Kenny x Dawn // PenguinShipping

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Kenny's POV~

Watching her with the wrong guy...

I couldn't take it anymore.

Seeing her so happy made me so sad. Her beautiful laughter every time he made a joke, the way her eyes sparkled when he said her name, the way she would blush when he complimented her.

Why couldn't I be the one to make her laugh, to make her blue eyes light up, to make her blush? I needed her in my life more than anything else, and I was determined to make her mine. I was going to make that happen, and that purple-haired jerk wasn't going to get in the way.

"Dawn," I said, confronting her with a grin. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks," she replied quietly, forcing a smile. She held up her ribbon, but I could see the sadness in her eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked. She brushed my question off with a chuckle.

"What?" She tilted her head to the side, wearing a fake grin. "I'm fine, more than fine! I just won a contest!"

"Tell me the truth," I demanded, tilting her chin up so that she looked straight into my eyes. She blushed at the contact, but didn't reject it. A single tear slipped from one of her eyes.

"P-Paul," she stuttered, her lower lip quivering. "He broke up... with m-me.."

A sob escaped the bluenette's lips, and she threw herself into my arms, soaking my shirt with her tears. I rubbed her back comfortingly and rested my chin on her head, closing my eyes.

"It's okay," I assured. "Stop crying, please. I hate to see you like this."

"I thought he was the one," she whimpered, calming down a bit. "It was true love! I was the girl that brought out the good in his black heart..."

"He was so stupid to let you go," I said truthfully, gently kissing her silky hair. I took a deep breath as she looked up at me. "Dawn, I need to get this off of my chest. I'm hopelessly in lo-"

"You're a great friend, Kenny," she cut me off, hugging me once more.


"Wait, no, but I want to be more than frie-"

"Oh, geez, I was supposed to meet up with May!" she exclaimed, looking down at her watch. The coordinator sighed, giving me a sad smile. "I feel a lot better, and it's all thanks to you, Kenny. I couldn't ask for a better friend."

Then, she just skipped out the door, leaving me behind, speechless. The cold, hard truth hit me like a slap across the face: I'd been friend-zoned.

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