Serena x Misty // DesperateShipping

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(I was reading all the Misty vs Serena comments and get ready this is gonna be GOOD jk this oneshot is a joke lmao and now I lowkey wanna write a serious one just because it's funny k cool enjoy)

Serena's POV~

"ASH WAIT!" I yelled, clenching my fist as the escalator carried me farther and farther away from him. I turned my head, seeing his confused face and starting to run up the descending escalator, which was a stupid idea since I only got further from him when I was trying to get closer. Damn this escalator trying to tear us apart, I didn't have time to get on the one that actually goes up. Its purpose may be to bring me down, but I won't allow it.

After about five minutes of battling the contraption, I reached the top, where I was met with a difficult decision. But it was now or never.

"Just, let me live out my dream senpai," I whispered, placing a sweet kiss to his cheek and leaving everyone shocked. I nervously waited Ash's response as the escalator took me farther and farther, until he finally scrunched up his nose and wiped his cheek vigorously.

"Ew Serena what's your problem?" he mumbled, and my heart sank. "Now my mom has to give me a cootie bath like she did whenever that one chick kissed me in Kanto in front of Pikachu too the disrespect."

"Ash, I-I thought-" I stuttered, and the tears started to well up in my eyes. I reached the first floor and took off not dating to look back. "ash u a ho" I cried out as I ran, only to bump into someone along the way.

"H2 woah (get it like H2O) slow down little lady what's the matter?" a red-headed girl asked, a look of concern on her face.

"I'm sorry, I- I've had my first heartbreak," I looked away dramatically, covering my eyes. "I can't be seen like this, not in front of someone yourself." She truly was beautiful. I wanted to look away but I couldn't tear my eyes from her fragile, framed face.

"I understand," she sighed, taking my hand gently and leading me over to a bench where we could sit together. When we touched, sparks flew like they did from Pikachu. "For me, heartbreak is never-ending like the beloved water cycle."

"That can't be, you're so..." I trailed off, not able to find the words to say. My tears were long gone, Ash at the back of my mind. The girl in front of me seemed so flawless, I was only focused on her.

"Water you saying?" she asked, looking at me with furrowed brows. I met her gaze, reaching up to tenderly touch her cheek.

"You seem so perfect, no one would ever reject you," I sighed lovingly, not being afraid to show my emotions anymore like I was with Ash. She placed a hand over mine, looking back at me with just as much love and passion.

"Your name, what is it?" she asked, reaching out a holding my chin with her slender fingers.

"Serena," I said, and she smiled ever so slightly as I did.


"Misty, I-" I didn't even continue before going in for the kiss, but she stopped me.

"Wait, Serena, before we do this...I just want to make shore you really want to, that I'm not just a rebound," she said worriedly, and I placed a finger over her lips to shush her.

"Absolutely," I confirmed, pressing my lips against hers as we shared a heated kiss in front of multiple elders and children, not even caring who watched. After some time of breathless kissing and groping, we stood hand in hand before the doors to the outside, ready to take on the world together.

"Shall we?" I asked, looking over at the girl who I'd only met half an hour ago but I knew would be the love of my life.

"We shell."

(idek don't ask.

SO, for any of you who care, there is an update on this book and my updating schedule on my message board for all of you who like this book and are like why tf aren't you updating and who care alright yay okay bye ily <3)

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