Ash x Gary // PalletShipping

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(UPDATE: 5/17/15. From now on, please no comments against this ship or the fact that it's gay. If you don't like it or are homophobic, simply move on to the next oneshot. You don't need to put a comment here that could offend someone's ship or sexuality.

Yeah, I ship it. And yes, I do have gay/bisexual friends. But really, this needed to be said for some of the readers' sakes that might be offended. All past comments about this will be deleted. Thank you. :))

Ash's POV~

Tears brimmed my eyes as Misty apologized continuously. She was breaking up with me, and I had no idea why. She tried to explain, but I couldn't hear her through my sobs.

"Ash!" she pleaded. "Look, I really am sorry, but we don't see each other anymore! You know I love you, but I can't take not being able to see you!"

I mumbled my response, brushing her shoulder as I strode past her and out of my house. I ignored her shouts and broke into a run, not even Pikachu behind me. I knew I must've looked like a mess, my eyes red and puffy. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I kept my head down, bolting away from my now ex girlfriend.

I bumped into a hard figure, both of us slamming to the ground. I rubbed my head in pain, apologizing, as the other person stood, offering their hand to me.

"Thanks," I mumbled, taking their hand and standing up. Looking at their face for the first time, I couldn't believe my eyes. "G-Gary?!"

"Why are you crying, Ashy-boy?" he asked, staring at the liquid seeping from my cheeks.

"I haven't," I retorted gently, moving my hand away from his. The cold winter air hit my skin, urging me to take his warm hand in mine again, but I resisted.

"You have," he corrected, bring up his hand next to my cheek. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for a punch. Of course Gary would kick me when I was already down.

But instead of a punch, my eyes widened slight as his thumb brushed against my cheek, gently wiping the tears away. The brunette blushed faintly, avoiding my gaze as I just stared at him in shock.

"Was it-"

"Misty." I finished for him, and he gave me a sad smile. A frown forced its way onto my face, and I couldn't control the everlasting tears this time.

"Stop crying," the boy demanded, bringing up his other hand so that he was cupping my cheeks. I treasured the moment, knowing this would never happen again, but his skin felt so good against mine.

"M-Maybe she isn't the one for you," he continued, stuttering. "You'll find your special someone, trust me. Maybe he's closer than you think."


Gary softly pulled my face closer, leaning in slowly. I had plenty of time to push him away, yell at him, make fun of him for trying to hit on me, and I should have. But there's no way I ever would.

I closed my eyes as his lips pressed against mine, resting there for a few seconds before pulling away, leaving me so confused. We were both guys, but why did his lips feel so right on mine? Why did my heart beat faster when he touched me? Why could he make me blush so easily?

Why did I love him, more than any girl in the world?

He turned his back to me, his face surely being as red as mine now. I placed my hand on my lips, wanting, needing, more of him.

"Whenever you need me," he started, exhaling shakily. "I'll be there for you, and I can promise that I'll never leave you." He'd started to walk away, but I stepped forward, gripping the fabric of his shirt.

"Gary," I halted.

"Yes Ashy-boy?" he asked, returning to his cocky self.

"T-Thank you," I told him, blushing. Even though I couldn't see his face, I knew he was smiling.

"Anytime," he answered, and my new boyfriend walked away. I watched him all the way, not even missing the fist pump in the air once he returned home.

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