Dawn x May // SapphirePearlShipping

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Dawn's POV~

I was just a princess. I just tagged along. And it wasn't supposed to turn out this way. Out of the endless line of princes of all varieties to choose from...

Why did she pick me?

"You really don't have to come, Dawn," Lucas assured with a half-smirk, reaching out to place his hand on my head, rubbing it slightly as I recoiled with a swat at his wrist. He chuckled as I fixed my hair, wearing a pout that I was notorious for. "It's going to be so boring. It will probably take hours to even get to Princess May. There will be hundreds, maybe even thousands, of princes waiting to kiss her. What are even the chances I'll be the one to wake her up?"

"Exactly! There will be princes there, Lucas!" His lips curved into a confused frown at this, catching onto my motive. "I have a chance to find someone to marry, and Mom and Dad will finally stop nagging at me about it."

"But I thought-" I warned him to speak further with an almost daring glare. He gave an unimpressed sigh, eyes laced with pity. "You don't want to marry a prince, Dawn. Why are you forcing this on yourself?"

I wanted my eyes to narrow further, but against my will, they softened. It was my turn to give his head a pat, offering a small smile to which he didn't return.

"I'll be fine," I whispered, and before he could object, I turned my back. "If anything, I'm going for the princess." I didn't have to glance back to know there was a fond smile on my brother's face.

I disappeared into my room to find my best dress, tying my hair up in an intricate bun and adding golden barrettes until I was satisfied with my appearance. I took one last look in the extravagant mirror before me, studying my face and somehow convincing myself that I was about to find the one I'd spend my life with at a gathering for another.

The trip was oh, so long. Not once had it crossed my mind that the sleeping beauty wasn't even within our own region. After flights followed by our travels on land, we finally arrived, only to be greeted with a swerving, organized lines of thousands of princes stretching on and on. Lucas and I gaped at the queue of royalty before hesitantly getting in line, not before clashing into a prince of our own.

"Hey! Watch it!" the bleach blonde boy proclaimed loudly, rubbing at a spot on his forehead. He whipped around on his feet, preparing an agitated speech before letting his mouth fall agape, a blush heavily coating his cheeks. "I-I- Prince Lucas! What an honor! Wow, I am so incredibly sorry!" he apologized quickly, even going the length to bow down before him. Lucas, being the merciful and kind man he is, politely assured that an apology wasn't necessary before reaching out to guide the boy back into a standing position.

"No, that's quite alright. There's really no need," he said in a soft voice, giving a sweet smile that could swoon anyone in his path. "Prince Barry of the Twinleaf province, is this correct?" Barry gave a swift nod, eyes shining like he was star struck.

As much as I hated to admit it, Barry was good company for the long wait. I'd tried to introduce myself, but he only gave me a polite nod before turning back to my brother. At least he was more lighthearted and entertaining than the grumpy prince behind us, one that I recognized as part of the Veilstone province royal family. His older brother accompanied him, wearing a constant smile in contrast to the younger of the two. They were both polite in introductions as well, but the younger was clearly uninterested and his brother shared too much of an age gap for marriage or anything of the sort.

It went just like that as the line moved forward. You'd think anyone would jump at the opportunity to potentially marry a princess of an entire region, but any time someone came from their shot at kissing the princess, only glares were sent in my direction.

"Hey, uh, Princess?" Barry asked as we neared the front of the line. "Why is everyone glaring at you? Did you do something?"

"Of course not," Lucas answered for me, and Barry nodded quickly, exclaiming an 'of course, of course' as I wondered the answer for myself.

Barry looked uneasy as he finally got to the sleeping princess, glancing back at Lucas before hesitantly kissing her. Her lips moved, and I thought she was awake, as did Lucas, but Barry only turned to face me with wide eyes. I gave him a questioning look- one that wasn't answered as he was pushed aside by the guards around May.

"It's not gonna be me," Lucas told me before stepping towards the sleeping girl. I walked cautiously beside him, drinking in the beauty's appearance as we arrived. My eyes raked over her tranquil form, and I fell in love with the surface.

Her soft brown hair framed her sweet, kind face, and her hands were folded in the center of her lap. Her skin was a milky white, complementing dark eyelashes and eyebrows that stood out in great contrast. She was undoubtedly and utterly beautiful.

I looked over to Lucas's lips landing on hers in an awkward angle, and Barry watched us intently, his eyes narrowed as he did so. After a couple seconds of his lips resting on her motionless ones, they twitched, and I knew this was it. Lucas was her true love.

But even as they moved, her eyes did not open. She didn't stand, and they didn't embrace and kiss once more and ride off into the sunset. Only her lips moved, and they whispered a single word:


I was just a princess.

It was unexpected to say the least - to hear my names slipping delicately from the otherwise lifeless girl lying on a bed of flowers. I wasn't sure how Lucas or the others reacted, or what even happened in the time between my shocked gasp and when I myself had leaned down to kiss her.

I just tagged along.

I felt the breath of life filling her once again as our lips connected, and her dazzling eyes flew open to meet mine as I pulled away. She followed me, sitting up and searching my face, but for what? An answer? I didn't have one to give her.

And it wasn't supposed to turn out this way.

I could only think of how this was someone else's moment - one that I was stealing away. I didn't want it to be me. I wanted to turn around, find a husband, settle down, and he content. I didn't ask for this, but I kissed her anyway, silently hoping for it.

Out of the endless line of princes of all varieties to choose from...

Even so, I was kissing her again. And again, and again, and again, even as the others watched. She had finally found her true love, and I had found mine.

Why did she pick me?

But the guilt had faded away and been replaced with the sight of a smile: a view I would never get tired of.

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