Calem x Serena // KalosShipping

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Calem's POV~

"Calem?" my mom said, shaking me slightly. "Happy birthday!"

My eyes fluttered open to meet hers. She smiled brightly, leaning down to kiss my cheek. I grimaced slightly, wiping the kiss off of my face.

"Sorry for waking you up so early," she apologized. "Our neighbor's here to see you. She said she had a surprise for your birthday. Golly, what was her name?"

"Serena," I answered, rolling my eyes. Mom giggled at me, heading to the door.

"She's waiting downstairs. Better not keep her waiting." She winked, closing the door to my room.

I stuffed my face in my pillow an groaned. What the hell could she want at 7:30 in the morning?!

I slowly rose from my bed and got dressed in jeans, a black V-neck with a blue jacket, and black converse. Slipping my bag over my shoulder, I headed down the stairs.

"Calem!" Serena waved from the couch when I arrived. She was watching a show about some cartoon sponge. I didn't know what it was; I'm not very big on cartoons.

"Hey there, neighbor," I said, grabbing a piece of toast and joining her on the couch.

"I told you to call me Serena." She eyed me up and down, but returned her attention to the TV. "You better go change. We can't ride with you dressed like that."

"Ride?" I asked. I noticed she wasn't wearing her usual clothes. Instead, she had on a pink jumpsuit with hearts stitched to the lower left corner. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail with a pink bow in it.

"Yes, ride," she started, pulling something out of her bag. "Now, go put this on. And hurry up."

I took the blue jumpsuit from her hands and went upstairs to change. Ride? Ride what?

I sighed. I never knew what that girl had planned. She was always full of surprises.

As soon as I stepped out of my room, I felt someone grab my hand and I was being pulled down the stairs.

"Serena!" I scolded. "Let go!"

She giggled, releasing my hand and running down the stairs with me following. She opened the door and motioned for me to hurry.

"Bye bye! Thanks for breakfast!" Serena called, waving.

"My pleasure, Serena. You two have fun," Mom smiled, waving slightly back.

"Serena, where are we going?" I asked as she shut the door.

"It's a surprise!" She giggled and I sighed. This was not good.

Grabbing my hand once again, she dragged me to her house. Instead of stopping at the front door, though, we kept going to her backyard. A big arena enclosed by a wooden gate stood before us.

"Come on out!" Serena laughed, throwing two pokeballs into the arena. Out popped two Ryhorn.

"No way," I gasped, looking over to her. She smiled brightly and giggled for what seemed like the millionth time.

"Uh-huh! Mom said you could have one! I know you've always wanted to learn how to ride. And guess who's teaching you!" Serena cheered.

I just stared at her in disbelief before embracing her in a hug. She looked shocked, but reluctantly hugged back.

"Thank you," I said. "Thank you so much, Serena. You know your mother is my idol, and I just adore Ryhorn! I've always wanted to ride since I was little and, and- This is the best birthday gift ever!" I broke the hug and she blushed, laughing nervously.

"Really, it was nothing..."

"Nonsense!" I interrupted. "Shall we get started?" She nodded.

Serena showed me how to tack the Ryhorn and named each piece of equipment.

"The breast collar wraps around the front of the Ryhorn and connects in the front of the saddle right here," she explained, pointing to the front section of the saddle and hooking the leather strap to it. "And this is the girth- it connects to this strap. You always wrap it around three times. On the third, cross over and make it into a tie like this!"

Her swift motions looked like she'd been doing it for years. She showed me how to properly equip the bridle and I copied her movements with my Ryhorn.

For most of the lesson, we worked on just walking and stopping. Serena said it was very important for my safety to know how to control my Ryhorn before doing anything dangerous with it.

"You're doing great, Calem!" she assured. "But stop leaning forward; posture is important in Ryhorn riding."

"Sorry," I apologized.

"Nah, it took me a long time to break that habit- and I still do it, too!" She laughed. "But it's getting late. You probably want to go spend some time with Shauna, Trevor, and Tierno. It's cool."

"You're welcome to come, too," I said, but she shook her head no.

"That's okay. Here, this is how you dismount." She swung one leg around to the other side of the Ryhorn, laid on the saddle while kicking her foot out of the stirrup, and slid off elegantly. I mimicked her actions, but with less grace.

"Thanks a lot," I repeated.

"My pleasure! I had a lot of fun," she replied. "I'd love if we could ride again some time." I nodded and began to head off.

"See you soon, Serena!" I waved.

"See ya, neighbor," she called after me. "Happy birthday, Calem!"

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