Mallow x Kiawe // SpiceShipping

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Mallow's POV~

"Like this?" Kiawe asked as he tried to sew the flowers together with grass. 

The flower crown fell apart in his hands, and he laid back in the grass, defeated. I giggled, plucking some more pink flowers for my own crown and twisting them together.

"No," I answered, and he groaned. Kiawe stretched out in the grass, eyes closed as his face tilted towards the sun. I took the opportunity to admire his flexed arms as he did so. This boy never put a shirt on, not that I was complaining. 

"You're better at this stuff than I am, Mal," he answered, sitting up when I instructed him to, eyes still closed. "I think I'm a lost cause."

I placed my finished flower crown on top of his head, and he opened one eye to look at me as I did so. I offered a 'ta-da' with jazz hands, but he seemed unimpressed.

"I look dumb," he said, even though he couldn't see himself. He reached up to pull the flower crown off his head, but I swatted his hand away.

"You look cute," I corrected, and the blush on his face was evident. I tilted my head at him as he cleared his throat.

"You look cute," he laughed nervously, refusing to meet my gaze. My mouth fell open a bit, but I didn't know what to say. We sat in silence for a few moments before he continued, "I think you're cute, I mean. I think you're beautiful, actually."

"Oh," I breathed out, and that's all I could say. Kiawe rubbed the back of his neck, offering a sheepish grin that made me smile. "I think that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me, Kiawe."

"Yeah?" he half-smiled, resting his hands behind him and leaning back. "I bet I could top that."

"What do you mean?" I asked, a smile still on my face.

"You're an amazing chef," he said eagerly, counting the list off on his fingers as he continued. "You're the most caring person I know. You're a very talented trainer. You just make everyone around you so happy. You-"

"Okay, okay!" I stopped him, a blush on my cheeks and grin on my lips. "Where'd all that come from?"

"Was that too much?" he asked worriedly, and I quickly shook my head. No, it was not too much, but there's only so much a girl can take at once from her long-time crush. How did he come up with all of these on the spot? It was like he was waiting for an opportunity to say them.

"Do you really feel that way about me?" I wasn't really sure what I was asking. Surely Kiawe didn't mean all of that, and surely he didn't feel the same way I did. 

"Of course, Mal," he said, and I could tell he was starting to get nervous again, like he should've just laid back down in the grass and said nothing. "You're perfect, really."

I beamed at him, placing a hand on his shoulder and pressing a smiling kiss to his cheek. His skin was hot to the touch, warm like I always thought it would be.

We went back to work after that, making flower crowns and bracelets and necklaces and decorating each other in our creations. I showed him how to properly twist and sew the grass, and his were sloppy, but they held up. By the end of it, we were laughing and brushing hands and stealing kisses and was this really happening? It felt like a dream.

"What took you so long?" I asked after parting from yet another kiss, and he knew what I meant, I could tell.

"I just didn't want to ruin what we had," he admitted, shrugging with one shoulder and looking away. "But I thought you had been giving me signs lately, I don't know. Like you kept dropping your pencil by my desk in class so I'd pick it up, and you've been asking to hang out more often. And you've been wearing makeup. I've never seen you wear makeup, Mal." I blushed, not realizing how obvious I had been.

"I thought I was being subtle," I said seriously, and he couldn't help but laugh. He reached out, wrapping his arms around my tightly and pulling me to his chest. We laid in the grass with smiling faces, heads adorned in flower crowns while we looked up at the sky.

We made pictures in the clouds, watching them slowly roll by with the bird Pokémon. We must've laid there for half an hour just holding hands and talking before the first one of them arrived. 

"Comfey," I said when I spotted one, sitting up. It twirled in the wind, heading in our direction, mewling its name in a mantra as it did so.

It danced over, happy as can be, and it placed itself atop my head. Kiawe blushed heavily at the sight, and another Comfey startled him as it wrapped around his head as well. Dozens of the Pokémon followed, circling us and dancing as we kissed. It was a beautiful sight to behold. I'd never seen so many Comfey in one place.

"You have a way with Pokémon, too," Kiawe said when we pulled apart. "It's like they're drawn to you. Did I forget to say that earlier?"

My heart swelled, and I just kissed him again. This was a dream, I decided, but when Kiawe laced his fingers with mine, I knew I wouldn't be waking up any time soon.

A/N: sorry if they were OOC! i haven't seen the anime! but i love these two.

happy thanksgiving ! <3

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