Dawn x Barry // TwinleafShipping

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Dawn's POV~

"I'm the champion," I said quietly to myself. Everything still felt surreal. Cynthia had left several minutes ago to give me some time alone with my Pokémon. I was grateful. 

"I'm the champion." A shiver ran up my spine as I said it again. My heart was pulled in several different directions. It fluttered with glee and excitement. It swelled knowing I had reached my life-long goal. It ached when I thought of how badly I beat Barry in our last battle before the league. This was his dream, too, and I could see he had already lost hope before he had challenged the first of the Elite Four. He came in after I did, and he hadn't made it here yet. By this point, if he were to have beaten all of the Elite Four, he would've.

I wondered what was next. I couldn't just go home to Twinleaf with Barry. Would he even be headed home? A frown tugged at my lips at the thought. What were his plans now? Our journey ends here. What if his next one doesn't include...me?

I can't leave Sinnoh, I thought. I'm the champion now.

But what if Barry went to another region?

That was to be expected, really. He was probably already planning it right now. He never takes a second to just, breathe. 

I shook my head. This was supposed to be the happiest moment of my life. This was the happiest moment of my life. I straightened my back, rolled my shoulders, and marched toward the exit.

I'm the champion. It echoed over and over in my mind. I flung the doors open to the Pokémon League entrance, and there was one person waiting for me.

"Barry?" I squeaked. His head jerked up, and he immediately stood up, eyes wide in anticipation.

"Dawn!" he exclaimed, pointing straight at me with his right hand. "Did you do it? Are you-"

"I'm the champion," I breathed out. It didn't come out as confidently as it had before, like I didn't believe it, or like I shouldn't be saying it to Barry. I felt guilty, even more so as Barry's hand slowly fell to his side and his mouth fell open.

Barry bolted towards me, and I didn't have time to react before I was wrapped in his arms. He cradled my head in one hand, pushing it into his shoulder as he laughed. I looped my arms tightly around his neck, letting myself laugh as happy tears began to fall. Barry moved his hands to my waist, hoisting me up and spinning me in a circle and this was the happiest day of my life.

"I knew you could do it, Dawn!" he said, still holding me tight. "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" 

He pulled back, both of us laughing still as he cupped my face in his hands, my hands gripping his bent elbows. He wiped away my tears with his thumbs, his laughter fading into a wide grin.

I don't know what overcame me. Maybe I got caught up in the moment, or I wasn't thinking, or my heart was doing my thinking for me, because I kissed Barry right then and there. I leaned forward and planted a kiss firmly on his lips, not even caring if he kissed me back. I just became the champion, and I felt like I could do anything in the world. When I pulled back, I didn't look to see his reaction, my eyes falling to the floor as I took a deep breath and let my words spill out.

"Barry, I'm sorry," I said, my eyes shyly meeting his. His face was red and his jaw slack, but I didn't know if that was a good sign. "Not for kissing you. I'm not sorry about that. I've wanted to do that since we were, like, six." Maybe I shouldn't have said that. "I'm sorry you didn't get to make your dream come true. We both wanted this so badly, and I just-"

He cut me off with another kiss, firm and confident, and I melted into it with half-lidded eyes and slumped shoulders. I felt lightheaded. This was a lot for one day. I was pretty sure I was dreaming, but Barry's hands came to rest on my hips, and no, this was definitely not a dream.

We kissed and we kissed and we kissed until I forgot where I was or what I was saying. Barry eventually pulled away, and my lips followed his, not wanting to let go. He grabbed my cheeks, smushing them together slightly and meeting my eyes with a determined gaze.

"Dawn," is all he said after a few moments, and I blinked, waiting for him to continue. He sighed, letting go of my cheeks, and smiling a small smile. "It was always going to be you." I blinked again, and again, and he chuckled. "I knew it then, and I know it now. And I wouldn't change it."

He pulled my head to his chest, wrapping his arms around me once more. I could hear his heart beating. It made mine start to beat faster. 

I had never felt as close to Barry, in all the years we'd known each other, as I did right now. He was always in a rush, never slowing down enough for a tender moment for us to share. I closed my eyes, treasuring the moment.

For right now, it didn't matter what the future held. I didn't know where Barry was headed, and I didn't know what was in store for me. All I knew is I had him right now, and every part of me knew I was going to have him forever.

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