Ash x Dawn // PearlShipping

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Ash's POV~

"Say it!" I laughed, digging my fingers into Dawn's sides as she squirmed and giggled beneath me.

"S-Stop!" she gasped out in between laughs. I refused, continuing to tickle the blunette beneath me.

"Not until you say it," I said smugly, smirking down at her.

"Fine, fine!" she gave in, and I leaned back, still straddling her waist. She sighed, smiling and closing her eyes.

"Ash Ketchum is the sexiest man alive, and I am the luckiest girl in the world," she said, and I placed my hand over my heart.

"That's so sweet, Dawn!" I awed, leaning down and pecking her lips. "But I don't think that's all, unless you want to be tickled again-"

"I don't!" she sighed, rolling her eyes. "And Paul is an arrogant douche with an ego bigger than Barry's hair."

"Thank you," I chimed, rolling off of my girlfriend and falling next to her on the bed. "I'm glad you think so."

"I wish you could be here more often," she said suddenly, and I looked over at her staring at the ceiling. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, love," I said, leaning over and placing a kiss to her cheek before wrapping my arms around her. "I'm just so busy."

"You are the Champion of Kanto and all," she laughed half-heartedly, not bothering to hide the frown on her face. "It's just hard being in a long distance relationship is all. We're regions apart."

"We've made it this long," I shrugged. "Shouldn't that say something?"

"It does say something," she replied in a hushed voice. She turned to look at me with a blush dusted on her cheeks, and she opened her mouth hesitantly. "I love you, Ash."

Ocean blue eyes stared into mine, and my girlfriend gulped nervously. I reached out and placed a hand on her cheek, the pad of my thumb stroking her soft skin lightly. I gave her a reassuring smile before kissing her lips slowly.

"Come to Kanto with me," I said firmly. Dawn's eyes widened, and she shook her head slightly.

"I can't," she said.

"Why not?" I asked. "We'll have each other, and we'll be with each other. We can come to visit in Sinnoh whenever we want."

Dawn closed her eyes to think about it, and many minutes passed. I'd started to think she'd fallen asleep before she whispered softly.

"I'll go."

I smiled widely, sitting up and straddling her. She giggled as I placed kisses all over her face and finally a long, loving one on her lips.

"You're amazing," I told her, our noses brushing together lightly.

"I know," she said, chuckling. "I'm nervous about it all, though."

"No need to worry, eh?" I teased her, winking as she shot me a glare.

"Shut it, Ash," she shot back, pushing me off of her playfully. I wrapped my arms around her in response, pulling her close and resting her head on my chest. I stroked her slickly blue hair softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

I couldn't wait to start a life with her. I'd always go back home to the people I love most: my mom, Misty, Gary, Brock, and Professor Oak. I always knew someone was missing, though, and this was going to fill the empty hole in my heart that'd been there for so long.

I smiled down at the beautiful girl in my arms as she snored lightly while snuggled into me. I tightened my grip on her, closing my eyes and resting my chin on her head before whispering softly,

"I love you too, Dawn."

(A/N: I'm gonna do an Ask the Author for the next chapter if I get enough questions commented on this paragraph, so comment!! I wanna do one, but if you guys don't, then I won't (: hope you enjoyed this oneshot,

-Anna x)

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