Dawn x Paul // IkariShipping

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Paul's POV~

"Pauuul," Dawn whined.

"What?" I snapped, typing away on the computer.

"I'm bored," she pouted.

"It's a project," I rolled my eyes. "It's not supposed to be fun. Now get back to work on the poster board."

"Fine," the bluenette huffed, turning her back to me.

I turned in my chair to the computer in front of me, scrolling up and down the page. Dawn and I got paired up for a History report on great Unova heroes. Unfortunate luck.

It's not that I don't love Dawn, it's that she's a total airhead, and I always end up doing the whole project. At least she was being quiet now, though.

"Paul?" Dawn asked softly, and I mentally cursed at myself for jinxing it.

"Hm?" I said, starting on the fourth paragraph of 'our' report.

"Why do you get the spinny chair?" she pouted and I swirled it to her direction.

"You remember what happened last time you got to play on the spinny chair," I reminded and she frowned. "We don't want you in the hospital again."

"That was like five years ago!" She flailed, and I shook my head at her. "Whatever. I'll just go hack your Instagram!"

I ignored her comment and continue on the report. It's not like she could guess my passcode anyway. It was one of the four-number ones. She would probably get herself locked out for an hour before she could try again. But my eyes widened as I heard the sound of it unlocking.

"Awww," the coordinator cooed. "Isn't it cute how we both have four-letter names? So we can use them for each other's passcode?"

"Some coincidence," I grunted, blowing a stray strand of hair from my face.

"Yeah," she smirked. "Some coincidence my name just happening to be your passcode. Now, Instagram, away!"

"Not a chance, Troublesome," I said cooly, snatching the phone from her hands.

"Aw! Please?" She jumped for the device as I held it out of her reach.

"Nope," I retorted, popping the 'p'.

"Please," Dawn repeated, softer this time, tugging on the collar of my shirt a little. I gulped loudly.

"D-Dawn?" I spluttered, failing at attempting to stay smooth.

"Plllease?" she repeated, her other hand trailing down my chest and stopping to tug on my belt.

I couldn't even get words out to respond. She stood on her tiptoes to reach my height, resting against me for support. I just stuttered like mad as she leaned in closer. Her steady breathing was hot on my lips, making me forget about the matter at hand. The temptation was unbearable.

Just as I moved in to slam my lips against hers, she slid out of the way with a pleased smirk plastered on her face. She waved a phone in front of my face tauntingly, overjoyed with victory.

All I did was stare at her with disbelief. She played me? Oh, hell no. I was always the one in control.

"Dawn?" I clasped her hand gently, pulling her closer to me. Entwining our fingers, I tipped her chin up to look at me. A wide smile stretched across her face as she turned away from me.

"Don't even try it," she said calmly. "I'm the one in control for once."

But there was no way I was letting her get away with that. What could I do, though? I stared after her. It was risky, and it would scar her innocent little mind forever, but for revenge, I'll do it.

I grabbed her forearm with my hand, pushing her against the wall, but not enough to hurt her. I saw the fear in her eyes, and I wondered if I should carry through with the plan.

"Paul, I know you want to prove your in control, but-but-" She froze as I unbuttoned the top button of her shirt, pressing my lips to her neck and leaving a trail of hot kisses.

"What?" I slid my fingers along the bottom of her skirt, "Don't you think it's about time we did this?"

"N-No!" she squeaked softly.

"Hm," I said, bringing my head up and nibbling on her earlobe.

"Fine, Paul!" she gave in. "You win, you win! Just stop!"

"So you don't enjoy this?" I mumbled softly.

"I-I-I....yes?" she said nervously and I laughed, probably for the first time in awhile, kissing her cheek before turning her loose.

"Now, always remember that I'm the one in control here, okay?" I confirmed.

She nodded meekly, still phased by the past events. I swore at myself. I probably shouldn't have taken it that far. Not that I didn't enjoy it.

"At least I didn't like pounce on you," I smirked at her and her glare fixed itself on me.

"That would've been better than this!" She crossed her arms and huffed.

"Oh, really?" I raised a brow, immediately knowing we wouldn't be finishing our project any time soon.

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