!"

"Don't you DARE call Drew a bastard!" I gritted my teeth, tears pricking the corners of my eyes. "You don't even know him! He's the best boyfriend I could ask for! Much better than you'd ever be."

"May, how could say that?" he shouted, hurt, but I didn't care.

"How dare YOU insult him?!" I countered.

"Why shouldn't I? He deserves it! Stealing you away from me like that!"

"He didn't even know you until after he asked me out, and you know that! You're just jealous!"

"See what he's doing? He's tearing our friendship apart! Don't you see? We should be together!"

"But I love Drew!"

"You don't love him! You just think that for now, but he'll dump you and leave you! May, I can stay with you forever..."

"What do you expect me to do about it? Break up with him?" I let out a cold laugh. "Never in a million years. And he promised me the same."

"This is why we can't be friends." He calmed down a little. "Seeing you with him...it's just too painful."

"May," Drew arrived, shocking me back into reality. He was dressed in a nice, black suit with an emerald tie that matched his eyes. Dressed up for the occasion he should be attending.

"Drew..." I sniffled. I hugged my pillow to my chest, sitting criss-cross on my bed.

"MayMay, what's wrong?" he asked, kneeling in front of me so that we were the same height. Roselia followed him, joining me on the bed. The little Grass type curled up in my lap, doing its best to comfort me. "Roselia's worried about you."

"Br-Brendan," I whispered, and his eyes hardened. "Don't get..mad."

His face softened again, and he took my hands in his.

"I'm sorry, MayMay." He always used my nickname when I was upset to cheer me up. It usually worked, just not today. "What did Brendan do?"

"He was...jealous," I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself. "Of you and me. And we got in a fight." He patiently waited for me to continue, rubbing my hand gently. "He said we couldn't be friends anymore."

And the tears came again, harder this time. Drew joined me on the bed, rubbing my back, whispering soothing words in my ear.

"Roselia," he said. "now."

"Rose, rose!" Roselia breathed out a green colored powder, surrounding me. It was surprisingly calm, ridding of my tears and bringing me to my normal state.

"Thank you," I told Roselia and he nodded. "What move is that?"

"Aromatherapy," Drew answered, flicking his hair in his usual manner. "Cool, huh? It's used to heal status conditions, but it worked in this case, too."

Drew pulled out a thornless blood-red rose from behind his back. He tucked it behind my ear and, for the first time today, I smiled.

"It's beautiful. Thank you," I whispered.

"A beautiful rose for a beautiful girl." He smirked before placing a kiss on my lips.

Typical Drew. He could turn the worst of situations into a happy moment. It's why I truly loved him so much.

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