Misty x Gary // EgoShipping

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Misty's POV~

"You said you wouldn't leave..." I whispered to myself, my back against the wall of the gym.

I wasn't the type to get emotional, but it was just me here and no one else to judge me.

So I let the tears flow, forming small puddles beneath my feet. I slid down onto the floor, hugging my knees tight to my chest.

"You said you'd stay here with me..." I choked out. "You said you'd stay you filthy, lying, dirty, cheating JERK!"

I slammed my fist into the wall behind me, shouting at the boy who was long gone in Kalos, now. Off on an adventure, not even bothering to call, write, text, nothing.

He's too busy with training, I had guessed. Training with his new traveling partners, his new friends, leaving his old ones in the past. Not even bothering to look back.

He'll go off and forget about me, while I sit here, dreading the moment he left and anticipating when he would return. But did he do the same? I doubted it.

"Oh, Ash," I sighed, clearing my throat. "Why do I love you? Why did I ever say 'yes' to you?"

There was no doubt I was a mess right now: nose running, face red, eyes stormy, hair tangled. But I could care less. I just sat in the corner crying silently. Pathetic, isn't it?

"Red?" came from the entrance of her training area of the gym. My eyes widened and I stayed hidden, hands covering my face.

There was only one person who called me 'Red'. Only one person who knew where my training room was, who knew I would be devastated at Ash's departure, who would come to comfort me...

The sounds of footsteps approached me, and the giver sighed. I felt him bend down in front of me, taking my hands and slowly removing from them from my face.

"Red?" he whispered, tilting my chin up to meet his gaze.

"Hi, Gary," I whispered back, clearing my throat.

He sat down next to me, waiting for the moment when I would break. And I tried so hard not to, holding on dearly to not let my thoughts and feelings flow freely. How it would be so easy to let them do so.

"It can't be healthy to hold in your tears like that," he half laughed.

His words were like a trigger to my emotions, setting them free.

"Gary, I-" I started, hiccuping, but was cut off by him doing something he hadn't done before.

He slowly leaned towards me, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. He then pulled me onto his lap and I didn't hesitate to lean into his chest.

Over the years, Gary and I were closer than ever, being one city away and all. We'd hugged and maybe held hands in a friendly manner, but nothing like this.

"You needed that," he confirmed, stroking my hair.

I nodded, knowing his shirt was getting wet from the muggy water pouring out of my eyes, but he didn't seem to care or notice.

"I'll be here, for you," Gary promised, resting his head on top of mine, "and I'm not leaving."

And at that moment, I knew he was telling the truth.

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