Christmas Special!

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A/N: In this Christmas special I'll do a few paragraphs for each ship: Ikari, Hyper, SoulSilver, and Poke. Merry Christmas everyone!

Paul's POV~

"Pllllllleeeeeeeeeeaaaaasssseeee?!" Dawn begged, pulling on my jacket sleeve. I grunted and rested my head on the back of the couch, closing my eyes.


"Pwease?" She sniffled, pulling her pouty face. She curled up next to me and stared up at me with pleading eyes.

"Well, when you say it like that..." I sighed. "No." I smiled at my joke, but Dawn didn't seem to find it amusing.

She grinned and pecked me on the cheek. I blushed deeply and she stood from the couch.

"Take me ice skating or that will be the last kiss you get today." She crossed her arms and I rolled my eyes.

"I can live with that," I smirked.

"That's okay," she chirped. "Barry will take me ice skating."

"Dawn," I said, standing up.

"Hm?" She raised an eyebrow, trying to tempt me by applying lip gloss.

"For the love of Arceus," I mumbled, grabbing her hand. "Let's go."

Bianca's POV~

I shaped the snow into two long curves to form the snowman's hair and took a few steps back to admire my work. Barry walked up beside me and squinted at my masterpiece. I turned to him and grinned, earning a slight grin back.

"It's you!" I exclaimed, pointing to the snowman. He squinted his eyes and frowned.

"I find that offensive," he huffed, crossing his arms.

I pretended to look hurt and he smiled brightly, poking me in the stomach. I laughed and tried to push him away, but failing to do so as he tickled me even more.

"Stop!" I finally got out between breaths.

"What was that? More?" Barry asked, tickling me even more.

"Stop!!" I yelled once more and he released me. He looked up at the deformed snowman in front of us.

"Something tells me this is your first snowman," he pointed out, sighing.

"How'd you know?" I giggled in response. He just shook his head and laughed. Suddenly, his eyes widened.

"Waaaaah! I almost forgot!" he screamed, waving his hands in the air. He saw my confused state and smiled slightly. "I'm sorry, Bianca. I have to go, but I had a great time!"

He glanced at me and mumbled a curse under his breath before placing a quick kiss on my cheek. He ran off in his usual manner, and I placed a hand where the touch of his lips still lingered.

"Merry Christmas, Barry," I whispered.

Silver's POV~

I heard the door to my room open, but I honestly didn't care who it was. I was tired. I stayed up until about 3:00 because Yellow wouldn't quit crying over her ex to me. Red wasn't any help in comforting her, seeing as he was actually happy the two had broken up.


I slowly opened my eyes, and I couldn't help but smile at all my friends surrounding me. Blue, Yellow, Leaf, Red, Lyra, Gold...everyone.

"Happy birthday, Silver!" Leaf laughed, skipping over to give me a hug.

"Happy birthday, man," Gold said and Red nodded.

"Thanks you guys. Appreciate it," I sighed, lying back down on my back.

"You're tired. We'll be in the living room when you get up," Blue said, leaving the room with everyone following.

"Silver?" a familiar voice asked after the door was shut. I looked up and raised an eyebrow.


"I-I got you something. Here," Lyra said, handing me a pokeball.

I clicked the button in the middle of the pokeball and a heart-shaped fish popped out. A silver bell was pinned to it.

"A Luvdisc," I smirked. "Cheesy, but cute."

"Heh, yeah." She laughed nervously, scratching the back of her head.

"What's this?" I asked, reaching out to the bell on it. The pink pokemon backed away at first, but slowly made its way to me so I could touch it.

"A Soothe Bell," Lyra explained. "It creates a stronger bond with a pokemon and trainer, increases their friendship."

I smiled in her direction and stared at the bell in front of me. Sighing, I turned toward Lyra.

"You know this means a lot to me," I said.

I sat up in my bed, patting the spot beside me. She came and sat down, stroking the Luvdisc.

"I know. You always say how you want to have a stronger bond with your pokemon, how you want to be their friends now."

We sat in silence for a few minutes. Lyra pressed a kiss to my temple, breaking the silence.

"Thank you," I said.

"No, thank you," she replied, and I couldn't help but wonder what she meant.

Misty's POV~

I walked out to Cerulean Cape, my favorite place to just relax. It was Christmas Eve, the most wonderful, happiest, most magical time of year. The lake was covered with a thin layer of ice. You could see the Goldeen and Horsea swimming underneath it.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I heard someone say as they sat beside me in the frost-covered grass.

"Mystifying," I agreed.

"Mist, this is for you," the trainer said, handing me a small box.

"Thanks, Ash," I said, sort of surprised, taking the box. I studied its velvet-like features and rectangular shape.

"Well, don't just stare at it. Open it!" he laughed, and I was brought back into reality.

"Oh, um, right!" I laughed, opening the box.

Inside lay a silver chain with different charms on it, each with a beautiful design. There were five charms: a Santa hat, a pokeball, a Marill, the Cascade badge, and a heart in the middle.

"Each one describes your personality. Here, take a closer look at the heart," Ash said.

I squinted at the tiny charm. Inside, there was M+A engraved into it. I was speechless. The whole thing was just...

"Beautiful," I breathed out. "It's beautiful."

"I thought you would like it," Ash smiled, taking the bracelet out of its case. He wrapped it around me wrist and I grinned.

"Merry Christmas, Ash," I whispered.

"Merry Christmas, Misty."

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