Bonnie x Max // FourthWheelShipping

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Bonnie's POV~

My eyes scanned the building I'd entered after exiting the plane, searching for a certain green-haired boy I knew. Clemont strolled up behind me, looking around as well. I'd started to walk further into the crowd when Clemont grabbed my forearm.

"Bonnie, you have to stay close," he sighed. "I don't want to lose you in the crowd!"

"I'm not eight anymore, Clemont," I snapped, jerking my arm away. "I can do what I want."

"Don't pull that attitude with me, young lady," he scolded.

"I'm fourteen!" I threw a hand in the air. "Stop treating me like a child!" Dedenne squeaked at him from my bag, waving her little fist in the air.

"I only want what's best for you." His eyes softened, and he started with a lecture, but I wasn't listening. Instead, my eyes focused on forest green locks and I smiled brightly.

"Max!" I called, pushing through the crowd. "Max!"

"Bonnie!" He grinned, waving.

He made his way toward me and I did the same, despite Clemont's constant protesting. I doubt my brother could even catch up with me anyway. He was so slow.

Max embraced me in a tight hug once we had reached eachother, stoking my back softly. I giggled as he released me, taking in his new appearance.

Max looked like a whole new person. His hair was a bit shorter and swept to the side. He still had his large black glasses framing his emerald eyes. Converse, cacky shorts, and a striped green polo clothed him and showed off his newly inhabited muscular build.

But, of course, I'd changed over six years, too. I'd grown my hair out to a little below my chest, letting the blond strands fall straight. I'd replaced my short skirt with white shorts and my orange tank top stayed put. A pink barrette clipped the left side of my hair back, keeping it out of my face. My outfit was completed with white VANS and a tan satchel that held Dedenne.

"You look great," Max commented, smiling smugly.

"So do you!" I complimented and Dedenne squeaked. "You've really changed."

"Yeah, yeah, we all look beautiful," Clemont sighed, walking up behind us. "Hello there, Max."

"Clemont," Max responded casually, waving slightly.

"I should get going," I stated, turning to Clemont. "I'll miss you."

"Be safe in Hoenn." Clemont death gripped me and stoked my hair. "Stay with Max at all times and have fun traveling. Don't get hurt or wander off the paths. Stock up on food and medicine. Train and beat all the gym leaders, and I'll see you in the Pokemon League."

"I know, I know," I laughed slightly, backing away from him.

"I love you, Bonnie," he said, clasping my hand and slowly backing away.

"Love you too," I replied, sliding my hand out of his as he disappeared into the crowd.

A frown found its way to my face, remembering the brief argument we'd had just a few moments earlier. And now I wouldn't see him for a year, because I would be traveling Hoenn with Max.

"C'mon," Max said, tugging at me gently and leading me out of the building. I searched the parking lot for May or Drew.

"Where's our ride to Littleroot?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "Isn't that where you live?"

"Kirlia," Max said. A little ballerina pokemon appeared out of thin air before him. It noticed me and hid behind Max, shivering.

"It's okay," I spoke softly, tilting my head at it. "I won't hurt you."

It slowly crept between Max's legs, still staying a few feet away just in case. It then looked at Max for instructions.

"Littleroot, please," he instructed. "You know what to do."

Kirlia nodded, taking Max's hand immediately and mine hesitantly. Max entwined our fingers and the world tossed and turned in swirling colors...

I fell to the ground as we arrived at our destination: right in front of Max's house. Max helped me to my feet, and I noticed he hadn't fallen.

"You get used to it." He shrugged, returning Kirlia to his pokeball. "I use Teleport often."

"Teleport..." I repeated. "That's what that move was?" Max nodded.

"Bonnie, why don't you come inside while I grab my backpack?" he asked. "My parents are at work, but May's home."

I nodded, following him into the house. Great timing, too. May and Drew didn't even notice the door slam shut as they were too busy making out on the couch. Although Max didn't seem phased, so I guess this happened often.

"Hey, lovebirds," Max muttered and they broke apart. May blushed furiously, but Drew just smirked. "Why don't you stop sucking each other's faces off and help me pack?"

"MAX!" May yelled, blushing madly.

"Hey there, kiddo," Drew said casually, slinging an arm over May. "Bonnie, hey!"

"Hi, Bonnie," May greeted, smiling sweetly. Talk about a mood swing.

"Hi!" I chirped. Max took a few snacks and potions from the cupboard, cramming them in his pack.

"You two are traveling with eachother, eh? Remember those days, May?" Drew mumbled into her neck. I blushed and glanced away as May unsuccessfully tried to push him off.

"Sorry, he's...drunk??" May tried, and I shook my head disapprovingly at her. She let out a nervous laugh and sighed.

"Ready!" Max called, running over to me. May stood up, walking over to him with Drew following. She gave each of us a quick hug.

"You two be careful, alright?" She pulled us both in for another hug, and Drew rolled his eyes. "Max, keep the snogging to a minimum, okay? No sex at your age, and sleep in separate beds."

"M-May!" he stuttered. I could've sworn I saw May mouth 'revenge' to Max.

"I say knock yourself out," Drew chuckled. "May and I sure did. Just use protection."

"Have fun!" she called as we exited the door.

Max waited until the house was out of sight before grabbing my hands in his and laughing. I smiled slightly, confused at his actions. He suddenly entwined our fingers, leaving us face-to face and mere inches apart. I glanced at the ground, blushing madly, as he grinned.

"M-Max?" I asked, looking up at him, and he chuckled lightly.

"I missed you so much." He lightly bumped his forehead against mine. "And now we'll be traveling together. Just the two of us. We're finally alone."

I giggled, and he smirked. I could tell Drew was starting to rub off on him. If that was a good or bad thing, I'm not sure.

I let out a happy sigh as our noses touched and our lips met. I could get used to this.

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