Dawn x Zoey // AppealShipping

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Zoey's POV~

"Maybe you should just keep it like this," Dawn suggested, taking a step back to admire her work with a playful grin on her face.

I turned my head to look at myself in the mirror, huffing out a laugh when I saw my bleached hair, towel over my shoulders. I turned back to my roommate, shaking my head with a smile still on my lips.

"I don't think so," I said, and Dawn gave me a 'fine, fine' before turning around to dig through our grocery bags for the red hair dye. I let my eyes wander while she had her back turned, raking over her smooth, exposed legs and long blue hair tied up in a ponytail. Pretty, I thought, and my eyes snapped up to meet hers when she turned back to face me, box dye in hand. She walked behind me, placing her hands on my shoulders and pushing me to sit down in the chair in front of the mirror. I met her gaze in the mirror, and she gave me a smile while she put on plastic gloves before squeezing some dye on her hand.

"I could totally just drop out of college and go to cosmetology school, you think?" she pondered, starting to comb the dye through my short hair, and I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not. I hoped she was. I don't think I could make it through the next two years of college if she weren't here with me. "I'd be a good hairdresser. Just, make people pretty and talk a lot. I've already got the second half covered." She winked at me in the mirror.

"You definitely do," I agreed. "Just start talking about boys, and the hour will fly by." Dawn snorted, rolling her eyes.

"That is not true," she said in her defense, and I raised a brow in disbelief. "What? I haven't even dated that many guys." At that, I laughed, and Dawn huffed, puffing her cheeks out.

"Are you serious, Dawn?" I said, and nodded her head as she squeezed out more dye. "Okay, there was Barry, remember? Ash, Paul, Lucas, Kenny, that creep Conway." I counted them on my fingers as I listed them. "And that was just in the last year."

"Okay, but they weren't even real relationships," she claimed, blushing in embarrassment, and we both knew that wasn't true. She was heartbroken after her breakups with both Paul and Ash, and I was the one to comfort her. I always was. "I mean, maybe they were, but after it was all said and done, none of them really meant anything. And don't bring up Conway. I don't know what I was thinking." Neither did I.

"I'm just saying," I said, shrugging.

"Stop shaming me," she pouted.

"I'm not," I said, trying to not spit out you belong with me right then and there. "Maybe you need a change of pace."

"Really," she deadpanned, giving me an unimpressed look in the mirror. 

"Yeah, like, I don't know," I started, looking down. "Maybe date a friend, someone who really cares about you, instead of some random guy you meet at a party."

"Like who?" she asked innocently, and I knew she wasn't thinking of me.

"Like me," I suggested, and I tried to stay cool and collected, but I was panicking on the inside. I hoped she couldn't hear my heart pounding in my chest. I tried to convince myself it wasn't a big deal, she either says yes or no and we can move on from there, but that was easier said than done. Her hands stopped combing dye through my hair for a moment before slowly starting up again, and we sat in silence for a few minutes while she finished applying the dye. My cat made an appearance, meowing up at me as she pressed against my leg, and I reached down to scratch her head.

"I don't know what to say," Dawn admitted, breaking the silence. I didn't really blame her. I just hoped I didn't mess things up. "I just- I've never really thought about it, Zo."

"Then think about it," I replied, standing up and avoiding her gaze. "I'm going to rinse this out."

With that, I stepped into our bathroom, even though I needed to let the dye sit for ten more minutes. I turned on the shower and then sat on the closed toilet seat, my chin resting on my hands and tears pricking my eyes. I blinked them away. Snap out of it, Zoey. Still, I couldn't help but worry that Dawn wouldn't be there when I got out. I groaned, covering my face with my hands.

I stepped into the shower after ten long minutes, watching the water turned red as it washed over me. I hoped she wouldn't leave. I hoped things wouldn't change. Well, I hoped that they would, just in a now-we-kiss-and-cuddle way and not a now-we-never-speak-to-each-other way.

But when I walked back into our shared room, Dawn was still standing there, and she was still smiling at me, and things didn't change.

Things didn't change, except now our hands would occasionally brush together. Things didn't change, except now I would look up to find her staring at me more often. Things didn't change, except now our friendship had started to become something more, and we were starting to fall in love.

Really, things did change a little, but only for the better.

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