Valentine's Day Special <3

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A/N: I'm only doing the following main ships for this special: Poke, Contest, Ikari, and OldRival. Happy Valentine's Day!

Misty's POV~

Ah, Valentine's Day. A holiday created for lovers, couples, close friends, and siblings. A holiday celebrating love.

Gary had a date with almost twenty girls, Tracey went out with his girlfriend, all my sisters obviously had dates, and me? I was sitting in bed, on my laptop, looking up swimming classes for Psyduck. What a wonderful way to celebrate the annual holiday.

Gary had offered to take me out as friends; he had an opening from 9:30 to 11:00. Of course, I refused, not wanting to waste his time when he could be making out with some random girl he met ten minutes ago at a café.

My phone buzzed and I groaned, reading over the notification. It was an unknown number, reading,

"Meet me at Cerulean Cape in 20."

I squinted at the number that seemed vaguely familiar. I hadn't saved it as a contact, though. Or I could have possibly deleted it?

The main question was: Should I stay or should I go? The number did seem familiar, after all. Maybe it was someone I knew.

I quickly threw on a floral tank top and white shorts, slipping on some floral VANS Lily had gotten me. My hair was up in its usual, messy side ponytail, and, although I wasn't pleased with my appearance, it would do.

I sighed, staring at the document opened on my laptop screen before closing it. Psyduck would never learn. I'd convinced myself. Not even with a professional trainer's help.

My legs had memorized the familiar path to Cerulean Cape. I did go there everyday, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if I could walk the trail blindfolded. I strolled past couples at the opening, my eyes searching for the only single person there could be.

A hand grabbed my wrist and I whipped around, eyes widening as I realized who had texted me. I had indeed deleted his number. That's why I didn't realize...

"Misty." He stated, staring at me with big eyes.


May's POV~

I yanked on my bandana over my neatly brushed hair and exited the bathroom, joining my family downstairs.

"Morning!" I greeted, sliding into the seat next to the kitchen table.

"Morning, Honey." Mom and Dad said in unison.

"May, you know what today is?" Max asked excitedly, joining me at the table.

"No." I answered, confused. What was today? A wide smirk grew on his face.

"Valentine's Day." He grinned and Drew immediately popped into my head. He wouldn't get me anything, though, would he? It wouldn't suit his style. "Thinking about Drew, are we?"

"You don't know that," I huffed.

"Then explain your red face," He huffed back and my blush deepened.

"Oh, go blab to your Kalos girlfriend," I countered. "I'm sure she'll enjoy your company."

"Her name's Bonnie." He narrowed his eyes.

"I know what her name is, you little brat." I spat.

"Well why don't you go mak-" He was cut off by the doorbell. I sighed, rising to answer whoever was at the door.

I opened the large, wooden door to find not a person, but a note resting on the ground. A rose rested on top of the note and I grinned, picking the two items up. 

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