Hilda x N // FerrisWheelShipping

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Hilda's POV~

I wandered through the streets of Nimbassa in search of something to do. Hilbert was off to challenge the Battle Subway, leaving me unoccupied.

I passed by several events currently in action at the small theme park next to the gym, but I wasn't in the mood for something so...exciting. No roller coasters, battles, or pokemon musicals appealed to me.

I sighed, kicking a small pebble that lay in front of me. I needed to relax and take a break from all the gym battles and traveling.

My shoulders slumped, and I dragged my feet to the nearest bench. Flopping down, I rested my head on the back of the bench and closed my eyes. I sighed once more and let my thoughts roam freely around my head.

"Something bothering you?" a deep voice asked.

I flinched, shocked by the sudden voice, and turned to the person next to me. Pale skin, forest green eyes, and green eyebrows that furrowed together. The thing that stood out most about him was his long unnaturally colored hair. He seemed vaguely familiar, but I couldn't quite tell why.

"Hm?" I asked, tilting my head up. "Oh, no, nothing of your concern."

"That's quite all right. It doesn't trouble me at all," he replied, nodding his head.

"Just bored," I sighed. "Well, not really. I've been just the opposite the past few days. Busy with traveling and gym bat-" I started, but was cut off.

"Gym battles?" The boy seemed shocked and angry. "You force innocent pokemon to fight against one another for your everlasting pleasure? How cruel!"

"Oh, no, but it's not like that! My pokemon are my friends!" I waved my arms in the air and shook my head rapidly.

"Prove it," the green-haired male commanded. "Let me hear the voices of your pokemon!"

He reached for a pokeball on his belt, and the battle began.


"Your pokemon seem to like you." The boy nodded, returning his fainted Zorua. "They enjoy having you as a trainer."

"Thanks?" I replied, returning my pokemon as well.

"Indeed. Say, what was your name?" He asked.

"Hilda. And yours?"

"N," he said simply.

"N?" I cocked my head. "Does that stand for something?" He shook his head in response.

"Oh, Hilda, there's a Ferris wheel a few minutes away from here. Care to join me?" he asked. I giggled, nodding.

We stood in the endless line, waiting for our turn until someone grabbed my wrist.

"Hilda! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Hilbert exclaimed, out of breath. I looked at N apologetically only to have him grin back.

"Did you beat the Subway Bosses?" I asked.

"T-That's none of your business!" he stuttered, blushing a bit.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "I was just about to ride the Ferris wheel with-"

"Hey! We gotta go! Say good bye to Greenie over here and let's get a move on!" Hilbert rushed.

I smiled back at N and he waved before I set off with Hilbert. I wondered if I would ever see him again...

Then realization struck me. That's why he seemed so familiar!

"Ghetsis..." I whispered. "He looks like Ghetsis..."

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