Drew x May // ContestShipping

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Drew's POV~

"Again. Show no mercy," I ordered.

"Wartortle, Bubblebeam once more!" May yelled.

The little water type sighed and sent out a stream of fierce bubbles for the seventh time.

"Magical Leaf," I commanded, and Roserade fired glowing, razor sharp leaves at the bubbles, slicing them in half. May winced and I sighed.

"You can't be a good coordinator if you're no good at battles!" I said.

"I'm trying! I really am!" she yelled back.

"May, you can't just attack head on! You need a strategy," I instructed, but she wouldn't listen.

"But that's what I was doing! If you didn't have the type advan-"

"No, you weren't! If you had a strategy, if you would just listen to me-"

"But you're the one who's not listening to me! You don't listen to what I have to say, and we can't communicate!"

We shouted at one another, face-to-face, trying to prove a point. She just doesn't listen to me! I am her teacher, and if she doesn't pay attention, she won't learn.

All I wanted was the best for her, but sometimes you have to learn the hard way. And that's the only way I teach.

"But Drew, this isn't fair! You have the type advantage!"

"That has nothing to do with it! May, if you were a good coordinator, I wouldn't have been able to counter attack," I yelled at her and I saw the genuine fear in her eyes. Her hands were shaking and she looked down to the ground.

She would never learn! She can't just cry every time something doesn't go her way. I have to be hard on her. I needed to toughen her up. Usually she wouldn't cry because she knew my expectations. She wanted to make me proud, and I was proud of her just by knowing that. But this time, it was different.

I watched as the tears flowed down her cheeks and Wartortle trotted over to comfort her. She bent down and stroked him while crying silently.

"You can't just cry your problems away," I said, trying to keep a straight face. I couldn't let my feelings get in the way of my training. I wouldn't give in. I turned my back to her and walked away. I stopped halfway and turned to face her. "Come back when you're a decent coordinator, and until then, find another teacher."

"Dr-Drew," she sniffled, getting up and walking towards me. She crossed her arms and stared at the ground. "You didn't mean that...d-did you?"


"When you said...that I have to find another..another.."

I waited in silence.

"Another teacher? Another rival? Another l-love?" she asked, looking up at me.

I stared into her eyes filled with sorrow, hurt, and fear. Fear of me. She looked like a hurt puppy that's been kicked too many times. And I was the cause of her pain.

I hadn't really meant it. I wanted to teach her. I wanted her to become the very best. She looked up to me. I was her rival, her teacher, her role model, her friend, her boyfriend. I was irreplaceable. At least, to her I was.

I wondered if I should comfort her or walk away. One half of me said cruelness was the only option. The other half urged me to embrace her in my arms and make her feel loved, because she was. She deserved to have another who wouldn't be so hard on her. Who would shelter her when she cried. Who would love her like there was no tomorrow, but that just wasn't my style.

She chose to love me, but I always wondered why. I was so cruel and harsh, especially to May.

What right do I have to comfort her if I am the source of her sorrow?

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