Blue x Leaf // OldRivalShipping

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Blue's POV~

I smirked as Leaf's Venusaur dropped to the ground, fainted. I thanked Blastoise for the battle, returning him for a nice rest.

"I lost?" Leaf sulked, returning her fainted pokemon.

"Only for the seventh time in a row," I scoffed.

"Don't be such a show off, Blue," Leaf shot back. "You only got lucky!"

"And I even gave you the type advantage," I grinned, knowing she was fighting a losing battle.

"Whatever, I don't have time for you," she huffed, grabbing her coat and heading off.

A wave of confusion spread over my face and I ran to Leaf, catching up to her. She ignored me, though, continuing to march down the path.

"C'mon, Leafy, I was just messin' with you," I joked.

"Nonsense. Besides, I've got plans," she declared.

"But I thought you and me were gonna hang out today," I pouted placing a hand on her shoulder, forcing her to stop.

"What makes you say that?" Leaf asked, shrugging my hand off, but turning to face me anyway.

"We hang out every Friday," I sulked. Her face softened for a moment; she probably realized the genuine sadness I was feeling.

"Sorry, Blue," she apologized and quickly looked down. "I've got a date."

My eyes widened even though hers were focused on the ground. My Leaf, my little Leaf was going on a date? But, why? With who?

"With Gold," she answered like she could read my mind.

"Gold? I thought he was dating Krys," I said, even though they had broken up a week ago. "Or was it Lyra?" No, that was last month. "Wait, nope. My bad, it was Sapphire."

"Blue, I get your point, he dates a lot of girls, but-" Leaf started.

"And has broken the heart of every one of them," I finished.

"But I really like him," she protested, heading off once more, leaving me behind.

"A date?" I whispered. I didn't know why this was such a shock to me; I went on dates all the time with all different kinds of girls, and not one of them did I care for.

When Leaf told me she was going on a date, why did I feel so mad? I didn't have feelings for Leaf. We were best friends, I couldn't have feelings for her. Or maybe I just hadn't realized it before...

Right now, Leaf would usually be curled up on the couch next to me while we watched every episode of Glee that ever existed. I, personally, didn't care for the show, but Leaf was in love, so I put up with it.

But, instead, right now, Leaf was out with the world's #1 heart breaker, just before me of course. She'd come home, happy as ever, only to have her heart broken. I'd be the one to comfort her.

And I was right.

I'd finally got what I'd missed: Leaf curled up next to me on the couch on Friday night. But she insisted on watching the Titanic, crying every time someone kissed or flirted or if the opposite sex even spoke to one another.

"I warned you," I told her. She buried her face into my shirt, soaking it with tears.

"I'm sorry!" she choked out and I calmed her, stroking her hair gently.

It really hurt to see her in this much pain, even though I wasn't the one to cause it. And I never wanted to be. Yet, somehow, I usually was.

"I'm sorry, too, Leafy," I pitied, "that all this happened to you. It hurts, doesn't it?" She nodded into my chest.

"It's okay, I'm here, Leaf. And as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you."

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