Ash x Serena // AmourShipping

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Serena's POV~

"Stupid camp," I mumbled under my breath. "I didn't even want to come, and now I'm lost!"

Mom sent me to Kanto to attend Professor Oak's summer camp, much to my dismay. She claimed it would help me to understand pokemon more in preparation for when I get one. I was only seven, though- I still had three more years.

I pushed through leaves and branches, each one creating another rip in my pale pink dress. I exhaled loudly as the matching bow on my straw hat was torn, stomping my foot.

"Ugh!" I groaned, adjusting my hat. "I hate forests! I hate pokemon!"

I came to a small clearing just the size of a walk-in closet. A tree was rooted in the corner of the small space, and flowers bloomed across the field. Sighing, I slumped across the pretty scene, mumbling to myself.

"Arceus, I hate the world," I complained. "My friends are all having fun when I'm just try- waaah!"

My foot wedged under a tree root, causing me to stumble and fall. My knee skidded across the ground as I shrieked in pain. I sniffled back tears, limping to sit on the tree root I had previously tripped over. Glancing at my small knee, I winced.

"M-M..." I choked through watery eyes. "Mama!" I cried, clasping my knee with my hands.

I sobbed silently, not bothering to wipe the tears from my face. Continuously dabbing at my wound with my dress didn't help stop the blood flow, either.

"Anyone there?" someone asked.

I gasped, jerking my head in the direction of the voice. The speaker pushed back a tree branch, revealing himself. A young boy my age merged from the brush. His raven hair was styled in an odd fashion, while his chocolate brown eyes showed concern.

"You all right?" he asked, walking over to me.

"My knee," I pointed to the injury. "I fell."

"That's okay," he smiled. "I can fix it. I'm Ash!"

"Serena," I kindly replied.

"Okay, Serena, I think I might have something that will help," Ash answered.

Ash fumbled his hands in his pockets before grinning and pulling out a white handkerchief. He knelt down beside me, carefully pulling it around my knee. He tied a small bow around the bottom, looking satisfied with himself.

Ash suddenly stood up, singing loudly. He jumped around the small area, waving his hands and kicking the air. I mentally rolled my eyes, but just smiled weakly.

"Pain, pain, go away!" he sang.

"That's not going to work," I said truthfully. "It still hurts. I can't stand."

"Never give up until the end," he encouraged, reaching out a hand for me to take. I pondered over the words before accepting his hand.

Ash pulled me up, trying his best to not let my knee feel any pressure. I stumbled, wincing and falling into his arms. I blushed instantly, scooting away.

"You stood!" he laughed. "Just take it easy and let me walk with you."

I clasped onto Ash's hand tightly, limping behind him as he led the way. Pain shot through me with every step, but Ash's presence seemed to make it fade.

"Everyone should be back at camp by now," the raven-haired boy explained. "You missed a great lesson about Water types."

"Good," I grunted, and he huffed.

"You don't seem to be having much fun," He turned to lead once again.

"I'm not," I retorted. "I don't even like pokemon!"

"Learn to," Ash stated. "I did."

"You didn't like pokemon at first, either?" I questioned him. He shook his head.

"I was scared of them. But then we got a Mr. Mime," he sighed happily. "We have so much fun together, too. He takes care of me and cleans the house- he does more work than my mama! Now I want to be a Pokemon Master."

"I'm not sure what I want to do," I whispered to myself, but Ash heard anyway.

"Don't fret it," he glanced over at me. "You still have three more years, and there's plenty of options. Rangers, trainers, breeders, coordinators."

"All those?" I was shocked.

"And more," he chuckled.

"Ah, Ash! Serena!" Professor Oak greeted us. "We were looking all over for you! We're just about to start on contest combinations."

"" I grinned genuinely, now able to walk on my own.

We all gathered in front of a stage with two people in their late teens in the center. The green-haired boy released a Roserade and Absol, while the brunette girl let out her Blaziken and Munchlax.

"Are you all excited?" the girl giggled happily. She was giddy with excitement, but her partner really didn't look like he wanted to be here.

"Yeah!" the crowd cheered. Maybe this camp wouldn't be so bad after all.

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